
美 [ˈsensətɪv]英 ['sensətɪv]
  • adj.体贴的;体恤的;善解人意的;感觉敏锐的
  • 网络敏感的;灵敏的;敏感性皮肤


sensitive information,sensitive subject,sensitive equipment,sensitive question,sensitive topic


对他人的感情to people's feelings

1.体贴的;体恤的;善解人意的aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings

对艺术╱音乐╱文学to art/music/literature

2.感觉敏锐的;艺术感觉好的;有悟性的able to understand art, music and literature and to express yourself through them

容易生气easily upset

3.易生气的;易被惹恼的;神经过敏的easily offended or upset


4.须谨慎对待的;敏感的that you have to treat with great care because it may offend people or make them angry or embarrassed

对低温、光、食物等to cold/light/food, etc.

5.敏感的;过敏的reacting quickly or more than usual to sth

对细微变化to small changes

6.~ (to sth)灵敏的able to measure very small changes


形容人性格的词汇 ... sensible 明白事理的 sensitive 敏感的 sincere 真诚的 ...


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... select vt. 挑选;选择 sensitive adj. 敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的 so...that... 如此……以致于…… ...


巴黎自助游攻略 - 穷游网 ... 磨砂式(去角质): Scrub 敏感性皮肤Sensitive 密粉: loose poeder ...


急求常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 505. sensible a. 明智的 506. sensitive a. 敏感到,灵敏的 507. tremble vi. 颤抖 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... snuggles v. 偎依 sensitive adj. 敏感的, 灵敏的, 感光的 fuzzy adj. 有绒毛的, 模糊的, 失真的 ...


英语词汇表 - 浙江树人大学招生网 ... Selfish a. 自私的,利已的 Sensitive a. 敏感的,灵敏的 Sexual a. 性的,性别的 ...

Did you hear what happened in the Scott case? Some of the sensitive material were leaked to the press. Now every newspapers is all over it. 你听说斯科特那个案子的事了吗?有些敏感的资料被泄露给了新闻界。现在各大报纸都在报道这件事情。
Mollusks have to divide antennae, eyes, and the balance for the seizure of olfactory capsule, and other sensory organ, I feel sensitive. 软体动物已分化出触角、眼、嗅检器及平衡囊等感觉器官,感觉灵敏。
The frequency of a thought is sufficiently sensitive to be compared to that of light. 我们拿思想的频率与光的频率相比较,就足以认识到其真实性。
Adipose tissue is in a state of continuous turnover and is sensitive to nerves and hormonal stimuli. 脂肪组织在不断地更新,对于神经和激素的刺激很敏感。
The younger James's novel remains curiously sensitive to the position his father expounded on the question of ethical status of divorce. 年轻的詹姆斯的小说仍然是敏感好奇的立场阐述了他父亲的问题上的道德地位的离婚。
Avoid giving unsolicited opinions about the Royal family, the British economy, the headlines in the Daily Mail or any other sensitive issue. 若非别人问起,不要对皇室、英国经济或《每日邮报》的头条新闻评头品足。
How much access to sensitive information should he grant to an apparently hostile reporter? 面对一个明显不怀好意的记者,主人公应该透露给他多少敏感信息?
be extremely careful and patient during this process , because as you know the display is just a thin piece of glass that is very sensitive. 在这个操作过程期间要十分注意和小心,因为我们知道显示屏是非常薄和精密易脆的玻璃薄片。
I really like this definition, the photo surface is as sensitive and fragile as if it was alive and des-troying itself little by little. 我确实很喜欢这样的一种定义,照片的表面是很敏感和脆弱的,仿佛它本身就在一点一点存活着和摧毁着自己。
And specifically, in the short term, demand for residential property seems to be quite sensitive to price expectations. 短期而言,住宅物业需求似乎对价格预期相当敏感。
He was a fine, handsome youth, smart, sensitive, tenacious, and bold, but with something in him that was elusive, dark, wild. 他是个很优秀、很英俊的年轻人,聪明,敏感,顽强而且胆大,但在他的身上还有某种令人难以琢磨、阴险和放浪的东西。
please be sensitive to my needs; don't nag me all day long. Treat me as you would like to be treated. 请对我的反应要敏感一点,不要整天责骂不休,对待我应像对待您自己一样。
The company also offers case sealers , pressure-sensitive tape dispensers, water-activated tape and a full line of dispenser accessories. 该公司还提供案件封口,压力敏感的磁带机,水活化带和全系列的机配件。
Sensitive to the mood of her subjects, she had decided not to lash out on any new frocks, but to recycle the old ones. 考虑到国民情绪,女皇决定不再对新款式服装一掷千金,而是穿以前穿过的衣服。
Because it is possible to inject the assembler property, I must be sensitive to the fact that it may not be the one I expect. 因为可以注入装配器属性,所以必须知道它可能不是我所期待的这一事实。
and was at his most sensitive to the shame brought upon his noble name by Tess. 正处在对苔丝给他高贵的姓氏带来的耻辱最敏感的时候。
If your dog is not one of these sensitive few, a brief time spent on research can ensure years of improved health for your dog. 如果您的狗不是一个这敏感少数,一个短时间在研究上花费可能保证几年改善的健康为您的狗。
I walked into the Hunter College Book Store. The salesman, a young man with sensitive eyes, came up to me. "Can I help you? " he said. 我走进亨特大学书店,店员走上前,他是个目光敏锐的小伙子。“我可以帮您吗?”他说。
Sir Alec was a thin, pale man in his late forties, with a sensitive, aristocratic face and an engaging smile. 亚历克爵士是个年近五十的消瘦而苍白的人,他有一张敏感的贵族气派的脸,脸上总要挂着迷人的微笑。
Statolith One of a number of large starch grains found in the statocytes, plant cells that are thought to be gravity sensitive. 是在平衡细胞,即植物中感受重力变化的细胞中发现的多个大型淀粉粒的其中之一。
He is sensitive to criticism from other people, which he seems to have internalized. 他对别人的批评很敏感,也经常谴责自己。
Tamoxifen, a drug that blocks the effects of estrogen on the body, is often used to treat women whose tumors are sensitive to estrogen. 他莫西芬是体内雌激素效应的抑制剂,常被用于治疗女性患者体内对雌激素敏感的肿瘤的治疗。
According to the demands of modern theory of infection, study on the laboratory diagnosis tends to be rapid, simple, sensitive and economic. 为适应现代感染学的需要,细菌性感染实验室诊断的研究方向应趋于快速、简便、灵敏及经济。
Individuals should have a say in the matter, however, when sensitive and personally identifiable information is collected and shared. 但是当敏感的可确认的个人信息被收集和分享时,个人是应该对此有发言权的。
The back of your eye is covered with light sensitive cells which send messages about what you see to your brain. 你的眼睛后面覆盖着感光细胞,将把你看到的信息发送给你的大脑。
I feel an itch in my eyes as if there was something in them. There is much secretion from the eyes, and they are sensitive to light. 我感觉眼睛发痒,好像眼睛里有异物。分泌物多,而且怕光。
The privacy issue has not been fully addressed at this point, besides suggestions that all sensitive information should be encrypted. 保密性问题除建议以外这时不充分地被论及了,应该加密所有高度机密信息。
Even when she did find a guy sensitive enough to deal with her past, their relationship got rocky when he bought a motorcycle. 即使她找到一个心细得足够处理自己病情的伴侣,他们的关系也会在他买了摩托车后顿变紧张。
Audit logging is usually used in security-sensitive environments where changes made to the portal's run time configuration are recorded. 审计日志通常在安全敏感的环境中使用,其中记录对门户运行时配置的更改。
He said the situation was particularly undesirable in "sensitive locations" , such as outside hospitals, schools and prisons. 他说,尤其不该在“敏感地点”出现这种情况,比如在医院、学校、监狱门口。