
美 [ˈsekʃ(ə)n]英 ['sekʃ(ə)n]
  • n.节;部分;段;科
  • v.切开;切断;做(动物或植物组织的)切片
  • 网络截面;剖面;部门

复数:sections 现在分词:sectioning 过去式:sectioned

large section,previous section,small section,special section,upper section
section include


n. v.


1.[c]部分;部门any of the parts into which sth is divided

2.[c]部件;散件a separate part of a structure from which the whole can be put together

文件;书籍of document/book

3.[c]节;款;项;段;部分a separate part of a document, book, etc.

人的群体group of people

4.[c]阶层;界;组a separate group within a larger group of people

组织机构of organization

5.[c]部门;处;科;股;组a department in an organization, institution, etc.


6.[c]区;地区;地段a district of a town, city or county


8.[c]剖面图;断面图a drawing or diagram of sth as it would look if it were cut from top to bottom or from one side to the other


9.[c][u]切开;切断the act of cutting or separating sth in an operation

10.[c](供显微镜下观察的)切片a very thin flat piece cut from body tissue to be looked at under a microscope

节(SECTION)在逻辑上是程序处理逻辑的细分,每个(SECTION)都有节头部,可以包含一个或多个段。段(PARAGRAPH)是 …


医学用语_百度文库 ... separate... from... 把…分开 section n. (组织)部分 pharmacy n. 药房;药学 ...


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... 位移 displacement 截面 section 疲劳极限 fatigue limit ...

具有相同table_id和table_id_extension以及 其他一些重要的标识的section)合 成子表。 描述信息在descriptor传输,descri…


建筑学常见英语词汇 ... 留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes 剖面 section 纵剖面 longitudinal section ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... pursue v 追赶;追击 section n 切开;部门 sectarian a 宗派的 ...


2. 区域Section)对象:数据报表设计器的每一个区域均由一个区域集对象中的一个区域对象来表示。在设计阶段,每一个区 …


舞台英文术语 ... block diagram 基本的草图 Section 剖面图 top 平面图 ...

I got under the table and raised the blanket, and went to work to saw a section of the big bottom log out -- big enough to let me through. 我爬到桌子下边,把毯子掀了起来,动手锯起来,要把床底下那根大木头锯掉一节,大小能容得下我爬进爬出。
A special resolution under this section is in this Ordinance referred to as a resolution for reducing share capital. 本条所指的特别决议,在本条例中称为股本减少决议。
Once you're comfortable with the introductory section you're ready to dive into the section on model construction. 一旦您熟悉了这个介绍部分您就准备好可以进入模型构造部分了。
Section- to have him in this regard and make a bold attempt to explore the market and has achieved initial recognition. 融科智地已经在这方面做出了大胆的尝试和探讨,并初步取得了市场的认同。
This section provides an overview of what the Metasploit Framework does for users trying to discover vulnerabilities. 这个部分简要介绍MetasploitFramework对于试图发现漏洞的用户有什么用。
Meers shared this factoid privately, and she lays it all out in her book, in a section called "When He Does Windows. . . " 密尔兹私下分享了这一点,并且在她书中名叫“当他擦窗户的时候……”的章节中也有展开。
Women journalists have fought to get women's concerns out of the "style section" and onto the front page. 女性新闻从业者也争取将对女性关注的新闻从角落中的“时尚篇”移到头版。
Estimate how much the teen spends per month in each category in the needs section. 估算每月孩子们会在必需品这一块下的每一个项目中花费多少。
Notice that the section is the only configuration section that cannot be placed in an application-specific web. config file. 注意节点是唯一一个不能在用在应用程序的web.config文件内配置的节点。
They want to see what we were able to do with the most poverty-ridden section of the United States. 他们想看看我们把美国最贫穷的地区改造成什么样。
In this case, it passes an anonymous object that contains values for the name of the child view to render for that section. 在这种情况下,它传递一个包含在这部分呈现的子视图的名称值的匿名对象。
One of the essays in the "Working Efficiently" section is written by David, titled "Don't Suck at Email" , and talks about this. 其中“高效率工作”部分有一篇文章,是David写的,叫做“不要在邮件上吃亏”,谈到这一点。
That southernmost section was torn down in the 1960s, long before any thought of turning the line into a park. 铁路最南端的部分于上世纪六十年代被拆除,之后过了很长时间,才有人提议可以将剩下的部分改造成公园。
Problem sets will be given out at the first lecture of a new section and will be due within a week of the last lecture of that section. 问题集将会在每个新章节开始的第一堂课公布,并且在该章节最后一堂课的当周到期。
With any of the above article is suffering from exam anxiety, and how much under the applicable section number of the "disease" severity. 具有以上任意一条的便是患上了考前焦虑症,并根据适用条数得多少而“病情”轻重。
The workpiece is located between the pair of opposing coils, which are oriented across the cross section of the workpiece. 工件位于相对的线圈对之间,所述线圈对跨工件的截面定向。
Mr Collier devotes the last section of his book to a few big-picture solutions to some of the problems he talks about. 在该书的最后一部分中,科利尔先生就部分他所涉及的问题给出了一些宏观的解决方案。
Each GUI provides different tools for this sort of thing; please check the help section or online manuals for assistance. 每个GUI提供了不同的工具来做这类事;请查看一下相关的在线手册或是帮助获得相关信息。
As for a piece of land located at the outer flank of the border section, the land tax bracket shall be the higher one (the higher tax rate). 对于土地等级划分边界路段外侧的土地,按高一级的土地纳税等级(高一级的税额标准)确定。
You can apply the current formatting rules to a selected section or to the document as a whole. 您可以将当前格式设置规则应用于所选内容或整个文档。
This section covers the necessary steps that an administrator needs to carry out to set up the above Kerberos configuration. 本节讨论设置以上Kerberos配置所需的步骤。
You know from the Simple and conditional transitions section that you need a gate that splits one path into several paths. 您从简单的,有条件的迁移部分了解到需要一个将一条流分为多条的gate。
When she did read, she read sloppily, in haste, sometimes reading the wrong section (she was often out of place in the sequence of steps). 当她真的在阅读指南的时候,她读的很快,而且不免粗心,有的时候还会跳到错误的段落(她经常迷失在一系列的操作步骤中)。
Another healthy sign was that the conference attracted a broader cross-section of the software development community than in previous years. 另一个有益的迹象是,研讨会比往年吸引了软件开发团体的更广泛的领域。
Bruce had been serving as section head at the Bank of America for over a year. 布鲁斯曾经在美国银行当了一年的科长。
Definition: A fitting at the top forward section of a boat's bow used for raising and securing an anchor in place. 船头(bow)上的向前部分的一个配件,用来提升和固定锚的位置。
When a baby weighs more than 10 pounds, a c-section is often the safer option. 当胎儿体重超过10磅时,剖腹产往往是更安全的选择。
Auction of an arrested ship for debt payment during the procedure of execution may be referred to the relevant provisions of this Section. 第四十三条执行程序中拍卖被扣押船舶清偿债务的,可以参照本节有关规定。
Promoted on the front page and tucked at the bottom of Sunday's Metro section, it didn't answer key questions: What caused the fighting? 此事件出现在头版,却被放在了最下端的星期日地铁板块中,而且没有回应那些关键问题:引发争斗的原因是什么?
Since the import section contains just a DLL name without its pathname, the loader must search the user's disk drives for the DLL. 由于该输入节只包含一个DLL名而没有它的路径名。因此加载程序必须搜索用户的磁盘驱动器,找出DLL。