
美 [ʃeɪv]英 [ʃeɪv]
  • n.刮脸;修面;剃须
  • v.剃(须发);(尤指)刮脸;(少量地)削减
  • 网络刮胡子;刨;修剪

过去式:shaved 过去分词:shaven 现在分词:shaving 第三人称单数:shaves

shave beard
shave head


v. n.

1.[i][t]剃(须发);(尤指)刮脸to cut hair from the skin, especially the face, using a razor

2.[t]~ sth(少量地)削减,调低,降价to cut a small amount off a price, etc.

削字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 分,割裂〖 divide〗 剃;shave〗 消瘦,纤细瘦长〖 slender〗 ...

削字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 分,割裂〖 divide〗 ;刮〖 shave〗 消瘦,纤细瘦长〖 slender〗 ...


新概念第一册单词_爱问知识人 ... sleep( 睡觉) 17、 shave( 刮脸) 18、 cry( 哭、喊) ...


新概念英语单词表1第一册 - 豆丁网 ... fly n. 苍蝇,两翼昆虫,飞行; shave n. 修面,刮胡子,惊险的免脱; cry n. 叫声,哭声,大叫; ...


修字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 修门〖 gateofHangPrefecturecity〗 修面shave〗 修配〖 makerepairsandsupplyreplacements …

考博英语词汇 ... shareholder n. 股东 shave v. 剃;刮;;修剪 n.刮脸 shear v. 剪,剪…的毛,修剪 n.剪 ...

托福听力分类词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 刨子 plane plane;Shave 钉子 nail;Tack ...


毛衫部分名词中英文对照---服装博客网 ... over lock / bar tack 鈒骨 shave 修剪 cover stitch / flat lock 嵌虾松 ...

Sales managers may be willing to shave a bit more off the price at the end of the month. 销售经理们也许会愿意在月底稍微砍掉一点价格。
He also says that the team was able to shave a off a bit of the initial startup time by designing a more efficient first run page. 他还说自己所在团队通过设计一个更高效的首次运行页面,节省了一定的初始启动时间。
Leighton Meester has said that she would shave her head if it was required for a role that she wanted to perform. 莉顿·梅斯特说如果角色需要,她愿意为艺术献身,剃光头都没问题。
You'll see how much you can shave off by the end of this article. 在本文结尾处,您将看到能节省多少时间和内存。
On the seventh day he must shave off all his hair; he must shave his head, his beard, his eyebrows and the rest of his hair. 第七天,再把头上所有的头发与胡须,眉毛并全身的毛都剃了;
And for all the rest of my life, as I know now, I shall have to shave every morning in order to be ready for no more than this! 现在我知道了,在我余下的生命中,我将必须每天早晨剃须修面,而我所准备做的事终究不过如此!
Well, I think everyone should shave off their hair and go bald at least for a week. 我认为每个人都应该剃光头发,秃头个至少一星期。
Then, while convalescing at a country hotel with his wife, he decided to shave, taking off his beard one day and his mustache the next. 后来,同妻子一起在一家乡间旅店休养时,他决定不再留胡子。于是,他头一天剃掉了大胡子,第二天又刮掉了小胡子。
Had not put capable hu old man, she helped the father who sent money to house, and let him bathe, cut his head to shave. 一帆心里一直放不下胡老头,她帮着父亲拾掇屋子,并送钱给他让他洗洗澡,剪头刮胡子。
So, they sent me to a salon where they gave me a perm, and after a few days all my hair fell out and I had to shave my head. 于是他们把我送到沙龙,给我烫了发。可是几天后我的头发一团糟。
Mr. Worley says he's heard from many that they're ready to shave off the facial hair. 沃利说,许多人都已经告诉他,说自己打算刮掉脸上的毛发。
It was his idea to grow the moustache, but if it brings good luck then Luca won't be able to shave it off ever again! 蓄起小胡子,这是他自己的主意,但如果这能带来好运气的话,卢卡(托尼)不会再刮胡子了!
Having put him to sleep on her lap, she called a man to shave off the seven braids of his hair, and so began to subdue him. 大利拉使参孙枕着她的膝睡觉,叫了一个人来剃除他头上的七条发绺。
The former chief executive officer will be eligible to shave up to 54 days a year off his sentence for good behavior in prison. 如果这位前总裁在狱中表现好的话,他将可以每年得到54天的假期。
She made him sleep on her knees. And she called a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his head. 大利拉使参孙枕著他的膝睡觉,叫了一个人来剃除他头上的七条发绺。
The jealousy of the others over the fact that I got away with just one shave a week only made matters worse. 我对其他人小心翼翼,骗他们说我每周都刮胡子,这确使得情况变得更糟。
Yet how much should this really shave off the value of shares? 这一切到底会造成股价下跌多少呢?
The Gillette might have given me a slightly closer shave than the CVS razor. I really can't say for sure. 吉列剃须刀的剃须感觉可能比CVS剃须刀稍微贴合一些,但我真的说不准。
If you think you can handle 15 units, take 18 or 21. You can easily shave a year off your schedule. 如果你认为自己能够解决15个单元的话,那么就把任务提升到18-21个,那么你就能轻松的解决你一个学期的课程了。
We got into a fairly intense discussion in class over whether or not it was okay for women to shave before birth. 我们在课堂上进行了一个相当紧张的讨论,那就是对女性来说,在生育之前剃掉阴毛是否有益。
it was in this mood that he would occasionally dress up , go for a shave , and , putting on his gloves , sally forth quite actively. 就在这样的心情下,他偶尔会打扮整,去修一下面,然后戴上手套,兴冲冲地动身出门。
After a week he decided not to shave until Osama bin Laden had been caught or killed. 袭击过去一周后,直到本·拉登被捕或者身亡,他才会重新刮胡须。
After a week he decided not to shave until Bin Laden had been caught or killed. 袭击过去一周后,他决定等到本·拉丹被捕或者身亡后才重新刮胡须。
We might not have had last week's close shave over Greece if this principle had been built into programmes from the beginning. 如果上述两项救助计划从一开始就确定了这项原则,那么希腊不久前也就不会遭遇那种差一点就陷入绝境的时刻了。
but she had a very keen scent, as wild animal shave, and could easily discover when human beings were near. 但是她有着非常敏锐的感觉,就像野生动物一样锋利,可以在有人靠近的时候非常容易的发现。
Every $10 increase in the barrel price is believed to shave a few tenths of a percent off the growth of gross domestic product. 每桶石油价格每上涨10美元,据信都会使国内生产总值(GDP)增长率减少零点几个百分点。
Demographic stance : Everyone in the world will eventually shave with disposable razors (well, at least the men in the world would ) . 统计学角度:世上所有人最终都会使用一次性剃须刀(至少是所有的男性)。
The scientist refused to shave, because there was no evidence that his facial fuzz posed a hazard. Barbeito解释说,“因为没有证据证明他脸上的胡子会引发卫生问题。”
This effectively means that "Shave and a Haircut" can match to "Mary Had a Little Lamb" , so be wary of changing this parameter. 这样就可以有效地说明“刮脸和理发”可以与“Mary姓LittleLamb”匹配,因此在修改这个参数时一定要小心。
Both high and low will die in this land . They will not be buried or mourned , and no one will cut himself or shave his head for them. 连大带小,都必在这地死亡,不得葬埋。人必不为他们哀哭,不用刀划身,也不使头光秃。