
美 [ʃoʊ]英 [ʃəʊ]
  • v.展示;表明;带;表示
  • n.演出;表现;展览会;样子
  • 网络显示;表演;主次展示

过去式:showed 过去分词:shown 第三人称单数:shows 现在分词:showing

show respect,show way,need show,see show,show interest
clearly show,plainly show
great show,spectacular show


v. n.

表明make clear

1.[t]表明;证明to make sth clear; to prove sth

给人看let sb see sth

2.[t]给…看;出示;展示to let sb see sth


3.[t](通过示范)教,解说;演示to help sb to do sth by letting them watch you do it or by explaining it


4.[t]~ sb sth指给某人看;指出to point to sth so that sb can see where or what it is


5.[t]引;带;领to lead or guide sb to a place


6.[t]表现;体现to make it clear that you have a particular quality

7.[t](对某人)表现出;对待;表示to behave in a particular way towards sb

8.[i][t]显示出;流露出if a feeling or qualityshows , or if youshow it, people can see it

看得见be visible

9.[i][t]露出;显出if sthshows , people can see it. If sthshows a mark, dirt, etc., the mark can be seen.


10.[t]~ sth标示,表明(信息、时间、计量)to give particular information, or a time or measurement

图画;照片of picture/photograph

11.[t]~ sth.~ sb/sth (as sth).~ sb/sth doing sth描绘,描述,表现(为)to be of sb/sth; to represent sb/sth

让公众看for public to see

12.[i][t]展览;陈列;上映;演出to be or make sth available for the public to see


13.[t][nopass](informal)证明;表明to prove that you can do sth or are sth


14.[i](informal)如约赶到;出现;露面to arrive where you have arranged to meet sb or do sth


it goes to show

证明;表明used to say that sth proves sth

show sb the door

要某人离开;下逐客令to ask sb to leave, because they are no longer welcome

show your face

露面;公开见人to appear among your friends or in public

show your hand/cards

摊牌;让对手摸着底细;公开自己的意图to make your plans or intentions known

show sb whos boss

让某人知道谁说了算to make it clear to sb that you have more power and authority than they have

show the way

示范to do sth first so that other people can follow

show willing

表示愿意;有乐于…的意思to show that you are ready to help, work hard, etc. if necessary

(have) something, nothing, etc. to show for sth

在…方面有(或没有等)成绩;在…方面有(或没有等)结果(to have) something, nothing, etc. as a result of sth


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The investment evaluation of the selected three blocks, shows that this paper presents the scientific method, with practical value. 实证研究中,论文选取3个地块,进行土地投资价值评价,研究表明本论文提出的方法科学,具有实用价值。
An early version is now making the rounds of trade shows, and later, more-accurate versions will eventually show up in your living room. 早期版本已经开始了商业巡回演出,稍后,更为精确的版本将现身你的起居室。
"It was a big confidence booster to be selected for the game and it shows the manager has faith in me, " said the full-back. “被选为首发对我而言是对信心的提升与鼓励并且显示了教练对我的信任,”这名后卫说道。
At the end of each sprint, the team shows off the work that it has accomplished during the Sprint Review meeting. 在每一次冲刺的结尾阶段,团队会冲刺评审会议阶段展示所完成的工作。
The molecular formula, C6H14, shows nothing but the total number of carbon and hydrogen atoms and hence is seldom used. 分子式C6H14,只不过表示碳和氢原子的数目,因此很少使用。
As the audience wave the wands, the display screen shows a sea of lights dancing crazily in the dark, like a candlelight parade gone punk. 观众挥舞纸棒时,在黑暗中疯狂跳动的光的海洋在显示屏上显现,好似过去蓬克迷游行时的烛光。
This shows that the lack of association held up for different racial groups as well, she said. 她说,该研究表明,在不同种族的人群中,服用维生素和罹患两种疾病之间仍然没有关联。
One of the most startling findings of the study shows a strong correlation between obesity and the length of your commute. 该项研究最让人困惑的是,肥胖发病率和上班交通时间的关系。
The photograph clearly shows a group of men sitting in chairs around two tables. Other men are standing against the wall. 从画面上可以清楚得看到有些人围着桌子坐在椅子上,另外的人靠墙站着。
The fact that the CRD today is completely David Cameron's shows how much more he is master in his own house than she was mistress in hers. 如今,大卫·卡梅隆已经完全展示了自己在这个部门里的主人身份,而她更像是这里的主妇。
It shows that women are better at being able to stand back and reflect for a moment while they are juggling other things. 结果显示,在处理多任务的时候,女人比男人更会退一步和反思。
The used column shows the number of blocks that have been used on the file system or device. used列显示了该文件系统或设备上已使用的块数。
This figure shows how much a company expects to reap in tax benefits when it ultimately pays the executives what it owes them. 这个数字显示出公司预计在最终付清高管薪酬的情况下,将会在缴税方面节省多少钱。
The company will be able to prioritize its own shows, leaving local and independent programs to wither. 同时,康卡斯特一家独大,使它能够优先推广自己的节目,扼杀其他独立地方电视台的发展。
Such talk, however self-serving, shows the fragility of the transition from the long dominance by the LDP to a more dynamic system. 类似的言论,虽然有些自私,却体现了目前日本政坛这种转变的脆弱性(从自民党长期统治转变成一个更加富于变化的体制)。
That just shows you how much I don't read. Honestly, I was really busy. 由此可见我是很少看书的,坦白地说,我真得很忙。
But at least it shows that she was serious in the object of her journey. 但是至少可以说明,她倒是把这一次旅行看成一件正经事。
The symbol on an instrument shows that the surface might be hot. Avoid personal contact to prevent burns. 仪器上的符号表示表面可能发热,避免人员接触,以防烫伤。
The following code shows how to save the data to a file, so declare a variable and assign it a valid path to save the file to. 下面的代码演示如何将数据保存到文件中,如此声明变量并将其分配到要将文件保存到的有效路径。
Test shows that the depth of residual compressive after chemical heat treatment is correspondent with that of diffusion layer. 试验表明,化学热处理后残余压应力的深度往往与渗层深度相一致。
Married people are more likely to survive cancer, whereas those going through a break-up have the worst chance of beating it, a study shows. 已婚者比较可能在罹癌后生还,而经历分手的人,战胜癌症的机率最低,一项研究显示。
The first page of sketches shows me trying to sweat some of the of the details of her design. 草图的第一页显示,我试着从她设计方案的一些细节上开始努力。
The same CBO table shows no spending so far for the President's small business lending program . I can't tell if it's in operation or not. 同一份国会预算办公室的表格中,显示出到目前为止,奥巴马总统并没有对小企业借贷计划履行任何开支,我无法判断出这项计划是否在实施。
Rasul shows me the verbs she was busy noting down in her exercise book on 7 February, weeks before her death. 拉苏尔给我看了她死前几星期的练习册,2月7号上面记录着她忙着练习的动词。
It seems to me that this shows an inversion of moral values. 这对我来说似乎是道德价值的反转。
Indeed, it is accepted wisdom among linguists that once a word actually shows up in a slang dictionary, it effectively ceases to be slang. 的确,我们也从语言学家哪里了解到,当一个词汇确定地出现在俚语词典里了,它也不再是俚语了。
Monetarists assert that the empirical study of monetary history shows that inflation has always been a monetary phenomenon. 货币学派的主张认为通过对货币历史经验的研究表明,通货膨胀通常只是一个货币现象。
Taking direction of arrival(DOA) estimation as an example, computer simulation shows that this calibration scheme is effective. 我们以DOA(到达方向)估计为例,通过计算机仿真,可以看出方案的有效性。
Fortunately she's helped by a little gnome who shows up and offers to help in exchange for a small trinket. 幸运的是,一个小侏儒出现并提供了帮助,不过要答应他一件小事。
Right ear is flat against his head, which shows that he is proper, respectful and does what is expected of him. 右耳几乎于脸平行,说明他有礼貌,懂得尊重别人,愿意像别人希望的那样做。