show me

  • adj.没有证据不相信;需要有证明的
  • 网络指给我看;告诉我;秀给我看

show meshow me

show me


- 英语初级 - 简单应用-免费学英语 ... 88. she is so smart. 她真聪明。 89. show me . 指给我看。 90. tell me . 告诉我。 ...


where did he go 中文翻译_百度知道 ... If I’m right then 是否那时我是对的 Show me, 告诉我 Come through, 回来 ...


摇头电5 - 摇头电 - 音乐库 - QQ音乐 ... It's Real 来真的 Show Me 秀给我看 I Won't Let You Down 不让你失望 ...


NO... ... I don't understand you at all. 我一点都不明白。 Show me. 给我看看。 Show me. 拿给我看看。 ...


...就是个道地的怀疑论者。就本质而言,怀疑论者遵循密苏里州的座右铭「证明给我看!」(show me);假如你提出某个主张…


新概念第一册短语_百度文库 ... open the mouth 张开嘴 show me 让我看看 stay in bed 卧床休息 ...


经典回顾:荷东-醉里挑灯看剑-搜狐博客 ... 8.LET ME TRY 让我试 9.SHOW ME 展示我知 10.DON'T TURN YOUR BACK 请不 …

You should show me some of your work some time. I'd be very interested to see what you have come up with. 那有机会你要给我看看你的作品啊,我很有兴趣看你到底搞出什么名堂来。
What he was trying to do with me was to inspire me to protect the world, and show me just how fragile the world is. 他这样做是为了要激励我去保护这个世界,也让我看到这个世界是多么的脆弱。
Show me the money. The biggest surprise is how much time I have to spend getting funding for my research. 最令我乍舌的,是自己在筹集研究经费中付出的大量时间。
He is always trying to show me that he is smarter than I. 他总是想向我显示他比我聪明。
Show me into one of those pretty little rooms which overlook the court, and bring me a cold fowl and a bottle of Bordeaux. 给我弄一间面朝院子的精致的小房间,给我送一只冻鸡和一瓶波尔多酒来。
It's generous of you to take so much interest in my work( togive me so much of your time) (to show me so much consideration). 承蒙您对我的工作如此操心(为我花费这么多时间)(对我如此关怀)。
I said wait a minute girl, can you show me to the party? 我说:姊妹,等一下,你能带我去参加派对吗?
Joseph told him, " But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison. " 约瑟对他说,“但你得好处的时候,求你记念我,施恩与我,在法老面前提说我,救我出这监牢”。
You said "I made it by the skin of my teeth. " I've got to see this! Show me your teeth! When did they grow skin? 你刚才说,“你靠你的牙齿皮”,我要看看到底怎么回事!让我看看你的牙齿!
It just shows how sinful my heart is and how much I need you to show me where I am wrong, day by day and week by week. 主啊,我错了。刚才我说的话,正显出我的内心充满了恶念,我何等需要你每天指出我的错处。
I've never gotten up to see something one of my kids wanted to show me and not been rewarded. 所以早上一起来我就看他们想让我看的东西,并且每次都给他们奖赏。
How much money do your parents have available to support you? How much savings do you have in the bank? Show me the statements? 你父母为你准备了多少钱来支持你?你或你家里有多少银行存款?给我看看你的银行结余单?
While studying, she kept bragging about her boyfriend and decided to show me a picture of him. It was my boyfriend. 她不断地在向我吹嘘她的男朋友有多么好,最后还向我展示了他的照片——那是我的男朋友。
Show me this one, how much? 这个拿给我看看,这个多少钱?
Angel said he would show me the best hamburger joint in the city. "Real meat, none of that big corporation cardboard crap. " 安琪说要带我去城里最好的汉堡店,“上好的肉,不是大公司那种装在纸盒里的垃圾。”
I asked. "Yes, Beany, " he said with a chuckle and held it up to show me. “午饭带了吗么?”我问他。“好的,豆豆,”他笑着说,还保持这个表情给我看。
Then I shut my eyes and I said, "Dear Lord, please show me everything I need to understand about forgiveness and surrender. " 而后我闭上眼睛,说:“亲爱的主啊,请让我了解有关宽恕与屈从的一切。”
Pls show me your driving license, madam, do you know why I ask you to stop on the side. 请出示一下驾照。女士,知道我为什么让您靠边停下来吗?
If you want to show me a few pages of your new book in a day or tow. i would be pleased. 如果你愿意在这一两天内给我看你的这本新书几页的话。我会很高兴的。
Oh, yeah. I'd still like to stay on as consigliere. You know, maybe you could show me your set lists before competitions. 对啊。不过我很愿意继续当顾问的,你比赛前可以给我看看歌单什么的。
All that city. You just couldn't see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very. 所有那些城市,你就是无法看见尽头。尽头?拜托!拜托你给我看它的尽头在哪?
I had to leave her to discover that there were women out there who could show me alternatives. 我不得不离开她去发现有些女子并非如此她们会给我一些取代。
Destiny brought us together the first time during the war to show me a promise of hope, and now it had reunited us to fulfill that promise. 在战争年代命运首次使我们相聚在一起,同时给了我希望的诺言,而如今它又使我们团聚履行了这一诺言。
It seemed white people were trying to show me that they stopped killing me, but it was too late for me to survive in this society. 有迹象表明,白人在向我展示:他们已经停止对我的屠宰了。可是对我来说已经太晚了,我已经不可能在这个社会里存活了。
Please be ready to show me a Shopify store that you have made, as well as other web design work you've done. 请准备好给我看Shopify储存您所做的,以及其他网页设计工作,你做。
Lynette: Okay, well, that's easy to say, but I need you to show me. 行啦,说得倒容易,我想让你证明给我看。
SHOW me how much you love me. 告诉我你有多爱我。
On the way home with my son, He said to me very mystery that he had a "good goods" and wanted to show me. 接儿子回家路上,儿子很神秘的告诉我,他的书包里有“好东西”要给我看。
She said, "You show me a tropical fruit and I'll show you a cocksucker from Guatemala. " 她说:“你给我看一个热带的水果,我就给你看一个危地马拉的口交者。”
And he does not apologise for this hyper-competitveness, saying: "Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser. " 而且他拒不承认他的好斗性,他说:“给我看一个好输家,我也会让你看到一个。”