
美 [skup]英 [skuːp]
  • n.勺;独家新闻;铲子;一勺(的量)
  • v.用勺儿舀;用铲儿铲;拿起;抢先报道
  • 网络勺子;特讯;戽斗

复数:scoops 现在分词:scooping 过去式:scooped



n. v.

1.[c]勺;铲子a tool like a large spoon with a deep bowl, used for picking up substances in powder form like flour, or for serving food like ice cream

2.[c]一勺(的量)the amount picked up by a scoop

4.[u](informal)(尤指详情鲜为人知的)最新消息the latest information about sb/sth, especially details that are not generally known


外国电影【2178】(不含中国电影) ... 赛点 Match Point 独家新闻 Scoop 卡珊德拉之梦 Cassandra's Dream ...


九年级英语单词表 ... be used for 用来做…… scoop 勺子 adjustable 可调节的 ...


英语新闻常用词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... exclusive news 独家新闻 scoop 特讯 feature 特写,花絮 ...


绝望主妇第一季3集剧本(中英文) - 豆丁网 ... take...out of: 取出 scoop: 铲子 jam: 果酱 ...


假面骑士Fourze_百度百科 ... 手 Hand 戽斗 Scoop 磁极北 Magnet N ...


新概念第三册精解 ... ●swerve v. 争转变 ●scoop v. 挖出 ●hammer v. (用锤)击打,锤打 ...

iBriar ... 撞球- Billiard - Scoop 橡子- Acorn ...

That way he might be able to scoop up the boys and get them off the track in time. 这样他就可能把两个孩子抓起来,及时把他们拖下轨道。
SAM: She was a cucumber. She said she had a scoop for me. . . 她就是一根黄瓜。她说要给我来一勺什么东西。
They scoop out the center of the pumpkin and cut eyes, nose and a mouth out of the front. 他们挖空南瓜的中间,在南瓜的前面刻出眼睛,鼻子和嘴。
The entertainment channel is so pleased with its scoop it has turned it into a mini-series. 娱乐频道非常高兴抢到这条独家新闻,并将做成系列片播出。
If I were to scoop up a handful of dirt and blow into it, all I would get is a dirty face. 假如我捧著一把尘土对著它吹,只会把自己弄得灰头土脸。
Drummond blogs about cleaning out her closet, buying an organizer for her jewelry, getting a metal ice-cream scoop stuck to her lip. 蕾在她的博客里会大谈清理橱柜、购买珠宝收藏盒或是金属冰激凌勺粘在唇上等普通经历。
One scoop of ice cream on a plain biscuit cone would be a very rare and adequate reward for me if I did well for my examination when young. 儿时考试成绩优越,普通的一个圆锥饼干上加一勺冰淇淋,对我而言就已经是难得不过的丰厚奖赏了。
Nevertheless, trying to scoop the froth from the commodity boom looks justified in the struggle to ensure more balanced long-term growth. 尽管如此,为了确保更平稳的长期增长的斗争,设法挖出从商品景气的泡沫看起来有其正当理由。
One answer could come from a supersonic combustion ramjet, known as a scramjet, which would scoop oxygen from the atmosphere as it ascends. 有一个可能的解决方法,就是超音速燃烧冲压喷射引擎(supersoniccombustionramjet,简称scramjet),它在升空时会努力从大气吸入氧氧。
The favoured strategy is to snap up a small bank, healthy or not, and turn it into a vehicle to scoop up failed local rivals. 有利的战略是抢购一个小银行,不管健康与否,然后用它做媒介来铲平那些失败的当地对手。
Halve the avocado and remove the pit. Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh and place in a bowl. Reserve the shells for serving. 牛油果纵切对半去核。勺出牛油果肉放入碗里。牛油果壳预留用来盛蘸酱用。
But they didn't have to scoop a chunk of neutron degenerate matter from the surface of a real neutron star either. 但他们也并不需要从一颗真正的中子星表面挖来一块中子星简并物质。
Once eggs are cool enough to handle, peel and cut in half lengthwise. Scoop yolks into a bowl; place whites on a serving platter. 鸡蛋凉到可以动手处理时,马上去皮,竖着切成两半。把蛋黄剜出来,放到碗里;把蛋白放到菜盘里。
Over the next ten minutes, the girls trickled in. My sons and I watched. Did one girl scoop up the entire $100, as my son feared? Nope. 接下来十分钟,女孩们陆续到了。儿子们和我注意看着。有女孩像我儿子担心的那样,拿走了全部100美元吗?没有。
Me, too. A few of them look tough. I wish I knew more students, so I could get the scoop on which teachers' courses are easy. 我也是。有些课看起来很难。我真希望我能多认识一些同学。好事先得知哪些老师的课容易过。
She dug into the scoop of her ice cream that floated in the glass to take her mind off the fact that he will not come to meet her. 她挖出一勺浮在杯中的冰淇淋,力图把他没有来赴约的事实抛之脑后。
The con gets a huge scoop of white delousing powder thrown all over him. Gasping and coughing, blinking powder from his eyes. 一大勺白色的去虱粉洒在犯人身上,犯人咳嗽着、喘着,揉着眼中的粉未。
Remember that the sun will still rise tomorrow even if I had one too many slices of pizza or an extra scoop of ice cream tonight. 记得明天太阳会照常升起,即便今晚我吃了太多匹萨和冰淇淋。
She was a little put out but I got them each an extra scoop of ice cream so all was forgiven. 她有点生气,但当我她们没人额外的一根冰淇淋时,一切都释怀了。
One said he was waiting for the "distress to deepen" so that he could swoop in and scoop up foreclosed homes and planes. 一人说,他正在等待这次“危难深化”,以便他乘虚而入,从那些被取消了抵押权的房屋和飞机里捞一票。
A trademark used for an excavatIng machIne with a large scoop In front for movIng and liftIng earth, rocks, and rubble. 挖掘机商标名一种挖掘机的商标名字,前面有一大斗用来移动和搬起土块、岩石和碎石
Count me out for the banana split. I think I'll go for a triple scoop of chocolate surprise in a waffle cone. 别把香蕉船算我那份里,我想我还是想点份三克巧克力华夫饼蛋卷冰激凌吧。
As she bent to scoop them up, a handsome young man appeared, wrapped in a bearskin cloak. 当她弯腰舀起来,一个英俊的年轻男子出现,在熊皮外衣包裹着。
He wants to scoop up these assets as rapidly, and with as little interference, as possible in a manner yet to be fixed. 他希望尽快“兜起”这些资产——同时尽可能少受干预,而具体方式尚待确定。
But what good can a few rashers of bacon, a glass of wine and a scoop of icecream be doing for you? 可是,几片熏肉、一杯葡萄酒和一勺冰淇淋对你有什么好处呢?
They were raised in an era of Internet heroes. They want the latest scoop from that magical Silicon Valley across the Pacific Ocean. 他们处于一个网络英雄的时代,渴望第一时间获得大洋彼岸的硅谷传出的任何消息。
You've probably noticed that they have big pouches at the bottom of their beaks. The pouch acts like a scoop. 你大概已经注意到了它们的喙下面那个大大的喉囊,它的作用就像一把大勺子。
Time is a river , of which memory is the water, what I scoop up from the river is all yearing of you . 时间是河,记忆如水。我从河里捧起的都是对你的思念。
If plain yoghurt bores you, try the ready-to-scoop-up, fruit flavoured version. 如果原味酸奶使你乏味,试试现喝的水果味酸奶。
Besides, the bucked scoop structure has sphere outer surface, which is hard to hurt the tissues in eyes and is safer. 另外,勺形结构扣合后为球体形外表面,手术时不易伤及眼内组织,比较安全。