
美 [seɪn]英 [seɪn]
  • adj.精神健全的;神志正常的;明智的;理智的
  • 网络Scanner Access Now Easy;心智健全的;神志清醒的

比较级:saner 最高级:sanest

sane person


1.精神健全的;神志正常的having a normal healthy mind; not mentally ill

2.明智的;理智的;合乎情理的sensible and reasonable


2011考研英语新增大纲词汇 - 豆丁网 ... sanction n. 国际制裁 sane adj. 神志清楚的,明智的 sarcastic a. 讽刺的 ...


英语单语词根、前缀、后缀总表 ... sanguine 乐观的 sane 健全的 sarcasm 讽刺 ...


张红岩TOEFL ... sample n. 范例,样品 sane adj. 理智的,健全的 sanity n. 神志清楚的 ...

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《商务英语》教学大纲 - 豆丁网 ... seemingly ad. 似乎, sane a. 心智健全的, Persian a. 波斯的, ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... salty a 咸的 sane a 神志清醒的 sanity n 精神健全 ...


【交流】临床常用英语(不断更新中) ... affective 情感的 sane 神智健全的 superstition 迷信 ...

Not that I have money; but I would do anything reasonable, sane, because my needs are very few, and I have no fear of being crushed out. 不是说我有钱,而是我做事都是清醒理智的,因为我的需要真的很少,我没有被排挤出去的恐惧。
Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you. 谁是神智健全的人?我能把他治好。
It is not easy to deal with a country whose leader is, at best, only sane on alternate days. 在一个领导人最多隔天才神智正常的国家,做生意并不容易。
He looked like a young businessman trying to make his way in the world, someone who wanted to show everyone that he was very, very sane. 他看起来就像一个年轻的商人正准备踏入这个世界的舞台,他想要全世界都看到他是多么的正常。
Ahh, who wants to be safe? -Yeah! And who wants to be sane? -Just a minute, kids, and we'll all play some nice games! 啊,谁稀罕安全?-耶!谁稀罕理智?-等一下,孩子们,我们可以一起来玩好玩的游戏!
Nico pulled them into a world of cannibalism and horrifying tales that would disturb the mind of any sane individual. Nico把他们带到了一个足以让神智正常的人不安的充满食人和令人恐惧的故事的世界。
He accepts now that I'm quite sane-- at least, as far as that term goes, these days its limits seem to be narrowing. 他现在承认我是心智健全的——至少,从字面意义而言,如今它的界限似乎正在缩。
She freely admitted that of old she had been a little mad, and now she pretended to be perfectly sane. 她坦率地承认,她过去有些傻,今后一定要绝对保持清醒了。
To be honest, the only sane thing to do with a poster like this might be to just burn the thing as soon as it arrives in the mail. 说实话,对这样的海报可以做的唯一理智的事情也许就是等它进入邮箱了以后就立刻烧掉。
She had herself declared sane by three different psychiatrists. That made it impossible for me to try to explain the nature of her madness. 她找了三个心理医生,证明她心智正常。我根本没法解释她的内心有多疯狂。
A sane man would stop at this point and realize these magical heat rays were landing just inches from his tender scrotum. 任何一个理智的人此时都会停下来,因为这些神奇的辐射光线离斯宾塞阴囊很近。
The costs of a meltdown would be too grave to contemplate. The members simply have to prevent that. They have no sane alternative. 欧元区解体的后果严峻得难以想象,其成员国应竭力避免。其他的选择都不明智。
The idea of having it all ? a great job and a loving family, a toned body and a sane mind ? is as appealing as it is elusive. 让它所有的想法??伟大的工作和充满爱的家庭、健美的身体和一个清醒的头脑??一样有吸引力,因为它是难以捉摸。
You do not appear to have SANE support, or your scanner is not attached properly. Please check these items before scanning again. 您好像没有安装SANE支援,或是您的扫瞄器没有正确连线好。请检查这些事项后重新扫瞄。
One portion of land is the sane to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. 这块土地和下一块土地对白人没有区别,他就像黑夜里前来行窃的陌生人,要什么取什么。
No sane private investors are going to pour money into a structure whose obvious purpose is to deceive them . 任何理智的私人投资者,都不会向一家明显打算欺骗他们的机构注入资金。
If there were such a fundamental change in you, you could help to bring about a peaceful and sane world. 如果你有这样根本性的改变,你就能够帮助实现和平和健全的世界。
Mental health charity Sane also said it had seen more people contacting its e-mail and phone advice lines with money worries. 致力于解决人们精神健康的慈善机构Sane表示,来信来电咨询解决因债务问题引起的焦虑的人不断增加。
And how are we to relate to it in a way that will not make us lose our minds, but, in fact, might actually keep us sane? 我们要以怎样的方式看待它,才不会丧失理智呢?
They were evidence that in the aftermath of terror and in the midst of hysteria, one great heart at least remained sane and jocular. 这些笑话见证了经历了恐怖和歇斯底里之后,至少一颗伟大的保持着冷静和诙谐。
Whoever did this must have been demented; no sane person would have acted in such a way. 无论谁做这一定是疯狂的,没有理智的人都会有这样的方式行事。
All this will be conducive to a more sane and less destructive financial world. 这一切将有助于构建一个更理性、破坏性更小的金融世界。
My stepfather promised to buy me a new car for school. You know, if l can survive up here, stay sane. 我继父答应给我买辆车为了我开学,要是我能在这好好生活保持清醒
Would any sane person choose to cross the ocean in a boat barely capable of floating upon the sea? 任何心智健全的人会选择一条无能于泛波凌涛漏船横渡大洋吗?
The trip is fraught with many technical challenges , many of which are outranked by the question of keeping the crew healthy and sane . 旅行中充满了许多技术挑战,其中许多都不如如何让船员保持身心健康这个问题重要性更高。
Building a business, he would say, was not for the mentally sane. It was for the passionate and maddeningly persistent. 乔布斯会说,创办企业就不是头脑正常的人干的事,它是为充满激情和像疯子般执着的人准备的。
But next door to Peru, you can see a very different, environmentally sane model to lift up the poor emerging -- if only we will grasp it. 但在秘鲁的邻国,你可以看到一个非常不同的环境健全的模式,这种使穷人脱贫的模式正方兴未艾,只要我们能固守这个模式。
It is certain that self-responsibility is a basic requirement for a persons quality in future society, the basis of a sane personality. 自我责任心是未来社会对人才素质的一项基本要求,是一个人健全人格的基础,它的培养是素质教育不可缺少的重要内容。
Pub etiquette does not dictate the actual words to be used in this exchange and you may hear sane inventive and idiosyncratic variations. 酒吧礼节并没有规定这类交流应该使用什么语言,你可能听到一些颇具创意而又有个人特殊风格的问候语。
Doc told of how Bigger had cut the cloth of his pool table and said that Bigger was "mean and bad, but sane" . 道克讲了别格怎样割破了他弹球台上的台布,说别格“恶劣下流,但精神正常。”