
美 [ˈʃerˌhoʊldər]英 [ˈʃeə(r)ˌhəʊldə(r)]
  • n.股东;股票持有者


large shareholder,major shareholder,single shareholder,big shareholder,institutional shareholder
become shareholder,remain shareholder,entitle shareholder


The company is "Limited by Guarantee" and has no shareholders but members. 公司由担保受限,没有股东只有成员。
But with Vevey so far silent, Cadbury shareholders can only hope Kraft finds a few more chocolate coins in its pocket. 但是由于雀巢迄今保持沉默,吉百利股东只能期望卡夫能在口袋里找到更多的巧克力币。
The merged firm will keep 35% of the environment business and a shareholders' pact will give it a control over fully 47% of the company. 合并后的公司将掌握旗下环保业务35%的股份,并且通过与其他股东达成的协议,最终掌握公司股份的47%。
BHP's Kloppers, 48, has said he will walk away from the biggest acquisition deal this year if it's not in the best interest of shareholders. 必和必拓48岁的高瑞思说过,如果它不是股东最感兴趣的话,他将撤回今年最大的收购交易。
Far from wiping out shareholders, Resona's stock quadrupled over the next 12 months, as did the rest of the Japanese bank sector. 理索纳股票非但没有把股东都赶跑,反而股价在随后的12个月内翻了两番,就像日本其它银行那样。
Such a deal would be easier to pull off between governments rather than with pesky independent shareholders. So buying them out makes sense. 与政府达成这种交易可比与恼人的独立股东容易多了。这就是回购股份的作用。
Under this circumstances, the company laws of numerous countries have established the system of the right to know of shareholders. 在这样的背景下,世界上很多国家公司法都确立了股东知情权制度。
But the question facing Microsoft shareholders in recent months is, what is the best way for the company to turn the stock price around? 但是,最近数月,微软股东们面临的问题是,找出一个最佳方案,扭转公司股票的颓势。
But nobody ever seems to explain what the shareholders have done that is so wonderful that they should get a lot more of it. 但似乎从来没有人解释,股东做了什么漂亮的事而应该获得多得多的回报。
'Some of their directors (in the West) weren't elected by shareholders but instead by the management, ' he said. 苗耕书说,西方企业的一些董事不是由股东选出来的,而是由管理层选出来的。
The former head of one of India's largest foreign investors shakes his head and says it was naive about putting shareholders' cash there. 一家最大的外资企业的前领袖无可奈何地表示,把股东的钱投到这个地方,真是太幼稚了。
Outgoing chairman Paul Skinner did not rule out a compromise deal to appease shareholders angry at being shut out from the fundraising. 卸任主席保罗.斯金纳不排除采取折衷的方法,来平息股东们因被排除在集资行动外而燃起的怒火。
The chairman tried to reassure the shareholders that the company's bad results would not be repeated. 董事长力图使股东们感到放心,公司业绩不佳的情况不会再发生。
Investor's prudence may be a comfort to its shareholders today, yet for some time it was a source of great aggravation. Investor的远见今天对它的股东来说可能是个安慰,但有时却是麻烦的来源。
Google CEO Eric Schmidt revealed Monday to The Wall Street Journal that the company is 'thinking' about returning cash to shareholders. 谷歌首席执行长施密特(EricSchmidt)周一对《华尔街日报》表示,公司正在“考虑”向股东派发现金。
'It's going to be an important learning curve for China' to understand the role that shareholders have in these considerations, he said. 他说,这将是中国理解股东在达成这类交易时所起作用的重要学习过程;
He has said he would like to return to Olympus but that the final decision is up to shareholders. 伍德福德说,他愿意回到奥林巴斯,但有待股东做出最后决定。
In the end, it was not rapacious politicians who killed the Company, but the greed and power of its managers and shareholders. 最终导致东印度公司走向毁灭的,不是贪婪的政治家,而是东印度公司经理及股东的贪婪和影响力。
Yet it might be useful to know what they do all day, and whether any of it benefits shareholders. 但是,了解他们每天忙些什么,所为是否对股东有利,也许很有用处。
But the shareholders' money is only a small part of the total amount of money which the clearing banks have at their command. 但是,股东的资金仅仅是资金总额中的一小局部,并由清算银行控制。
As one of the means for non-tradable shareholders to put their shares tradable, put warrants were issued and came into market. 作为对价手段的一种,认沽权证开始规模发行并上市。
Shareholders, though, continued to voice concerns at the widening gap between the wage increases of workforces and top executives. 不过,股东们继续表示对员工与高管加薪差距的不断扩大感到担忧。
But shareholders have frequently been caught up in the manias of the moment, along with everyone else. 但股东常常会和其他人一样,陷入一时的狂热。
But they also count on investment bankers to structure financial deals in the best interest of the company and its shareholders. 但他们同样也关注投资银行家按公司和它的股东的最大利益来安排财务交易。
Executives could be in the line of fire too, since they assured shareholders that the bank was fine just before it almost went belly-up. 执行官们可能也会被推到火线上,因为他们在银行垮掉前还告诉股东们一切状况良好。
"Currently, only securities and trust companies are allowed to be majority shareholders, from a strict reading of the rules, " it says. 咨奔表示:“按照对目前规定的严格解读,只有证券公司和信托公司才能获准成为基金公司的主要股东。”
But suppose you were a greedy lottery company manager, concerned more with your own bonus than with your shareholders' interests. 但假如你是一名贪心的彩票公司经理,关心自己的奖金甚过股东的利益。
Investors are waiting to see if the company's loyalty remains with its shareholders or is shifting to the state. 投资者正等着看这家企业是仍然忠于股东、还是会投靠巴西政府。
The NETELLER Plc Board of Directors is of the opinion that this proposal is in the best interests of shareholders as a whole. NETELLER的公司的董事局认为,这项建议是在最佳利益的股东作为一个整体。
While Goldman will give shareholders a say on pay, the bank would not be required to bow to its investors wishes. 当高盛就报酬问题要给股东们一个说法时,这个银行将不会再参考投资者的意愿。