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音节、音序_百度文库 ... sheng( 生) shi( ) shou( 手) ...

阿弥陀佛一字心咒_百度文库 ... 啰 la shi 哩 lī ...

shi)了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~回复 收起回复 萦翼 回复 收起回复 凄天使 回复 收起回复 凄天使 回复 收起回复 凄天使

长清五峰仙人台墓地是春秋时期shi)国贵族墓地,邿国,妫(gui)姓,文献记载极少,初,封于今济宁境内,其后史书无 …

三星重工(Samsung Heavy Industries)

据报道,三星重工(SHI)计划在苏格兰Fife Methil建设其首个欧洲海上风电项目,该项目可创造500多个就业机会。  据了解,Davi…


求易混字、多音字还有近义词!!!_百度知道 ... (dōu) 很多。 (shi都放在桌子上。 (dān) 车。 ...

But the big house have been already had, that Shi also all adds to place of, is all all current, ought need not spent more again what. 可是大宅子已经有了,那每个院里家什也都添置了的,都是全新的,应该不用再多花什么了吧。
Shi and hardware plus or coercion, and made the examiner is too short for his "care to" let him become a special operations team members. 硬兼施外加威逼利诱,终于令考官对于太过矮小的他“高抬贵手”,让他成为了特别行动队的一员。
At the beginning, Shi always interrupts Alan's speaking impatiently , and implies him to tell what Shi wants to hear. 在阿兰叙述的开始,小史还经常不耐烦地打断他,或者暗示他说一些跟同性性行为有关的黄段子。
The Qin emperor Qin Shi Huang is said to have sought immortality on an island in the Haigang district, but did not find it. 秦皇帝秦始皇据说征求海港区中的一个岛屿不死,但没有找到它。
Have not missed Chen Shi to her gushed is to have a cordiality, incredibly wanted to cry in doctor for her. 没曾想沈氏对她倒是颇有情意,居然要为她去请大夫。
Subsequently, some moneylender Shi Guobao and others that the inability to develop news, began to ask for the principal. 随后,一些放贷的人得知石国豹等人无力开发的消息,开始索要本金。
Others Zhongxian Shi, Jin-Qiao energy, repair reputation has been exaggerated known to the world and I do not know who, Yi He who zar? 其他忠县石,金巧能源,维修信誉被夸大了已知的世界,我不知道是谁,易核谁哉?
When he was just a child have the last time out, North Hongran wall collapsed, the dust stirred up by Tong Shi Meng-an . 当他刚刚把最后一个小孩子抱出来的时候,北墙轰然倒塌,激起的灰尘蒙了童世强一身。
Shi-huo, the semimonthly magazine, rethought about the relationship between the two and finally found a balance point between them. 论战高潮过后,《食货》半月刊集中反思了二者的关系,终于找到一个平衡点。
The scheme means Ms Shi can offer Panasonic washing machines for at least 25 per cent less than she did a few months ago. 这意味着,史小萍销售松下洗衣机的价格能够以比几个月前至少低25%。
Yang Shi, a man in the Song Dynasty, once went together with a schoolmate to ask their teacher, Cheng Yi, for advice. 宋代人杨时,有一次和同学一起去向他们的老师程颐请教问题。
Mr. Chen listened closely trying to understand as best as possible Mr. Shi's predicament and then began to formulate a plan. 老陈仔细的听着,并努力去理解老石那时的生活处境,接着给他提了一个计划。
"The Yan is matchless to suddenly also stop down, said with smile: " You know Shi Mo, you pour is said to see. 燕无双突然也停了下来,笑道:“你知道什麽,你倒是说说看。”
The move would seem to have been made to avoid provoking unrest amongst the Shi'a majority in Bahrain. 该动作表面上像是避免激怒在巴林占大多数的什叶派穆斯林。
Essentially just a large hill, Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum is yet to be excavated due to fears it may be destroyed by the outside atmosphere. 说白了,就是一座大山,因为害怕外界的空气会破坏其中的文物,秦陵至今没有进行发掘。
One day, a scholar named Yang Shi was going to ask some questions from Master Cheng Yi with one of his friends. 一天,有位叫杨时的学者和他的一位友人打算去向老师程颐求教。
Besides, the Oversea Chinese Literature History lists Shi Ying as a key writer and introduces him in a special article. 另有惊江出版社出版的《海外华文文学史》将史英列为重要作家加以专文介绍。
She only knew Xi Shi's frown looked beautiful but she did not know the reason for its beauty. 她只知道西施蹙额很美,但并不知道,她美的根本。
Jin-Hua Shi has started his art movement of measurement and record when he was 17 and further made it a reason of his living and art career. 石晋华17岁开始测量与记录的动作,到今天这已经是种生活下去的理由与志业。
When he told me that he could not find Hei Shi, my heart sank, and tears swelled up in my eyes immediately. 当他打电话告诉我说他找不到黑狮了,我的心沉到底了,泪水一下充满我的双眼。
ZTE CEO Shi Lirong said the situation the company is facing in US is an indication of anti-competition, protectionism and anti-foreignism. 中兴通讯总裁史立荣近期曾表示,目前中兴通讯在美国遭遇的情况是反对竞争、保护主义和排外思想的体现。
the Shi'ite kingdom of Persia under Abbas the Great was quite prepared to ally with European states against the Ottomans. 然而,在边界那边阿拨斯大王统下的波斯什叶派王国,已完全准备好与欧洲国家联合反对奥斯曼人。
Qin Shi Huang Meng Jiangnu very beautiful to see, wanted to force her to do concubine. 秦始皇看到孟姜女很美丽,想逼她做妃子。
Shi: No. I took the drawing to an engineer. I didn't want it to be very conceptual, but it came out conceptual anyway. That's still good. 史:不是,我把图纸找了一个工程师,本来不想让这个东西有什么观念性的,结果它出来就很观念。
Wo Shi Like (Chinese )from China Radio International . Thank you . And let me introduce to you , from BTV, the very lovely Jiang Hua. 我是来自中国国际广播电台的里克(中文).谢谢!同时让我来给你们介绍来自北京电视台的非常可爱的姜华小姐。
A few days before, Mr. Shi had come home with his pants soaked to the knees, says his wife of 12 years, Guo Qinqin, 32. 师伟科32岁的妻子郭琴琴说,出事前的几天,师伟科一次回家时裤子的膝盖以下都是湿的。
Shi said he wants to help his colleagues find a mate, because none of them come from Chengdu. 石亿表示自己想帮助同事找到另一半,因为他们都不是成都本地人。
They lied to Mr. Shi's parents about his whereabouts, telling them he was among the 115 rescued but wasn't yet allowed to talk. 他们对师伟科的父母撒了谎,说他已经获救,但还不允许说话。
Carefully to see that she is like a village shi ba jiu -year-old girl. 可仔细一看,她像是一个十八九岁的村姑娘。
Mrs . Shi is a part of the Decoration revolution. Let's follow her to experiences the Decoration life. 史老师就是这革命大潮中的一分子,就让我们跟着她体验一回装修生活吧!