
美 [si]英 [siː]
  • n.海;海洋;大量;海面情况
  • abbr.(=Southeast Asia)东南亚
  • 网络大海;战略环境评价(Strategic Environmental Assessment);统计能量分析(Statistical Energy Analysis)


deep sea,open sea,rough sea,stormy sea,calm sea
cross sea



1.[u]海;海洋the salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its continents and islands

2.[c]海a large area of salt water that is part of an ocean or surrounded by land

3.[c]海面情况;海浪状况the movement of the waves of the sea

4.[sing]~ of sth大量;茫茫一片a large amount of sth that stretches over a wide area

四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... low 低的 sea tea 茶 ...


海洋(sea),性感天堂(sex),游览威尼斯小码头和十六世纪风车景观。圣托里尼岛上的伊亚小镇看世界上最美丽的落日,捕捉 …


大海(Sea)、阳光(Sun)、沙滩(Sand)组合的“3S”滨海旅游业蓬勃发展,国际旅游者主要流向之一就是海滨及海岛旅游区。地中 …


《Friends》词汇表A ... checked adj. 格子花纹的, 棋盘状的 sea n. 海洋, 大浪, 大量, 许多 buried vt. 埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏 ...

战略环境评价(Strategic Environmental Assessment)

战略环境评价SEA)中碳排放核算的理论框架与技术方法体系–以城市尺度国民经济与社会发展规划SEA为例D011001 面上项 …

统计能量分析(Statistical Energy Analysis)

4.统计能量分析(SEA)方法:以空间声学和统计力学为基础的统计能量分析(SEA)方法是将系统分解为多个子系统,研究它们之 …

But between setting out a claim under the Law of the Sea and enjoying the fruits of ownership there is a long route to be trodden. 不过,在依据《海洋法》提出主张与享用所有权成果之间,还有很长的一段路要走。
the memories all came back to me like a gush of sea breeze just as if it was yesterday. 就似海边的浪风,从我深深的脑海带回来了许多的回忆。
There is a certain immovable quality to a shore, and the correspondent wondered at it amid the confusion of the sea. 海岸具有某种不会移动的特点。在起伏不定一片纷乱的大海里,记者对此感到奇怪。
Study on the wave-tide-surge interaction in shallow sea is one of the up-to-date active research areas around the world. 浅海波浪、潮汐风暴潮相互作用的研究是当今国际热点研究方向之一。
There is often a thick morning mist16 from the sea in summer, but the weather can be very hot. 这里夏天清晨虽常有来自海上的浓雾,但是天气却非常炎热。
Dr Perry was a week at Cromer and said it was the best sea bathing place of all, if you must go. 佩里医生在克罗默呆了一周他说那海滩真棒你们应该去的。
His collections of poems published are: The Sea and Me, A Tree of Fragrance Waiting for You, and The Applause of the Waves, etc. 他出版的诗集计有《大海与我》,《一树芬芳等你》及《海浪的掌声》。
Captain Smollett no longer goes to sea . Gray saved his money and is now half-owner and captain of a fine ship . 斯摩列特船长不再出海了,格雷把钱存起来,现在已是一艘装备优良的船的合股船主兼船长。
Mighty jiangchao spring water, and even into a sea, a bright moon rising from the sea, it seems to flow together to gush. 春天的江潮水势浩荡,与大海连成一片,一轮明月从海上升起,好像与潮水一起涌出来。
Holding out his work-gnarled hands, the old fishman with a weather-beaten face started to tell us about the hardship of his life on the sea. 这个看上去饱经风霜的渔翁伸出他那由于辛劳而布满老茧的双手,开始讲述了他海上生活的艰难历程。
Mr Obama intends to raise the matter of territorial disputes in the South China Sea at the East Asia Summit in Bali at the weekend. 奥巴马想要在本周在巴厘岛召开的东亚峰会上提出南中国海的领土争端问题。
Lightless on the sea, the ship was enveloped in a pitch darkness and that starry mountain disappeared a vague dream. 海上没有灯,浓密的黑暗包围着我们的船。星的山成了一个渺茫的梦。
Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, is under up to two meters of water. Forty percent of the city is under the surface of sea water. 印度尼西亚首都雅加达淹水最高达两公尺,四成地区都浸在海水中,观光胜地峇里岛亦遭水患。
The sea reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway. 泰晤士河的入海口在我的眼前伸展,仿佛是一条横无际涯的水路的开端。
But why should I mourn at the untimely fate of my people? Tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea. 不过,为什麽我要对我的人民过早天折的命运哀悼呢?一个部落取代另一个部落,一个民族取代另一个民族,就像大海的波浪,一浪接一浪。
One voyage led to another, and a growing sense of competition encouraged each nation to send its ships to sea. 一次又一次的远航,竞争意识的高涨,激励各国纷纷派出自己的船队,驶向未知的海域。
The season's end also marks the beginning of a period when penguins re-enter the sea, now laden with heavy oil and soya beans. 换毛季结束后,企鹅将开始在海中捕食,因此海水中的原油和大豆残骸对它们造成了严重的威胁。
The next day the wind dropped, and the sea was quiet and beautiful again. 第二天,风停了,大海又重新恢复了平静而美丽。
The stories were all about kings and queens and princesses and wonderful countries across the sea. 她讲的故事都是关于国王、王后、公主,还有大海另一边的美丽国家的。
The church of St. Paul has only the front wall with many steps leading up to the sea. 圣保罗大教堂只剩下了前面的高墙和通往海滨的许多台阶。
The result shows that the NRCS of a nonlinear sea surface is quite different from that of a linear sea surface. 分析结果表明,非线性海面和线性海面的NRCS存在着有很大的差异。
On opening the cases we found that 25 sets of video-recorders had been damaged by sea-water, and seem to be a complete write-off. 打开箱子以后,我发现有25台录像机因海水受到损坏,看来似乎已完全报废。
JIM: I don't know yet. My wife's going to her mother's for a couple of weeks. She lives by the sea, you know. 我不知道。我的妻子会去她母亲的几个星期。她住在海边,你知道。
The sea-level fluctuation was an important controlling factor for karst carbonate reservoir development in the Early Paleozoic Tarim Basin. 海平面变化是控制塔里木盆地下古生界岩溶储层发育的一个重要的因素。
The next night when she stood by the open window and looked up through the sea, she thought she could hear the bells ringing. 第二天晚上,她站在开着的窗户边,透过海水朝上望着的时候,她认为她能够听到钟的响声。
It was the representation of a handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck. 这石像代表一个美丽的男子,它是用一块洁白的石头雕出来的,跟一条遭难的船一同沉到海底。
The sea is often polluted by oil which escapes from damaged or defective oil tankers. 海洋经常被损坏的或有缺陷的油轮泄漏的油所污染。
However, the book said not Luanchenzeizi, sea pirates, but because ordinary people do not know the law enforcement is the court. 不过,本书说的不是什么乱臣贼子、江洋大盗,而是普通老百姓由于不懂法律被法院强制执行的事。
This leopard skirt has not been used yet, the day is cool, there have been with the long dress, but this is suit bounce at sea. 这条豹纹裙还没穿过,这天很凉爽,本来搭配的还有长裙,但在海上蹦蹦跳跳这样正合适。
One unlikely answer may lie in an object that has become something of an emblem of our late capitalist economy: the sea container. 有个貌似不太可能的答案已成为现实,并且像是我们这个后资本主义经济的徽章似的伫立在人们面前。