
美 [ˈsent(ə)ns]英 [ˈsentəns]
  • n.判刑;判决;【语】句(子);【法】宣判
  • v.宣判;判决;处刑
  • 网络审判;旋律死;被判刑

复数:sentences 现在分词:sentencing 过去式:sentenced

long sentence,same sentence,light sentence,custodial sentence,harsh sentence
serve sentence,get sentence,pass sentence,pronounce sentence,impose sentence



滴答论坛 - Powered by Discuz! Board ... Pleaded guilty: 自首有罪 Sentenced: 判刑 Be admitted to the hospital: 入院 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... honored n. 尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉, 光荣 sentenced n. 句子, 判决, 宣判, 文句 cornea n. [医]角膜 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... honored n. 尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉, 光荣 sentenced n. 句子, 判决, 宣判, 文句 cornea n. [医]角膜 ...


极端的摇滚乐队,崭新的乐趣_Mark_新浪博客 ... In Flames( 烈焰中) Sentenced审判) Cathedral( 大教堂) ...


死亡重金属_百度百科 ... Nightwish( 地球人都知道) Sentenced旋律死) Stratovarius( 进步旋律金属) ...


活死人的日记~_天堂口&彼岸花_娱乐_西祠胡同 ... Scream In Darkness 黑暗中尖叫 Sentenced 被判刑 Silent Descent 沉默的 …


金属乐入门曲 ... Rhapsody( 狂想曲):古典史诗交响速弹金属(义大利) Sentenced末日审判):旋律能量 …

They were arrested in October as they investigated a story about a woman sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery. 他们因调查了一位妇女因为通奸被处以石刑事件,于十月份被逮捕。
Mr. Graham was sentenced to a year in jail and three years' probation for that crime. 那年格雷厄姆先生16岁,他被判处一年监禁,缓期三年执行。
She was unfazed by it. She did not look like someone who had just been sentenced to three years' hard labour. 她看上去并不像个刚被判处三年苦役的人。
When Charles Dickens was twelve, his father was sentenced to debtor's prison and he had to help support the family by working in a factory. 狄更斯十二岁的时候,父亲因欠债入狱,他得去工厂工作,帮补家计。
The French court had sentenced him to no less than eight years' imprisonment and that was a gross miscarriage of justice. 法国法庭判了他至少八年的监禁,那是一个严重的误判案。
Charles was sentenced to death and would have his head cut off the next day. 因此,查尔斯被判处了死刑,第二天就要被崭首。
Such a carefully noble girl, was the church, the court stigmatized as "witches" , "murderers" , and was sentenced to the gallows. 这样一个心地高贵的女孩,竟被教会、法庭诬蔑为“女巫”、“杀人犯”,并被判处绞刑。
If the court finds that you are guilty, you can be fined or sentenced to social service or to care at the young people's welfare service. 假如法庭认为你是有罪,你会被判罚款,为社会作义务工作或者用青年护理法来管制你。
"We have noted in the past that those who have been sentenced to stonings have gone on to be hanged, " he said. "That remains a concern. " “我们在过去注意到,那些被判石刑的人最后被绞死,”他说。“那仍然让我们担心。”
If the car is not stopped after the pastor has given request or sign, the driver will be sentenced to a fine of up to 535 U. S. dollars. 如果在牧人请求或示意的情况下不停车,司机会被处以高达535美元的罚款。
He said he could find no reason to question the jury's decision that Brown was guilty. He sentenced Brown to be hanged. 布朗的陈述没有改变法官的意见,法官说他没有找到什么理由质疑陪审团认为他有罪的裁决,他判布朗绞刑。
Chinese notebooks record the case of a scholar who was refused new off shoots from a plant and was sentenced to jail for stealing it. 中国古书中有一段记载说,一位学者因为朋友不愿把一种植物的新枝送给他,便实行偷窃,结果被捕入狱。
But after she fled and married a man of her own choice, she was charged with bigamy and sentenced to six months in jail. 但在她最终逃走并嫁给了她所爱的男人之后,她却被指控犯有重婚罪,并被判下6个月的牢狱之灾。
First instance was to dangerous means to sentenced to death executed immediately reported by the media led to a heated debate on the law. 一审被以以危险方法危害公共安全罪判处死刑立即执行,经媒体报道后引发了一场关于法律的热议。
The first was that of a small-time crack-cocaine dealer, Derrick Kimbrough, who had been sentenced to 15 years in prison. 在第一起案例中,不甚重要的强效可卡因毒品贩子,DerrickKimbrough,已被判处15年的监禁。
It was from Caesarea that Pontius Pilate set out for Jerusalem for the Passover festival at which he sentenced Jesus to be crucified. 彼拉多在逾越节的时候,从恺撒里亚被派往耶路撒冷,在那里,他判决了耶稣钉上十字架。
If a criminal sentenced to a fine fails to pay the fine within the time limit, the People's Court shall compel him to pay. 第二百一十九条被判处罚金的罪犯,期满不缴纳的,人民法院应当强制缴纳;
Lincoln is hesitant. The last time they spoke she called him a liar and suspected that the judge who sentenced him to death "got it right. " Lincoln迟疑不决,上次他们交谈时,Veronica还说他是大话王,而且觉得法官判他死刑是“罪有应得”。
One of those sentenced to death was said to be a member of a pro-monarchist group. 据称,其中一名被判刑者是反君主主义组织的成员。
Upon her return, she found that her lover Dumuzi had not been mourning and so she sentenced him to the underworld. 她返回的时候,发现她的爱人杜穆兹并没有因此而悲恸,因此她宣判他到冥界中。
some people life out of a bad thing, it was mass sentenced to death, even if he have thousands or even tens of thousands of my heart. 有些人一生只做了一件坏事,就被大众判了死刑,就算他有几千颗甚至几万颗悔改的心也无济于事。
He was tried and sentenced to three months stay in a juvenile detention center and a year probation. 他被审判和判刑三个月留在看守所、少年观护一年。
Most of the victims from the San Miguel fire identified so far were in their twenties and had been sentenced on theft or burglary charges. 大多数圣米格尔监狱火灾遇难者都是二十多岁的年轻人,所犯的罪行大多为偷盗或入室行窃。
He had no remorse when he was captured and he was sentenced to death by hanging, which took place in 1949. 他没有,他被抓获时,他被判处绞刑,1949年发生在地方的死亡感到懊悔。
We noisy, jubilant, ready to see Galileo fool of myself, sentenced to death for his character. 大家吵吵嚷嚷,兴高采烈,准备看伽利略出洋相,对他的人品宣判死刑。
"So there was no way he was going to be sentenced harshly, " said one person familiar with the case. “所以他根本不可能受到重判,”一位知情人士表示。
A Chinese court has sentenced five people to prison terms of up to five years over riots following the controversial death of a hotel chef. 中国的一个法院判处五名疑犯高达五年的有期徒刑。此事源于因一名酒店厨师备受争议的死亡事件而引发的骚乱。
The three were accused of smuggling at least eight pounds of heroin into China in 2008 and convicted and sentenced a year later. 这三名菲律宾人2008年被控将至少8磅(约合3.6千克)海洛因偷运到中国境内,一年后被定罪判刑。
Tianjin court sentenced two men to long jail terms for robbing a woman while threatening to stab her with an HIV-infected needle. 天津两男子行劫一妇女,并威胁要注射爱滋病毒。两人被捕后判处长期监禁。
The judge who sentenced him said the trial was not about the political or moral correctness of euthanasia, it was about breaking the law. 判决他的法官说,判决无关安乐死的政治或道德的正确性,而事关是否违法。