
  • abbr.同“Special Administrative Region”
  • 网络合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar);比吸收率(Specific Absorption Rate);特别行政区(special administrative region)



合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar)

...(InSAR)是一种新的空间对地观测技术,它是利用合成孔径雷达(SAR)的相位信息提取地表三维信息和高程变化信息,可以监 …

比吸收率(Specific Absorption Rate)

通过比吸收率SAR)衡量人体对稳定电话电磁辐射吸收的剂量,介绍了在天线近场区域人体的能量吸收机制,对实验中常用 …

特别行政区(special administrative region)

七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 281 Macao n 澳门 282 SAR n 特别行政区 285 lock v & n 锁 ...

逐次逼近寄存器(successive approximation register)

逐次逼近寄存器(SAR)执行8迭代近似输入电压。对于任何SAR式转换器,n次迭代所需的一个n 位转换器。

I remember Edwin van der Sar saving Nicolas Anelka's penalty and, for me, it was like the earth stood still. 我记得埃德温。范德萨扑出了阿内尔卡的点球,对我来说就像地球重新开始转动。
"I knew where it was going, I felt it, " Van der Sar said, diving to his right to push the ball away and spark delirious celebrations. “我知道他往哪里踢,我感觉得到。”范德萨说。随后向右侧的一扑的经典扑救之后,迎接荷兰人的就是全队欣喜若狂的夺冠庆祝。
The United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar was travelling behind Ronaldo, at the wheel of his own Bentley, at the time of the accident. 车祸发生时,曼联门将范德萨正开着他自己的宾利车行驶在C罗的后面。
Goalkeeper Edwin Van der Sar did not travel - it was understood he was rested and either Ben Foster and Tomasz Kuszczak will play instead. 门将范德萨并没随队出征——应该是轮换让他休息,福斯特和库兹扎克中的一个将会代替他上场。
In terms of popularity, the Chief Executive and SAR Government seem to be starting afresh. They should really treasure this opportunity. 从民望起跌而言,特首和特区政府能够重新起步,应该要好好把握。
What I'd like to do at this point is run a sar to see if the condition continues to show with another tool. 通常在这种情况下,我会运行sar以检查该问题是否在使用另一种工具进行分析时依然存在。
Speckle reduction is always one of the important tasks in the application of SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) images. SAR(合成孔径雷达)图像斑点抑制一直是SAR图像应用中的一个重要课题。
Cristiano Ronaldo's penalty was the only goal of the game, with Edwin van der Sar pulling off a late save from Darius Vassell's spot kick. 罗纳尔多的点球整场比赛的唯一进球,同时E。范德萨还以敏捷的第二反应扑出了D。瓦塞尔的点球。
Deceive jamming is one of jamming methods to SAR. But it is hard to put into practice for big amount of computation. 欺骗式干扰是对合成孔径雷达的干扰方式之一,由于计算量大,因此很难实施。
"It would have been nice to win the Golden Glove award again, even if it meant sharing the award with Van der Sar, " reflected Reina. “能够再次赢得金手套奖自然不错,哪怕是和别人一起分享,”雷纳表示。
"I'm happy [about Van der Sar's injury] because I can check on him [Foster] and see him in really important games, " Capello said. “范德萨受伤我很高兴,以为我可以考察福斯特了,看看他到底怎么样,”卡佩罗说。
"I'd like to go on record as saying what a good job Tomasz did over the last couple of months, " Van der Sar said. 库什萨克去年在曼联电视的访问中说范德萨讨厌他,波兰人认为自己虽然状态好却被无视了。
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a hot point of research because SAR can observe all-weather and all day, and penetrate some object. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)具有全天候、大范围、有一定穿透力等优点,被选作本文空间定位研究的对象。
Simulation result shows that this approach does perform SAR image focusing in azimuth direction effectively. 模拟结果显示,此一方法确实可达到方位方向聚焦的目的。
You need to understand this concept when trying to interpret the output of commands, such as vmstat and sar. 您需要理解这一概念,才能尝试解释vmstat和sar等命令的输出。
Such a framework is essential to strengthen the SAR's competitive edge amidst rapid changes in the international financial markets. 国际金融市场瞬息万变,这样的架构对于保持香港的竞争优势非常重要。
Former Holland goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar has insisted he has no regrets about retiring from international football. 范德萨没有遗憾前荷兰守门员范德萨认为从国家队退役没有遗憾。
The theoretical derivation and the simulation analysis indicate that this novel jamming can effectively deceive the real SAR image. 理论推导和仿真分析表明,该干扰可达到对真实图像进行有效欺骗的目的。
Of course, you can have more than one set of data drawn in histograms, as was shown in the sar example. 当然,可以像sar示例一样在柱状图中绘制多组数据。
It is not by choosing a phone with a marginally lower SAR, it says, but rather by holding the cellphone "away from the head or body. " 该委员会表示,其最佳方式不是通过选用SAR略略微较低的手机,而是手持手机“远离头部或身体。”
If none of my team-mates protest and I complete the full 90 minutes, then certainly Edwin van der Sar, because we are both goalkeepers. 如果我的队友们不反对并且我能打满90分钟的话希望能和范德萨交换,因为我们都是门将。
There was disappointment following Van der Sar's heroics during the shootout , but Malouda insisted no blame can be attached . 我们对范德萨在点球大战中的超常表现感到失望,不过马卢达坚持没有人应该被责备。
The United goalkeeping coach Eric Steele believes Van der Sar will go down alongside Peter Schmeichel as one of the club's greats. 曼联守门员教练埃里克。斯蒂尔置信范德萨和舒梅切尔一样是球队历史上最伟大的门将之一。
The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. 手机的辐射标准采用一个称为特定吸收率(SAR)的度量单位。
Edwin van der Sar was taken off at half-time against Kiev with a foot injury, but the Dutch keeper is expected to be fit. 范德萨在对阵基辅的时候由于脚部受伤在半场下场,但是荷兰门将很有可能能参加比赛。
The second SAR SHAN state of Myanmar is the largest area for drug cultivation, manufacture and trafficking in among the north of Myanmar. 缅甸掸邦第二特区(佤邦)是“金三角”缅北最大的种、制、贩毒地区。
If the SAR Government does not* handle people's post-interpretation anxiety properly, it may have to face yet another credibility crisis. 特区政府如果不能妥善处理市民在释法后的疑虑和不安,将可能要面对另一次信任危机。
By using space SAR and TM composite images, the U-metallogenic setting and conditions of Jiangjun gobi in eastern Junggar have been studied. 利用航天SAR与TM复合图像对准噶尔东部将军戈壁地区铀成矿环境与成矿条件进行研究。
SAR images super-resolution technique is one of the main aim of developing SAR technology. SAR图像提高分辨率技术是SAR技术发展的主要目标之一。
The exposure guidelines for mobile devices employ a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate or SAR. 曝光指南为移动设备使用测量单位以具体吸收率或SAR著名。