
美 [ˈsæn(d)wɪtʃ]英 [ˈsæn(d)wɪdʒ]
  • n.三明治;夹心面包片;夹心蛋糕
  • v.把…夹[挤]在(两层[者])中间;将…做成三明治
  • 网络三文治;桑德威奇;夹层

复数:sandwiches 现在分词:sandwiching 过去式:sandwiched

make sandwich,eat sandwich


n. v.

1.夹心面包片;三明治two slices of bread, often spread with butter, with a layer of meat, cheese, etc. between them


八年级上册英语单词 ... add 加、增加、加添 sandwich 三明治 bread 面包 ...


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... reporter 记者 sandwich 三文治 beefsteak 牛扒 ...


世界港口查询 ... 497 San Tome 圣多美 巴西 南美 499 Sandwich 桑德威奇 英国 欧洲 500 Santa Cruz 圣克鲁斯 加那利群岛 西 …


德语机械专业词汇_百度知道 ... Decklage 保护层,覆盖层 Sandwich 夹层(结构);多层(结构) abgewandet adj. 背离的, …


人教版•八年级英语词汇表(上册) 附音标 - 豆丁网 ... add 增加,添加,加 sandwich 夹心面包,三明治 bread 面包 ...


江苏译林牛津小学3A-6B英语单词表 ... running race 赛跑 (6A3) sandwich 三明治,夹心面包片 (3B8) sat sit 的过去式 (6A7) ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... sample n. 样品,标本v.体验 sandwich n. 夹肉面包 v.夹入 satisfaction n. 满足;赔偿 ...


常用英语单词 ... pancake / 5pAnkeik/ 薄煎饼 sandwich / 5sAnwidV/ 三明治,夹肉面包 tea / ti:/ 茶 ...

Knowing that this was the chance, he packed the sandwich and headed acrossed the fields towards the house with the golden windows. 他知道这是不可多得的机会,就赶紧装上了几块三明治,穿过了片片田野,向着有金色窗户的房子走去。
"I would have loved it just as much if it was a PB and J sandwich , " she says. 她说:“如果是PB和J三明治,我同样可能已经喜欢上它了。”
Jane, one of the waitresses, brought him a menu. He looked at it briefly, then ordered coffee and a sandwich. 简是其中的一位女招待员,给了他一份菜单。他草草地看了一下,然后点了咖啡和一份三明治。
The front of the PDA features a Power button as well as a pod where the Date Book and Address buttons sandwich the up and down buttons. 这个咚咚的前面板包括一个电源键以及日程表和地址簿的按键和上下键。
The father was terrified that the heart had not been cooked, that the sandwich was inedible, and he quickly wrapped the sandwich up again. 父亲惊恐不已,这颗心没有被做熟,三明治不能食用,他很块又把三明治包起来。
Or snaffle a sandwich while sending a few personal emails and checking the price of a week in Istanbul? 或者一边发着私人邮件并且点击着伊斯坦布尔一周游的价格,一边吞下一个三明治?
So he made meal of two pieces of bread with meat in the middle. And this later is called sandwich. 如是他他就在两块面包间夹些肉作为午餐,这就是后来人们所说的三明治。
Beside the sandwich was a note telling me that she could not be there and that I was to eat the sandwich and then lock her door when I left. 旁边放着一张纸条,告诉我她那天不在家,让我吃了那块三明治,走时关好她家的门。
You can put everything you want inside a sandwich. They are easy to clean-up after, nutritious and come in hundreds of different kinds. 你可以在三明治里面加入你想加的任何东西。吃完后很容易清理,又有营养,而且有成百上千种做法。
A morning egg sandwich here, an afternoon bag of chips there. . . before you know it, you've spent $20 or more a week. 这里早晨一个鸡蛋三明治,那里一包午后薯片…还没回过神,一个礼拜就多花了20美元。
With lunch meat, it's easy to throw together a quick sandwich to take to work, but is eating lunch meat too unhealthy? 用午餐肉可以非常方便地做一份简易三明治带去工作,但这种做法是不是非常不益身体健康呢?
But as for the local sandwich shop, it seems like this could be a bit more trouble than it's worth. 不过对于一家本地三明治店来说,似乎它会造成的麻烦比效益更多些。
In recent years, PET foams have been able to secure an established place among the core materials for sandwich constructions. 近十年,聚酯(PET)泡沫在夹心结构的芯材中占据了重要地位。
This diet is useless because it's just as easy to make your own sandwich and take a walk. 这个减肥法是没用的,因为这就和你自己制作一个三明治和出去散步一样简单。
Lunch might be a sandwich ordered and delivered to the office or it could require a nice restaurant if a client needs to be entertained. 午餐可能是预订和快递一个三明治并送到到办公室或当要款待客户的时候可能会要求一个不错的餐厅。
Suddenly he stood up, shoved his sandwich and newspaper into his pocket and ran out of the door really quickly, without paying for the meal. 突然间他站了起来,把三明治和报纸塞进了他的口袋里,很快地跑出了大门,就连餐费也没有付。
Intending to save some for a sandwich the next day, she asked the waiter to put it into a doggie bag. 她想留下一些明天做三明治吃,就请服务员把它放在狗食袋里。
He disappears into a crowd on Broadway and I head to a sandwich shop, looking for a bite to eat. 他消失在百老汇的人流中,而我转身走向一家三明治店,随便吃点东西。
Add a bit of avocado to a sandwich or spinach salad to up the amount of heart-healthy fats in your diet. 在你的三明治或者菠菜沙拉中加一点鳄梨可以增加你食谱中对心脏有好处的脂肪酸。
What Marla lifts out of the package, it's one of those sandwich bags of white stuff that Tyler rendered for tallow to make soap. 马拉从包裹里拿出的袋子,就是那种装着白色物质的三明治袋子,就是泰勒用来做肥皂的那玩意儿。
He took a bite out of his sandwich and was about to have some coffee when his cell phone rang. 他咬了一口三明治,当要喝几口咖啡的时候,他的手机响了。
If it's not half of a whole sandwich, it's just a small sandwich. 如果不是整个三明治的一半那就是小三明治了。
'My mother's sweet nature made up for her inability to cook, or even make a sandwich. 妈妈温顺的性情弥补了她不会做菜这个缺陷,她连三明治都不会做
Ping told her story, often through tears that clouded her thick spectacles, with her daughter, now three, eating a sandwich on her knee. 刘平在讲述的时候,眼泪打湿了厚厚的眼镜,她3岁的女儿坐在她的腿上吃三明治。
She was surprised to see that she was even fatter than before and that she was eating a huge sandwich with chocolate cake and ice-cream. 她很惊讶看到,她甚至比以前还要肥,而且她居然正在享用一个巨大的夹心巧克力蛋糕和冰淇淋!
A woman police constable came in with a cup of tea and a very thick cheese sandwich. 手端一杯茶和一块厚厚的奶酪三明治走了起来。
When Jess she saw his sandwich board she told him to take it off and eventually she gave him one more chance, allowing him home. 而当乔的女友杰斯看到他的忏悔牌时,赶紧让他取了下来,并且最终同意给他一次机会,允许他回家。
If your submarine sandwich was as big as its name, the pickle would be as big as a life raft! 如果潜水艇三明治真的像一艘潜水艇那么大,那么泡菜可能真的和救生筏一样大了!
Sorry to have kept you waiting. Lemon tea, please. I'll bring the sandwich right now. Just a moment, please. 抱歉,使你久等了,这是你要的柠檬茶,我马上就把三明治拿来,请等一会儿。
He finished the sandwich, and, taking a flask of whiskey from his pocket, he took a short drought. Then he returned the flask to his pocket. 三明治吃完了,他从衣袋里掏出了一瓶威士忌,少喝了一点就又装了起来。