
美 [ʃʌt]英 [ʃʌt]
  • v.关闭;排斥;围进 (in; into);关上(箱子等)
  • n.关闭;焊接缝;【语】闭锁音;【机】冷塞
  • adj.紧闭的;声音低沉的
  • 网络闭上

现在分词:shutting 第三人称单数:shuts

shut door,shut window,shut mouth,shut Gate



《Friends》词汇表A ... toward prep. 向, 对于, 为了 shuts v. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 pride n. 自豪, 自尊(心), 骄傲, 傲慢 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... toward prep. 向, 对于, 为了 shuts v. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 pride n. 自豪, 自尊(心), 骄傲, 傲慢 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... toward prep. 向, 对于, 为了 shuts v. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 pride n. 自豪, 自尊(心), 骄傲, 傲慢 ...

He shuts himself in his study all day long. 他整天把自己关闭在书房中。
A woman comes out of her front door, waves goodbye to family and husband, and shuts the door behind her. 一位妇女走出前门,向家人和丈夫道别,然后随手把家门关上。
I can see it with half an eye, and there's one ingredient in it that shuts it out of the magazines. 我半睁一只眼也能看见。它们被关在杂志大门之外了,其中有一个因素,就是内容。
Just as he shuts the door to my room I call out to him in a voice I don't even recognize as my own that I'm going to have to run away. 正当他要关上房门的时候,我竟用自己都无法辩认的声音叫住了他。我觉得自己快崩溃了。
That suspicion tends to be strongest in the run-up to new year, when the nation shuts down for a week's vacation. 这种疑心往往在春节之前最为强烈,春节时中国全国将放假一周。
If the Fed keeps money flowing, it's better to hold other assets, but if it shuts off the spigot, being in cash becomes less painful. 如果美联储继续源源不断向金融体系投入资金,持有其他资产是更好的选择,但如果美联储关上资金龙头,持有现金的风险则会小些。
The man who shuts himself up in a monastery - getting up at regular hours with a book in hand, reading and praying - is surely also worldly. 一个把自己关进修道院的人——固定时间起床,手里拿本书,诵读,祈祷——当然也是世俗的。
The lance must be fitted with a device which when released by the operator shuts off the blast (a dead man's handle). 喷枪必须配备有一种当操作人员松手时能关闭喷砂操作的装置(安全手柄)。
Aquastat: A device which shuts off the heat energy supply to a hot water boiler when the boiler reaches its setpoint temperature. 水温自动调节器:当锅炉供水温度达到预设温度时,该装置可以自动切断热水锅炉的供热线路,以此来调节温度保持稳定。
The hand clamp shuts and squeezes for a few seconds, then relaxes its grip and pulls back to shoot out again in a new direction. 手钳合拢,夹紧几秒钟,然后松开并缩回来,再朝新的方向伸出去。
Bs soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. 它一朝从外面把守门户打开,便走进园子儿里等着打样。
It was considered that transverse cold cracking on surface due to cold shuts in ingots was the root cause of the crack defects. 指出铸锭中的冷隔形成的表层横向冷裂纹是最终形成裂纹缺陷的根本原因。
The blonde turns to the guy sitting beside her and says, "Man, if the fourth engine shuts off we'll be up here all day. " 金发美女转向坐在她身边的家伙问,“伙计,要是第四个引擎也失灵了,我们就要在这儿呆上一整天了。”
The lady across the street, she shuts out the night. A cast of thousands waiting as she turns out the light. 一女士穿过街道,她并不理会这夜晚。当她关掉电灯,千丝万缕的思念袭来。
I feel stress all over, my body shuts down, and I want to leave. 我全身上下都感受到压力,我的身体都像停止工作一样了,我想离开。
When the servlet engine shuts down the servlet, your console output should be similar to that shown in Listing 8. 当servlet引擎关闭servlet时,您控制台的输出结果应类似于清单8所示。
When one door shuts, another opens. You could have new ideas or generate new research directions by exchanging thoughts with other people. 此时交流思想,可以打开思路,产生新的研究方向,出现柳暗花明又一村的境地。
In contrast, planned downtime is downtime that occurs when an administrator shuts down the system at a scheduled time. 与此不同,计划的停机时间是管理员在预定的时间关闭系统时发生的停机时间。
If the delay exceeds a predetermined amount of time, the overload protection circuit shuts down the voltage regulator. 如果延迟超过预定的时间量,则过载保护电路关闭电压调节器。
Just before someone shuts the door, I hear something inside the van where the remaining girls were herded. 就在某人即将把车门关上的时候,我听到那辆集中了剩余女孩们的卡车里发出了一阵声音。
A key to safety, he said, is whether miners inform managers when equipment shuts itself down. 关键在于,设备关闭了,矿工是否通知矿井的管理人员。
If no one shows a light, if in the dark stormy night everyone shuts their doors. 如果没有人给你一线光明、如果在风雨交加的深夜每家每户都紧闭房门。
Nathaniel: If I'm so cute, let's talk about this now. Why don't I do something that shuts you up. 在你的年纪偷偷摸摸是挺可爱的嗯我们能一会再谈吗?。
Aditi Kur with Child Line India said the Supreme Court's ruling shuts down such excuses. 阿迪提线印度儿童库尔说,最高法院的裁决,关闭等借口。
He is great at home or in places he knows, but around new kids, people, and situations he shuts down for quite a while. 他在家或者他熟悉的地方都表现得不错,但是在陌生的环境下,在陌生的人群周围,他就很久都不说话。
On a seriously constrained machine the service shuts itself down and leaves the system alone. 在(内存)严重受限的机器上,该服务自行关闭,不影响系统。
An innkeeper scrubs his steps, sits and reads a paper, leans against the sandstone wall and shuts his eyes. The streets are sleeping. 一个旅店老板刷过台阶,坐下读报,靠着砂石墙,闭上了眼,街市睡了。
Other axis guide bracket opens in the strobe shuts in the process not to have to bump with the lead screw connecting sleeve. 其余轴导架在闸门的启闭过程中不得与丝杆连接套相碰。
If the rectifiers fail and the line shuts down, the molten aluminum will "freeze" within hours, at a cost of $100 million or more. 倘若整流器出了故障导致整个生产线停工,那些熔化的铝将在几个小时之内冷却下来,代价将是1亿美元甚至更多。
A port can be in a disabled state. This disabled state can occur when an administrator shuts down the port or the port fails. 一个埠有可能是处于关闭状态。当管理者关闭这个埠或这个埠失效时,关闭状态便产生了。