
美 [ˈseɪkrəd]英 [ˈseɪkrɪd]
  • adj.上帝的;神的;神圣的;受尊重的
  • 网络宗教的;庄严的;圣域

sacred place,sacred principle


1.上帝的;神的;神圣的connected with God or a god; considered to be holy

2.受尊重的;受崇敬的very important and treated with great respect


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... cramped a. 拥挤的 sacred a. 神圣的 disordered a. 混乱的 ...


高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山脉 sacred adj. 神圣的;宗教的 Sherpa n. 夏尔巴人 ...


巴黎圣母院介绍英文版 ... gargoyle n. 怪兽状的滴水嘴 sacred a. 庄严的,神圣的 Notre Dame de Paris n. 巴黎圣母院 ...


仁爱英语八年级下册单词_百度文库 ... beginning 开始,开端,起点 △ sacred 神的;神圣的 survey 勘测;查看;调查;测验 ...


四级单词逆序词表_百度文库 ... red a. 红色的 n.红色 sacred a. 上帝的;神圣的 hundred num. 百,百个 ...


圣域2:堕天使(Sacred 2: Fallen Angel)发生在圣域Sacred)的二千年前--T能量仍然活跃的时代。很多耳熟能详的事件 …

He was like a cat, if I may put it this way, whom you live with for years but who never allows you to get under his sacred skin. 他像只猫,如果我可以这样说的话,你和他生活了多年但绝对不会允许你令他不开心。
All of these groups had in common a well-developed urban civilization with a strong ideology of sacred kingship. 所有的这些组织有共同发达的和神圣的王权强大思想城市文明。
By allowing the sacred mystery to unfold without trying to tamper with it, we can move through anything with much more ease and simplicity. 让恐惧的迷雾散开,不要去干预,这样的话,度过任何事情我们就能带着多的多的从容和简单。
This transformation is to take place in an equally sacred space, the crystal cities of Agartha. 这个转变同样将在一个神圣的地方发生,那就是阿加森水晶城市的上方。
Under this, politics, economy and the diplomacy of the USA are covered with sacred religious coat frequently, with a strong religious color. 在这种思想的指导下,美国的政治、经济与外交经常披着神圣的宗教外衣,带有浓郁的宗教色彩。
They just hold firmly the book in pretentious cultural style and regard it as sacred thing as if it were famous movie star. 他们只是附庸风雅地死抱着那本书,像崇拜明星似的将之视为圣品。
He was the priest who beholds all his sacred wafers cast to the winds, the fakir who beholds a passer-by spit upon his idol. 他好象是个望着别人把圣饼满地乱扔的神甫,是个看见过路人在他偶像身上吐唾沫的僧人。
Proverbs, like the sacred books of each nation, are the sanctuary of the intuitions---Douglas William Jerrold, English dramatist. 谚语就像每个民族神圣的书籍一样,是直觉的殿堂---道格拉斯。威廉。杰罗德,英国剧作家。
They made the plate, the sacred diadem, out of pure gold and engraved on it, like an inscription on a seal: HOLY TO THE LORD . 他用精金作圣冠上的牌,在上面按刻图书之法,刻着『归耶和华为圣』。
It is Angelic, and you Dear Ones are feeling the frequency of our nature. . . of your source nature in Angelic Beingness of Sacred Light. 这即是天国,并且你们这些亲爱的存有们正在感受这来自我们纯然存在的频率…也是你们自然的源头,在神圣之光的天使存在之中。
I said: "Is nothing sacred? It's Sunday morning, I'm in the middle of nowhere, and I can't get away from this Mustang mania! " 我说:“是不是没有什么东西属于不可侵犯的了?星期天早上,不知身在何处,还摆脱不了这种野马狂!”
I do not know how you observe guest right on your mountain, ser. In the north we hold it sacred. Wun Wun is a guest here. 我不知道你们国王岭怎么看待宾客权利,爵士。在北方我们相信它是神圣不可侵犯的。旺·旺是我们的宾客。
Entrenched in the dark side, Vader marched to the temple with a column of loyal clone troopers, gutting the sacred edifice from within. 深陷黑暗面的维德带着一队忠诚的克隆人士兵向圣殿进军,从内部血洗这座神圣的建筑。
She is the goddess of marriage. The peacock was sacred to her and she is often depicted with a peacock somewhere near her. 她是婚姻之神,孔雀是她的圣物,她常被描绘成身边伴随着孔雀。
We come to facilitate all this and to ensure that this next step happens at the moment specified by Lord Surea and Heaven's sacred decrees. 我们来到这里,引导事情的顺利进行,并确保下一步将在由天主Surea和天堂神圣法令指定的时刻准时发生。
No one would have dared to intrude upon the privacy of his home, or to molest him in his sacred retreat of sorrow. 没人胆敢干扰他家的清静,或骚扰他神圣的忧伤避难所。
Please do not trample on the grass at the foot of you, because like you, it is there that the sacred mission of a green environment. 请不要践踏您脚下的青草,因为,它和你一样,是都有这绿化环境的神圣使命。
They might have torn out his nails before one of the two sacred syllables of which that ineffable name, Cosette, was composed. 他宁肯让人家拔掉他的指甲,也不会说出构成珂赛特这个不当泄露的神圣名字的那三个音节中的一个。
Morning Star at once knew from her face what had happened, and he said, "You have pulled up the sacred turnip. " 从她的脸上的表情,启明星马上就知道发生了什么事,他说,“你拔出了那个神圣的萝卜。”
Do not use quotation marks for referring to the Bible or other sacred texts or to legal documents. 在谈及《圣经》或其他宗教的文献或者法律单证时不要用引号。
Since the enlightenment thinkers raised natural rights, the people have the right to the sacred nature of the doubt. 自从启蒙思想家提出天赋人权以来,人的权利就有了不容置疑的神圣性质。
As delineated by Mr. Daly, it was true to the most sacred traditions of melodrama as he found it when he began his career. 正像剧作家戴利先生描述的那样,这个戏符合通俗剧的最神圣的传统,这些传统从他当剧作家起就没有变过。
In Tibet , Losar is considered to be a very sacred occasion and a special opportunity to make an auspicious beginning for the year ahead. 在西藏,新年被认为是个非常神圣的日子和特殊的机会为即将来临的一年创造吉祥的开始。
The only solution to preserving the sacred distraction-free status of your workplace might be to shift it to somewhere else. 这时,捍卫你办公室神圣的独立自由的地位的唯一方法可能就是把它转移到别的地方去。
The authoritarian State has made it a principle that private property is no longer sacred. 政府的权威使得私人财产并非神圣不可侵犯成为原则。
Apollo was very sad, but he said that the laurel would be his sacred tree and he would wear the leaves on his head as his crown . 阿波罗很伤心,宣布说要将月桂当作自己的圣树,他将永远头戴月桂冠。
He must not insist on "rights" and must not behave as if his private property rights were still sacred. 他不能再坚持“权利”,也不能表现得像他们的财产权依旧不可侵犯那样。
In the middle of the lake (between the "sun" and the "moon" ) is an island which has long been a sacred place for the Shao people. 中间的湖(之间的“太阳”和“月亮”)是一个岛屿一直是神圣的地方为少人。
The oratorio is not staged like an opera, but oratorios, even sacred ones like Messiah, have been heavily influenced by opera. 清唱剧并不像歌剧一样,但是,像神圣的《弥赛亚》一样的清唱剧,深受歌剧的影响。
In some respects she was a little bit of a moral imbecile, in that nothing was sacred. 她在不少事情上都缺少一种道德观,在她的眼里,没有一样东西是神圣的。