
美 [send]英 [send]
  • v.送;寄;派;赐
  • n.波浪的推(进)力;船的纵摇
  • 网络发送;打发;送出

过去式:sent 第三人称单数:sends 现在分词:sending

send message,send letter,send telegram,send signal,send card



《Friends》词汇表A ... immigration n. 外来的移民, 移居入境 sends vt. 送, 寄, 发送, 派遣, 打发 lewis n. [机] 吊楔, 起重爪 ...

《Friends》词汇表A ... immigration n. 外来的移民, 移居入境 sends vt. 送, , 发送, 派遣, 打发 lewis n. [机] 吊楔, 起重爪 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... immigration n. 外来的移民, 移居入境 sends vt. 送, 寄, 发送, 派遣, 打发 lewis n. [机] 吊楔, 起重爪 ...


ftp isu edu tw - 义守大学档案伺服器_馆档网 ... sending 正送出 sends 送出 sensitive 敏感的 ...


ffdy 美国爱情电影《返老还童》台词1... ... sends: 传达 Areyourightoutofyourmind? outofmind: 不经过思考 你犯糊涂了吗…

Researchers these days are even starting to understand how the body sends signals to itself, determining how it ages. 近期研究人员甚至开始了解身体如何给自身传达决定衰老的信号。
The Web server captures this HTML and sends it back to the client as if the request had been for a static HTML page. Web服务器捕捉到HTML后将它发送回客户机,如同请求是对静态HTML页面进行的那样。
Then he sends him on a suicide mission to find out who or what is at the bottom of the Mine Valley threat. 然后萨尔达斯就给了他一个极之危险的任务:查明矿坑山谷下究竟有著什麽事物。
He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth; he sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses. 他使云雾从地极上腾,造电随雨而闪,从府库中带出风来。
Since the header is for the virtual host name, not the name of the IIS server, it rejects the request and sends a "401" back to the client. 由于此头与虚拟主机名(而不是IIS服务器)对应,因此会拒绝请求并向客户端发回“401”。
Throw a pebble into a pond. It sends a shiver across the surface of the water. 把一颗小石头丢入池塘里,水面就会兴起阵阵涟漪
General Ham says the support involves "weapons and material, " but he did not provide details of what Iran sends or how much. 哈姆将军说,这种支持包括“武器和材料”,但是他没有详细叙述伊朗输送了什么或者数量有多大。
One of his six children is working on the construction of a tunnel on the mainland and sends money to Mr. Lin and his wife. 他的6个子女中有一个在福州修隧道,常给父母寄钱回来。
When the proxy server receives a response, it sends the results back to the client as if it were the original server. 当该代理服务器接收到响应时,它将结果发送回客户端,如同它是初始服务器一样。
He then talks to Valjean, telling him to see in this act of mercy a different path for his life, and sends him on his way. 他后来和Valjean聊天,告诉他生活中的另一种方式的同情与怜悯,然后把他送上了路。
Or object to notify other classes or objects when something of interest happens. The class that sends or. 控件类不关心单击按钮时发生了什么,但它需要告知派生类单击事件已发生。
U. S. Defense Secretary Panetta said the joint statement sends "a very strong signal" about their commitment against cyberattacks. 美国国防部长帕内塔说,联合声明就美澳应对网络攻击的承诺发出了“一个非常强烈的信号”。
An inward remittance is where a foreign bank sends funds to a domestic bank with an instruction for the bank to pay the funds to the payee. 汇进是指外国银行将资金汇到国内银行并指令该银行付款给收款人的汇款。
NOE REYES from the State of Puebla works as a delivery boy in Brooklyn New York. He sends home $500 a week. 超人名叫诺莱尔,从墨西哥普埃布拉来,他在纽约做快递员,每个礼拜寄回家500美元。
You know it's Thanksgiving when your gut is bloated, the top button of your pants is undone, and a terrible heartburn sends you to bed. 要知道感恩节你会吃得肚子鼓鼓的,连裤子都扣不上了,睡觉时还会烧心的难受。
Nobody sends me out to go shoot beautiful pictures for travel articles, you know? 没有人把我派去为旅游文章拍美丽的风光照片,你能明白?
To illustrate how the heart sends blood around the body, the doctor described how a pump works. 为了说明心脏如何把血液输送到全身,医生描绘了泵的工作。
And artists and authors created the man in red with white beard who sends Christmas gifts to people on his sleigh pulled by his reindeers. 艺术家和作家创造了这个人在穿红衣服,白胡子、坐在驯鹿拉的雪橇上送圣诞礼物给人们。
Afterwards, She finally tests went to college, Extremely happy, He then starts to go all out to make money, Then sends continuously for her. 后来,她终于考上了大学,开心极了。他却开始拼命挣钱,然后不断地寄钱给她供她读书。
statement. The bank sends me a statement for my checking account every month. 即‘银行每个月都会把支票账户结算单寄来’。
If for saving freightage , the general register package that uses to have no insurance sends the article of my order. 如果为了节省运费,用无保险的一般的挂号包裹寄送我订购的物品。
Every time I watch a DVD he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more tome studying. 每次我看DVD,他就催着我上床睡觉,要么就是教导我要多花些时间学习。
The laser sends out a bunch of light to the surface of the object, take pictures using the camera. 激光器发出一束激光打到物体表面上,利用摄像机拍摄下来。
Prevent replay attacks: Ensure that the reply that XKMS service sends for a request is not captured by an unauthorized third party. 防止重复攻击(replayattack):确保XKMS服务为某请求发送的回复不被未经授权的第三方捕获到。
That scientists have cloned a sheep sends academics and the public into a panic at the prospect that human might be next. 科学家所克隆的一只羊让学术界和民众慌了手脚,他们认为人类将是下一个克隆目标。
When orders come in she sends out a paw or dog nose print kit that includes three moulds to make a full nose or paw print of a pet. 当有人预约时,她会寄给顾客一个模具工具箱,那里面包括三个模具,可以印下宠物的整个鼻子或爪子的样子。
No, she just signs the delivery slip and sends him on his way. 不,她签完快递收据后喜欢以口报答人家
If processes improper, sends cures the sore in the cheek face, very easy to walk Huang Er to have life-threatening. 如果处理不当,发于颐面部的疗疮,很容易走黄而有生命危险。
I'm happy to say that President Bush loves teachers so much that he married one, and he sends his congratulations and thanks to all of you. 我很高兴地说布什总统非常热爱教师,他还娶了一位教师,他让我转达他对各位的祝贺和感谢。
But now a familiar voice from her childhood sends Sarah, a talented mid-twenties ad exec, back to her past. 但现在一个来自她童年的熟悉的声音将二十多岁才华横溢的广告经理莎拉带回到过去。