
美 [skræp]英 [skræp]
  • v.报废;废弃;取消;抛弃
  • n.废料;废品;碎片;丝毫
  • 网络残羹剩饭;废坯;屑

复数:scraps 过去式:scrapped 现在分词:scrapping

scrap plan,scrap project,decision scrap


n. v.

1.[c]碎片,小块(纸、布匹等)a small piece of sth, especially paper, cloth, etc.

2.[sing]丝毫;一丁点a small amount of sth

3.[pl]残羹剩饭food left after a meal

4.[u]废料;废品things that are not wanted or cannot be used for their original purpose, but which have some value for the material they are made of

5.[c](informal)打架;争吵a short fight or disagreement


网上教室:语法讲练 ... bits( 吃剩的东西), scraps残羹剩饭), remnants( 残余物), ...


香港求购废料(scraps) (2-10) [招聘] 外贸专员 (2013-04-16) [招聘] 外贸专员 (2013-04-15) [招聘] 外贸业务合作(兼职类) (2013 …


材料科学专业英语词汇(S1) ... scrapings 刮料 scraps 废坯 scratch 刮线 ...

表面附有少量、极易剥离的褐色皮(Scraps);皮肤颜色与患者肤色和日晒程度有关,可以有红、棕、白三种颜色之混杂转变, …


电池专业术语英语汇总 - 豆丁网 ... 酸雾逸出测试 escaped acid mist test 413 第 11 页 413 碎屑 scraps 414 探针 probe 415 ...


其他 (Excel) ... 保退类 废品 waste materials 保退类 下脚 scraps 保退类 加工 processing ...


深圳市康潜贸易有限... ... - TIMBER, 木材 - SCRAPS, 废钢 - GOLD AND DIAMOND if PROCEDURES ARE GOOD. 黄金和钻 …


餐饮常用英文单词2_连锁餐饮联盟_新浪博客 ... 倒掉(剩菜) dump 厨余(不能吃的) scraps 盐巴 salt ...

array of dog food and table scraps which were later identified as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that week! 残羹剩饭,原来这些都是那个星期斯波蒂每餐吃剩下的食物!
The pockets of his greatcoat are filled with scraps of food brought from England, the proof, he says, that the British tried to poison him. 他厚厚的大衣口袋里装满了从英格兰带回来的食物残渣,并称之为英国试图毒害他的证据。
Eleanor, I used scraps of fabric I found around the atelier, And I adapted one of your old patterns. It's basically your design. 埃莉诺,裙子用的是工作室找到的有剩布料,并按照你以前的设计做的。所以,基本来说,是你的设计。
Chances are good that the wolves are circling ahead of you and leaving just the scraps for you to deal with and implement. 情况很可能是狼群在您四周环绕,只留下残渣碎片等您去处理和实现。
Loose sheets of paper or data recorded on scraps of paper which are to be re copied into a notebook later will not be accepted. 用散装的纸张,或是先在任意纸上记录资料,而后再滕写到笔记簿上,都是不被接受的。
She was upset the waitress had taken away her dinner plate and with it the scraps of meat she was going to save for her dog. 女服务员把她的餐盘连同她为爱狗保留的剩肉一起收走,令她相当不满。
I said, briefly and spicily, that it could feed on scraps of doner kebab and would be happy as could be. 我简短而辛辣地说,它可以吃到一些肉串渣,要多开心有多开心。
superstar David Beckham are cashing in on his visit to New Zealand by trying to sell his food scraps and dirty dishes on the Internet. 足球巨星大卫·贝克汉姆曾在新西兰逗留期间吃剩的东西和用过的餐具竟被球迷当成“宝贝”在网上贩卖。
He took no further notice of the heaps of scattered scraps of paper on which his pencil writings had been indited. 他毫不在意他用铅笔创作出来的那些散乱成堆的纸片上的作品。
A nurse's aide gathered his belongings together, threw out a few unimportant scraps of paper, put the rest in a plastic bag. 一个护士帮他把遗物收集在一起,扔掉一些无关紧要的纸片,把剩下的东西装在一个塑料袋里。
Iron castles rose behind factory walls; the wind waved scraps of smoke at the lighting conductors of the smokestacks. 钢铁城堡在工厂身后高高矗立;风将远处烟囱喷发出的烟吹散。
Build a Fuel Cell with a couple of Band Aids, an MEA and a few scraps of stainless steel bug screen by Gavin DJ Harper. 建立一个燃料电池与一对夫妇带艾滋病,多边环境协定和几个签名不锈钢错误屏幕由加文的DJ哈珀。
And she knew that expressing love was as simple as tossing pie scraps to a waiting child. 她还懂得,表达爱意就如同撕下一小块煎饼,扔给等在一旁的小孩那么简单。
All other competitors, including Apple, Research In Motion and Microsoft, will have no other choice but to pick up the scraps. 包括苹果、黑莓和微软在内的其他竞争对手将不得不采取合作态度。
Mother holding a some scraps of paper, ready to pieces into the trash can. 妈妈手上拿着些碎纸片,准备将纸片丢到垃圾桶里。
The report did not specify whether "uneaten food" includes scraps from individuals' bowls and plates. 报道没有明确提到“剩饭剩菜”是否包括每个人碗盘里吃剩下的饭菜。
The machine body is in inclinable cast structure, making it convenient for punched items or scraps to slide down on the dies. 机身为可倾式铸造结构,倾斜时便于冲件或废料从模具上滑下,转键式刚性离合器,滑块上装有压塌式保险装置。
The tiny scraps that remained rallied together to propel me out the door of our apartment. 那些微小的碎片聚集在一起,支撑着我走出了我的公寓大门。
My granny is late now, but I could still find some scraps from his study. 虽然我的奶奶也去世了,但我仍然能从他的研究中找到零星的建议。
He said, "Yeah, feathers, skin, bone meal, scraps, dried and processed into feed. " 他说,“是,羽毛,鸡皮,骨骼,排泄物,被晒干加工后添入饲料。”
An upside-down car dangled off the edge of a hollowed-out office building. A bicycle twisted among cables and metal scraps. 一辆被掀翻的轿车在一座被掏空的办公楼的一侧摇摇晃晃,一辆自行车被电缆和金属碎片缠绕。
A week ago, waste metal scraps were stored here, but now they have been all cleared away. 一星期前,这里还堆着废钢烂铁,现在都搬走了。
I remembered that some time before, my dad had been cleaning out the attic and came across some old beer recipes on scraps of yellow paper. 记得不久前,父亲在整理阁楼时,偶然找到了一些写在发了黄的小纸片上的古老的啤酒配方。
As the pole is made of metallic foil, the disused scraps can be fully utilized and the cost is not increased. 金属箔是电极生产的原材料,使废弃的边脚料得到了充分的利用,不增加任何成本。
Perhaps some might turn up in King's Landing with their scraps in hand, hoping to convince his sweet sister to make good on them. 也许有的傻瓜会拿着废物跑到君临试图向他亲爱的姐姐说明这些可以好好利用。
In the office he wore also a linen duster with huge pockets into which he continually stuffed scraps of paper. 在诊室,他也穿一件亚麻的防尘外套,上面带着很大的口袋,他永不停息地往口袋里塞纸片。
Weekends, he tinkered in the cellar, turning scraps of plywood into a utility cabinet or fixing a broken toy with spare parts. 周末,他在地下室里修修补补,把胶合板的边角料做成一个实用的小柜子,或者用一些零件把坏了的玩具修好。
As the bus continued to move on, a huge rock fell on the bus from the mountain and crushed the bus to scraps and pieces. 当公共汽车继续移动,一个巨大的岩石跌倒了公共汽车从山并且击碎了公共汽车对小块和片断。
A cartoon shows parents coming home to find their house trashed: lamps broken, food scraps all over the floor, plants tipped over. 一幅漫画画著,父母回到家中,发现屋子里一塌糊涂:台灯坏了,食物碎屑散满一地,植物被翻倒。
I used also to recite to her the scraps of poetry used as illustrations in the chapter on prosody or rhetoric of our Bengali grammar. 我也常常把孟加拉语法书上,在讲到作诗法或是修辞学时所用作例子的诗句背给她听。