
美 [ˈʃɑpɪŋ]英 [ˈʃɒpɪŋ]
  • v.“shop”的现在分词




1.购物the activity of going to shops/stores and buying things

2.从商店采买的东西the things that you have bought from shops/stores

Once you are done, you can save it, email it or print it out to use as a shopping list at the IKEA store. 当你设计完成后,就可保存设计图,发到你的邮箱或者打印出来作为来宜家购物的参考。
Ever since I was a little girl, I have done some shopping with my mum, helping her to carry the heavy bags readily. 当我还是个小丫头的时候,就经常陪着妈妈逛商店,开心地帮她拎包儿。
Shopping receipts which have already been used for VIP card applying will not be accepted for accumulated shopping credits activity. 已办领VIP卡的购物小票,不再参加积分活动。
If you want to go all out on your website, you can put together shopping cart technology, but that be pricey to start out with. 如果你想全力以赴把站点做好,你可以利用一下购物车技术,但开始时费用会有点儿搞。
TwoTweet isn't designed to replace shopping carts for larger sites, since you can only sell one item at a time with the system. TwoTweet的目的不是替代那些大型购物网站,因为卖家每次只能销售一件物品。
He asked me whether I would go shopping with him the next day. 他问我第二天是否会和他一起去购物。
There seems to be opportunities for selling coffee locally in small, independent delis, businesses, and shopping centers. 这看起来为在当地的小的独立的熟食店、公司和购物中心销售咖啡提供了机会。
Well, you could go out shopping or to see a movie, or go out with some of the kids here at the hostel. 嗯,你可以外出购物或去看场电影,或者和旅社这里的几位年轻人出去。
You can ban me from plastic shopping bags, but I have a right to be here, China seems to say. You can't get rid of me so easily. 中国彷佛在说:“你可以禁止我出现在购物袋里,但我有权在此,你灭我,没那么容易。”
Actually . . . with a huge hole in the front of my shirt since I still refuse to go shopping. 事实上,衬衫的前面应该还有个大洞,因为我一直不愿去买件新的。
Once you see how much you can save when you spend only on needs rather than wants, you may never go back to frivolous shopping. 一旦你知道把钱花在必需品上而不是自己想买的东西上可以省下多少钱,你可能再也不会像原来一样把钱花在无关紧要的购物上。
At the beginning of good year 3 when, I lost the watch for a chance in the home, when shopping, did not disappear alertly . 大年初三的时候,我把家里的相机弄丢了,逛街的时候没留意就不见了。
Novotel Beijing Peace is in the heart of the city and its popular shopping, restaurant and entertainment district of Wang FuJing. 诺富特和平宾馆就坐落于市中心最为繁华的王府井大街,购物、餐饮、娱乐,可以随心所欲。
Don't you think it would be a good idea to park the car near the shopping complex? 你不认为把车停在购物中心附近是个好主意吗?
Such a person is ultimately to be dominated by people, others want him to do what he can do anything, shopping is often indecisive. 这种人最终是被人支配的人,别人要他做什么,他就可能做什么,购物时常拿不定主意。
The peak of the total amount of bacteria in the air of Huangshi is in the shopping-traffic-mixed quarter in autumn and spring. 黄石市空气微生物菌落数的高峰出现在商业交通混合区的秋季和春季。
It would end the division of such regulation among several regulators, which promotes "charter-shopping" and a race to the bottom. 那种做法会引发“特许选购”(charter-shopping),企业争相选择最为宽松的监管机构。
Just a year before, all shopping malls, supermarkets and open markets in Beijing provided free plastic bags. 一年前,北京所有的商场、超市、自由市场都提供免费的塑料袋。
On Friday, events celebrating the party's anniversary took place in schools, offices and shopping centers across the nation. 上周五,建党90周年庆祝活动在全国范围内展开。
The company plans to install its first device later this year in a US shopping centre, with a UK site to follow soon after. 该公司计划在今年将这一装置首先应用于一家美国的购物中心,随后再用于英国。
On my right side, there was a souvenir shop, but we did not go there, because today our main goal was hiking, not shopping, hehe! 在我的右手边,有一家纪念品商店,但是我们没有过去看,因为今天的主要任务是徒步行,而非购物,呵呵!
Now that they've decided to build a shopping centre, nearly a hundred local people are going to be booked out of their homes. 既然他们现在已经决定要建立一个购物中心,那么将近100名当地的居民就要被赶出自己的家园。
To see so many fun pieces of children, she was ready to "shopping" one. 看到那么多好玩的幅子,她准备“血拼”一把。
Does this sound like you? Worried you might have compulsive shopping tendencies? Take this quick quiz to see how you fare. 这听上去跟你有点儿像?担心自己可能有了强迫性购物倾向?做做这个快速测试来看看自己的结果吧。
However last week I was going to go shopping and found he was sitting near the door in the garden. 然而上星期我正要出去买东西时,发现它正呆在花园里边靠门的地方。
If it were to be fine tomorrow, I would go shopping with my friends. 如果明天天气好,我将和朋友们一起去买东西。
Once in a while we have visitors from abroad and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them shopping and sightseeing. 偶尔我们会有从国外来的客人,我希望能让我们的秘书带他们去逛街和观光。
Your shopping style may be a window on your happiness -- and what you spend on may matter more than how much you shell out. (健康网)你的购物方式也许正是你快乐的映照——而你在何物上花钱,也许比花了多少钱更有效用。
Zhang Yue, 16, another student, said that people also care about the quality of the shopping bag and how much it can hold. 张跃,16岁,另一个同学,说道人们也关心购物袋的质量,它能够提东少东西。
A: Maybe you're right. But it would be the best way for me to keep vigorous to do other things, like shopping. . . B: Shopping? 也许你是对的,不过这样我才有精力去做其他事,比如逛街…B:逛街?