sex in

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sex in

Overall, he said the changes reflect shifting attitudes about sex in Western societies over the past half century. 总体来说,他表示,这些变化反映的是在过去的半个世纪中西方社会性观念转变。
Part of what I loved in the books was the great mix of horror, romance, drama, comedy and sex in Bon Temps. 原著让我很喜欢的一点是良辰镇混杂了许多元素:恐怖、浪漫、戏剧、喜剧以及性。
Nearly a third of the men surveyed had had sex in the past year, and just under half considered sex to be "at least somewhat important. " 被调查男性有三分之一的在前一年有过性行为,有一半人认为性“至少有那么点儿重要”。
Further, as I explained at the time, I had never had sex in any of our workplaces - or indeed anyone else's. 我当时解释的另外一个理由是,我从未在我们的工作场所或其他人的工作场所与人发生过性关系。
Sex, in its ideal sense, is relational, and object sex does not fulfill the relational aspect of that, said Mr. Weiss. 还补充道,性行为在其理想层面上是亲密的表现,而具有目的性的性行为并不能让人达到那个层面。
I do not advocate having sex in school students, but allow me to participate in this activity at least know how to protect themselves. 我不提倡大学生在校期间发生性行为,但是参加这个活动让我至少懂得如何保护自己了。
If you knew the right place to go and knew the right signals, you could pick up a man on the street and have sex in an alley. 如果你知道正确的据点和正确的信号,就可以在大街上捡到一个男人,然后在走廊里做爱。
As consenting adults have sex in a closed space, police admitted that it would be difficult to apply existing laws to this case. 由于俱乐部是密闭空间,成年顾客是在双方同意下发生性行为,因此警方想取缔这个俱乐部却于法无据。
Sex in the Arab world is, theoretically at least, confined to "state-registered, family-approved, religiously sanctioned matrimony" . 而阿拉伯世界的性,至少从理论上讲,是被限制在一个控制区内,“婚姻是经国家登记、家人许可、宗教批准的”。
I'm sure you know- sex-in medieval china was a key part of life. 我自信你们都知道,性,是中世纪中国生活中极为严重的形式。
Of course, the history of protected sex, in the broadest sense, used to be a whole lot yuckier. 当然,安全性行为在历史演绎中,大体来说,还是不受重视的。
Tess Finnegan: [before falling into a hole] We just had sex in a church! I can't believe we haven't been struck by lightening yet! 泰丝•费尼肯(在掉到洞里之前):我们刚刚在教堂里做爱!我不敢相信,我们的行为应该受到惩罚!
At the moment, both primary and secondary schools have to teach pupils age-appropriate lessons about the biology of sex in science. 目前,小学和中学都必须对学生进行和年龄相当的性生理科学教育。
I'm going to continue with this after the month is up - it's nice to feel groomed, whether it's with sex in mind or not. 这个月结束之后我会继续这么做的。精心妆扮自己的感觉真好,这跟想不想上床没关系。
Indeed, according to news reports, there was no sex in it at all. 事实上,根据新闻报道,这桩丑闻根本就没有涉及性。
I was looking forward to a lot of things. I haven't dated or had sex in almost two years, but I figured that would come. 我对很多事情都充满了向往。差不多有两年的时间,我没有约会,没有性生活,但我认为这一切都会到来。
NASA has always been silent on the subject of sex in space -- which makes people all the more curious. 对于太空性爱这个话题,NASA一直闭口不提。不过这只会让人们更加好奇。
Virtually every culture has multiple euphemisms for the word 'sex' in their language. 实际上每一文化对于“性”这个词都有好几种委婉的说法。
They say sex sells, and it now seems that sex in stereoscope is at least twice as marketable. 凡是有关性爱的东西都可以大卖,现在看来在立体镜下的性爱至少具有其两倍的市场潜力。
"For years, if it just had sex in it, people would buy it, " he says. "But with the internet, people have choices now. " “很多年以来,只要里面有性情节,人们就会购买,”他说,“但随着互联网的到来,人们现在有了更多选择。”
When you think of sex, the words wet, slippery and hot come to mind, especially if you're talking about having sex in water. 当想到性爱时,湿,温润,热辣等字眼会立刻浮现在你的脑海中。尤其如果是在水下做爱的话。
but one of my friends did have sex in a tarp with a guy last night. 不过,昨晚上我的朋友在一块防水布底下性交了。
A recent survey of married couples under 50 found that more than a third had not had sex in the previous month. 最近一次对50岁以下夫妇的调查中发现,三分之一以上的夫妇前一个月没有性生活。
But this isn't a call for young women to have unprotected sex in an effort to feel better. 但是,这不是号召年轻的女人在性爱时为了感觉更爽而不用保护措施。
Why restrict your lovemaking session to the bed or the bedroom? Surprise him with sex in an unexpected place. 为什么只在床上或卧室里做爱呢?找一个意想不到的地方,让他有意外的惊喜。
Tess Finnegan: [before falling into a hole] We just had sex in a church! I cant believe we havent been struck by lightening yet! 泰丝?费尼肯(在掉到洞里之前):我们刚刚在教堂里做爱!我不敢相信,我们地行为应该受到惩罚!
Viewing the opposite sex in any other light leads to unhealthy relationships and ultimately, disaster. 对异性另眼相看只能导致不正确、不健康的关系和错误的结果。
The survey also found that nearly 40 per cent of married couples had not had sex in more than a month. 研究同时发现,有近40%的夫妻一个多月来没有行周公之礼。
But you've never had sex in the sense with someone you want it to be with, so in that sense you are a virgin. 但你并没有同你想发生关系的人产生性行为,从这个角度说,你依旧是处女。
If you upload a profile and a picture, the decision is made by existing members of the opposite sex in a completely democratic vote. . . 如果你上传自我简介和照片,则有现有的异性会员以完全民主的投票来决定…