
美 [sept]英 [sept]
  • n.氏族;(爱尔兰或苏格兰)氏族
  • 网络七;九月;synthetic exon promoter trap




词根_百度百科 ... 41.hex- 六 42.sept- 43.hepta- 七 ...


英语 日期的表达和简写 - ruby的日志 - 网易博客 ... 八月 Aug. Aguest 九月 Sept. September 十月 Oct. October ...


研究性学习结题报告 - 免费文档下载 ... wind:n. 风 v.绕, 缠, 上发条, 旋紧 sept:n. 氏族, 家族 Samuel:n. 塞缪尔(男子名) ...

synthetic exon promoter trap

...),筛选标记基因以及多聚腺苷酸尾,将这个元件命名为SEPTsynthetic exon promoter trap),用于构建启动子捕获载体。


英语词缀 ... hex( 六边形的), √ sept七十多岁的人),√ octo( 八十多岁的人), √ ...


Chase Academy ... Start Date 开学日期 Sept 每年九月 City 城市 ...


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... (anti 抗+ (sept 感染+ (cosm 宇宙+ ...

On Sept . 9 , Bair decided that she had to call the CEO of Washington Mutual to warn him of a disagreement over the bank's ratings . 9月9日,伯尔决定必须给华盛顿互惠银行首席执行官打电话,警告他,自己反对该行所获评级。
The weekend before Sept. 11, 2001 occurred was my unit's drill weekend, and I was getting everything ready to go from Missouri to Kansas. 2011年9月11日的前一个周末,是我们部队的训练周,我做好从密西根州到堪萨斯州的一切准备。
Koizumi has said he plans to leave office when his term as president of the ruling LDP expires on Sept. 小泉说,他计划于9月30日,也就是他做为自民党主席的任期到期时离任。
Sept. 11 put New York, a city that had not faced combat in more than 200 years, on the front lines in a global war on terrorism. 9月11日,纽约,这个200多年不曾有过战斗的城市,被推到了恐怖主义全球战争的前线。
At the time of the first admission in Sept. 1960, she was a small sallow girl whose protuberant abdomen contrasted with her thin limbs. 于1960年9月第一次住院时,这小女孩显得又黄又白,腹部凸出,而四肢消瘦,成一对比。
On Sept. 8, the satellite fired its thrusters, left its working orbit, and entered into a permanent parking orbit around the sun. 8日,卫星推进器点火,离开了工作轨道,进入环日固定轨道。
Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence. 9月8日正当太阳黑子开始远离地球的时候,活跃区域又发生一次爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。
In a Sept. 21 letter to Mr. Doggett, he said: "The Citigroup guarantees raise important oversight concerns. " 在九月二十一日写给德哥特先生的信中,他表示:“对花旗集团的担保有严重失察的担忧”。
The WTO case filed yesterday was one slice of a complaint filed with the U. S. trade office on Sept. 9 by the United Steelworkers union. 昨日这起世贸申述案只是美国钢铁工人联合会9月9日向美国贸易办公室提出的申述要求中的一件。
A firefighter makes his way through knee-deep water as he checks flooding conditions on Gordon Place in Freeport, New York, Sept. 在85年9月27日,纽约弗里波特,一名消防员正努力地淌过没膝的洪水,侦查戈登区的险情。
The company did replace the land transaction with another purchase on Sept. 15, but as of Sept. 6, it appears, there was no concrete deal. 哈尔滨泰富电气的确在9月15日以另一项采购行动替代了土地交易,但截至9月6日时,给人感觉好像该公司并无实质性交易。
Sept members that stay for more than a season or two are usually old enough for the call of duty to drown out the call of the road. 呆在一个地方超过一两个季度的氏族成员往往很老了,老到觉得职责的征召压过了道路的呼唤。
Even days after notifying officials about the melamine on Sept. 8, Sanlu appears to have been trying to keep the news quiet. 即使在9月8日向政府通报三聚氰胺污染问题的几天后,三鹿看来还想封锁这一消息。
'I love America, ' he said. 'Probably that love got even greater as a result of Sept. 11, and I want to see it served correctly. ' 他说,我爱美国,这种爱很可能因为911变得更加强烈,我希望看到自己的爱国热忱以恰当的方式为国效力。
A few weeks before Sept. 11th, my wife and I found out we were going to have our first child. “九·一一”事件的前几个星期,我妻子和我发现,我们将要生第一个孩子了。
Many said the only experience comparable to watching the tsunami was watching the destruction in lower Manhattan on Sept. 很多人表示,能够与观看这次海啸相提并论的只有观看2001年9月11日下曼哈顿区爆炸产生的破坏。
One of his brothers was subsequently killed in a raid on Sept. 9, which may or may not have been tied to his capture. 后来他的一个兄弟在9月9日的突袭,可能会或可能不会被捆绑到他的捕获杀害。
He could have ended Robert's Rebellion at Stoney Sept. He failed. Just as the Golden Company has always failed. 他本可在石堂镇镇压劳伯的叛乱,但是他失败了,就像黄金团一直的失败一样。
Ah, of course. That brothel where we met, did you take it for a sept? Was that your virgin sister squirming in your lap? 啊,当然。我们见面的那家妓院,你找间房睡过了么?是不是那位在你膝上扭动纯洁的姐姐啊?
A soldier pulls marijuana plants up in an illegal plantation at the Sierra de Juarez, in Tecate, northern Mexico on Tuesday, Sept. 2010年9月21日,墨西哥北部特卡特地区。一名士兵正在当地一座种植园内清除非法种植的大麻植物。
If we fail to hear from you before Sept. 15 we will not be able to reserve the goods for you. 如果在九月十五日前未获你方回音,我将无法为你保留货物。
27Afghan security men and media members gather around the body of a militant at a building in Kabul on Sept. 九月14日,在喀布尔一栋大楼附近,阿富汗安全员和媒体聚集在一激进分子尸体周围。
On Sept. 26, 1901, a boy named Fleetwood Lindley was summoned from school by his father to see Lincoln. 1901年9月26日,一个叫弗利伍德·林德利的男孩被他的父亲从学校里叫回来看林肯。
On Sept. 6, the developer put 300 of the apartments on the market; so far 270 have been sold, according to a sales rep for the company. 开发商的一位销售代表说,9月6日,该公司将其中300套住房推向市场,目前为止已售出270套。
All sterile females with the same father are said to be in the same sept, and members of a sept are genetically identical. 同一个父亲生出的所有不育雌性称为一个家族,同一个家族的成员在遗传上具有可辨识性。
About a year later, shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, Sadah gave birth to a daughter, CNN reported. 据CNN报道,大约1年以后,也就是9·11刚刚过去不久,萨达生了一个女儿。
He noted the company closes only one day a year: on Sept. 他强调他的公司一年中只有一天不营业,那就是9月11日。
He began work on Sept. 21, and is spending his first weeks meeting with Nokia employees, suppliers, phone operators and software developers. 他于9月21日开始工作,他第一周的工作是熟悉诺基亚的同事、供应商、运营商和软件开发者。
The two planes that tore through a brilliant sky on Sept. 11, 2001, instantly threw the life of every New Yorker into upheaval. 2001年9月11日那两架刺破晴空的飞机瞬间搅乱了每一个纽约人的生活。
The last time the FBI issued such a warning was exactly one month after the Sept. 11 attacks. 11事件后一个月联邦调查局也曾发布过提防恐怖主义的警告。