
美 [ʃʌt]英 [ʃʌt]
  • v.关闭;关上;关门;合上;关闭;排斥;围进 (in; into);关上(箱子等)
  • adj.关闭;关门;停业;合拢;紧闭的;声音低沉的
  • n.关闭;焊接缝;【语】闭锁音;【机】冷塞;关闭;焊接缝;【语】闭锁音;【机】冷塞
  • 网络闭上

现在分词:shutting 第三人称单数:shuts

shut door,shut window,shut mouth,shut Gate


1.[t][i]~ (sth)关闭;关上;合上to make sth close; to become closed

2.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)停止营业,关门,打烊when a shop/store, restaurant, etc.shuts or when sbshuts it, it stops being open for business and you cannot go into it


shut your mouth/face!

(粗暴地要某人停止说话)住口,闭嘴a rude way of telling sb to be quiet or stop talking

shut up shop

停业;关张;倒闭;打烊to close a business permanently or to stop working for the day


中学阶段所有加i... ... set -- setting 放置,设定,确定,调整 shut -- shutting 关闭,合拢,停止 skip -- skipping 跳过,略过,遗 …


希高翻译-轻工业词汇中英对照Q-S ... shuffling 滑移 shutting 闭锁 shuttle 梭 ...


... grow vi. 生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 shutting v. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 nobody pron. 谁也不, 无人, 任何人, 没有任何人 ...


... grow vi. 生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 shutting v. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 nobody pron. 谁也不, 无人, 任何人, 没有任何人 ...


问个初三英语(————代表要填的单词)_百度知道 ... 2easily 容易 4shutting 关门 1 absolutely, 明显 ...

The hope was that by shutting down buildings for an extra day each week, energy bills would be slashed by up to a fifth. 该州期望每周多关闭一天工作大楼的方式,可能会使能源费用削减五分之一。
Some shoemakers are shutting factories and moving further inland or to cheaper parts of Asia. 一些制鞋公司纷纷关闭那里的工厂,或转移到中国内地,或转移到亚洲其他成本更低的国家。
"Into the oven with you, " said the ogre's wife, bundling Jack in and shutting the door after him. “快进烤炉!”妖魔的妻子说,说着急忙把杰克推进炉子,随手关上炉门。
To help to prevent shutting down the application while you are debugging , do not set this time- out to a large value . 若要帮助避免在调试期间关闭应用程序,请不要将此超时属性设置为较大值。
It's actually miraculous that she's still able to speak, because her body is rapidly shutting down on her. 她竟然还能说话,这简直是个奇迹,因为她的身体已经不行了。
The company said it is shutting down production in Thailand until the end of the week at least. 本田汽车说,公司在泰国的生产至少本周末以前将处于关闭状态。
He puzzled, shutting his eyes to envision the interior nub, to search out the dark invader. 他困惑了,闭上眼睛想象萨利身体里的瘤,去寻找那个黑色的入侵者。
"Right, the twins, " Kugelmass said, closing the bathroom door and shutting out the sound of his wife's voice. “是啊,那对双胞胎,”库马思说道,关上浴室的门,隔离掉他老婆的说话声。
I don't know if it was a sentimental thing or if it was the fact that my body was already shutting itself down. 我不知道这是因为感情用事或是我实际的身体状况已经坚持不住了。
" said the ant, laughing and shutting up his granary. " Since you could sing all summer, you may dance all winter. 蚂蚁笑着关闭了他的谷仓,说:“你可以整个夏天歌唱,那你也可以整个冬天都跳舞。”
He made sure Peeves wasn't inside before shutting the door behind them, then he told them what he'd seen and heard. 哈利确信皮皮鬼不在屋里之后,才回身关上房门,然后把他刚才看到和听到的情形告诉了他们。
North Korea says it may be ready to move in a standoff over frozen assets it insists be unblocked before shutting down its nuclear reactor. 朝鲜表示他们已经准备进入僵持阶段,表明在核反应堆解除之前,他们要先确保资产得到解冻。
Let administrative study find the best means for giving public criticism this control and for shutting it out from all other interference. 应该让行政学研究会发现一些最佳方法,这些方法能够给予公众评论这种控制监督的权力,同时使之与一切其它的干扰活动分离。
Might be a risk with him shutting down for 20 minutes after getting gravel from the warning track in his guidance apparatus. 可能是一个危险与他关闭了20分钟后,越来越沙石赛道的警告在他的指导机构。
And he certainly questions the diminishing of his virility, what the Dutch call "the shutting of the door. " 并且他一定会担心自己的男儿气概在不断衰减。按荷兰人的说法,就是“门在慢慢关上。”
One day some gentlemen called on my mother, and I felt the shutting of the front door and other sounds that indicated their arrival. 有一天,一些绅士邀请我母亲外出,我感觉到了大门关闭的震动和他们离去的声音。
Gretel gave her a push, which sent the old woman right into the oven, shutting the door tightly. 格莱特推了她一把,巫婆跌进了炉子,格莱特把门紧紧地关住了。
shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self. 这位父亲苦涩地现则了隐居,关闭起自己和朋友隔绝,也拒绝参加那些能让他找回平衡,返回常态的一切活动。
Across the country, cash-strapped state governments are shutting down business for a day at a time to save money. 全美各地腰包紧张的州政府都开始暂停办公一天,以便节约资金。
So until then, shut the door [DOOR SHUTTING], make sure the late show's on a timer [TV SOUND], and try to have sweet dreams. 因此,在有效方法找到之前,关上房门(关门声),确保夜间节目别看到太晚(电视节目声),然后进入甜蜜梦乡吧。
stuffing Dobby in, shutting the door, and flinging himself onto the bed just as the door handle turned. 他把多比塞进衣橱,关上橱门,刚扑倒在床上,门把手就转动了。
The little sandy-haired woman had turned bright pink, and her mouth was opening and shutting like that of a landed fish. 小个子的黄发女人面色通红,嘴巴一张一合,像条搁浅的鱼。
Let me alone. "she said, shutting others out of the door. " 她说”让我一个人呆着“把其他人都关在了门外。
The company announced it's shutting down the nation's largest producing oil field after discovering corrosion in a transit pipeline system. 在发现其传输管道上的腐蚀后,该公司宣布停止自美国最大产油地的石油运输。
Never in his experience had he found anything out of order, but to-night, after shutting down his desk, he came out and tried the safe. 他从未发现任何东西出过差错,可是今晚,他锁好自己的写字台后,出来检查保险柜。
For a while she sat in her arm- chair , opening and shutting the absurd ivory fan between her fingers . 她在扶手椅里坐了一会儿,不停地把拿在手上的那把可笑的象牙折扇打开来又合上。
Microsoft just received confirmation of a patent that hands the company the intellectual property of shutting an operating system down. 微软刚刚获得了授予该公司有关关闭操作系统技术的知识产权的专利认证。
The company is shutting down Saturn, and it began to halt operations at Saab after a deal with Koenigsegg in Sweden was called off. 通用正在关闭Saturn品牌,与瑞典科尼赛克汽车公司的交易被取消后,也已开始停止萨博业务。
"Get her out of here, " Cabe said, and the other soldiers complied, the door shutting behind them as they left. “把她弄出去。”卡布说。其他几个士兵把老妇人弄了出去,并且随手把门关上。
At the moment the days of automatically shutting up shop for the night seem so distant and remarkable they take on an almost golden hue. 往日一到夜里就能自动睡着的时光现在显得那么遥远而不同寻常,几乎闪耀着金色的光芒。