
美 [saɪ]英 [saɪ]
  • v.叹息;悲叹;渴慕;(风等)呜咽呼啸
  • n.叹气;呜咽声

复数:sighs 现在分词:sighing 过去式:sighed





《英语同音词、同音字》2864个;音部分 续 -... ... sighed 悲叹,爱悼,叹服,叹息(声),叹气 cipher 密码, 暗号, 花色签名, 零, 翻译, ...

"what a pair of hands. . . " she sighed, closing her eyes, " pity that they are not meant for embroidery, but for killing. " 她闭上眼睛,叹息着道:“好好的一双手不用来绣花,却用来杀人,真是可惜得很……”
"The Lyons sighed tone, put to put a hand and said: " Now that your friend also say so, let's shine on what she said to do. 里昂叹了口气,摆了摆手,PiuminoMoncler,说道:“既然你朋友也这么说,我们就照她说的做吧。”
Hayden sighed and stopped counting. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and waved it at me. 海登叹了口气,停下来不数了。他从口袋里拽出一张纸,朝我晃了晃。
I looked about the train. There was not one familiar face. I sighed and sat down to read my Economics. 我看着火车厢里的一切,没有一张熟悉的脸孔,我叹气,坐下来看着我的经济学书本。
"It's the color of your eyes today, " I sighed, surrendering, staring down at my hands as I fiddled with a piece of my hair. “那是今天你的眼睛的颜色。”我叹息着,投降了。我把玩着自己的一缕头发,眼睛盯着自己的手看。
The first one to see, and he sighed to himself: "My life is not only the spider as it? Busy and no income. " 第一个人看到了,他叹了一口气,自言自语:“我的一生不正如这只蜘蛛吗?忙忙碌碌而无所得。”
After a while, he sighed and leaned back on the fallen tree trunk, arms behind his head, and looked up at the canopy of leaves above. 过了一会儿,他叹了口气,朝后躺在树干上,胳膊放在脑袋后面,望着头顶茂密的树荫。
Sullivan sighed, but he did not argue. "I think I'll miss you, Jonathan, " was all he said. 苏利万叹了口气,但没再坚持,他只说了一句:“我一定会想念你的,乔纳森。”
He sighed again, wondering if he had anything left to say, He slowly reached out his arm and grazed the name imprinted in the stone. 他再一次叹息,不知道他是否还有什么事剩下没说,他慢慢地伸出他的手臂,抚过刻在石头上的名字。
For his wife, he sighed, with the vague unrest of a husband whose infidelities are imaginary, was a genuinely good woman. 臆想对妻子有不忠行为的丈夫总会有种淡淡的不安,正是带着这种不安他叹息道,他的妻子是一个真正的好女人。
She sighed. 'There is nothing left, ' she said. 'There is no way they could have survived. ' 山内叹了一口气说,什么都没剩下,她们不可能生还。
At length he sighed from the very bottom of his heart, and cried, ah, if I were but at the castle of the golden sun. 他一直往前走,最后,他从心底里叹了口气说:“唉,我要是在金太阳宫就好了!”
He looked back and saw the enemy was almost on top of him. He sighed and said, "The heavens have abandoned me! " 他往后一看,敌人很快就要追上来了。他叹了口气,“天要亡我!”
His lawyer sighed and, when he couldn't get Dennis to shut up, sat down in disgust. 他的律师叹了口气,既然不能让丹尼斯闭嘴,只好嫌恶地坐了下来。
The blue of the sky, fell in love with the earth green, between them the breeze sighed sound "oh" . 天空的蔚蓝,爱上了大地的碧绿,他们之间的微风叹了声“唉”。
I threw the camera toward him, carefully avoiding his eyes, and knelt beside the arm of the sofa where Charlie's face was. Charlie sighed. 将相机扔给他,小心避开他的眼睛,并坐在沙发扶手边上,贴着查理的脸。查理轻叹。
It seems to me now that he sighed and that I tittered to hide my embarrassment. 在我现在看来,他那时似乎在叹气,而我吃吃地笑是在隐藏我的尴尬。
Welland sighed resignedly, and May rose from her seat and went to gather up some newspapers that had been scattered on the floor. 韦兰太太听大由命地叹了口气,梅则从座位上站起来,去收拾散落在地上的几张报纸。
He curled up and sighed as the others said, "The only place you're going to find that is in your dreams, old man. " 其他的狗对它说:“老东西,你只能在梦里找到那个你想象的地方。”一听他们这么一说,老狗把身子蜷缩起来,叹了口气。
He re-adjusted his spectacles on his nose, sighed, and drew the next batch of work towards him, with the scrap of paper on top of it. 他正了正鼻梁上的眼镜,叹一口气,把下面的一批工作拉到了近前——那张纸条便在最上边。
Loken sighed. That would be a sad day indeed. Men would cry out for Abaddon's return, but he would never come. 罗肯叹了口气。那将是一个令人伤感的日子,人们将呼唤他,祈求阿巴顿的归来,但他将再也不能回到人类中间。
He sighed and tossed the envelopes to the far side of the bed, then flopped back on his pillow and stared at the ceiling. 他叹了口气,将信封扔到离床边很远的角落,然后躺在枕头上,盯着天花板发呆。
The child sighed as though a load had been lifted from her breast. 孩子叹了一口气,好象压在她胸口上的一块石头拿掉了。
It was very, very sad: and while I read I sighed, for it seemed as if all joy had vanished from the world, never to be restored. 我一面看书,一面叹息着,因为看来好像世界上所有的欢乐都消失了,永远不会再恢复了。
when he had rested awhile the stranger sighed , snuffed the air , and looked about him. 这位陌生老鼠歇了一会,然后叹口气,用鼻子嗅了嗅空气,环视四周。
Miss Martha sighed and hurried to the front, because somebody was making a great deal of noise. 她叹了口气,匆匆跑到前门,因为正有人在那儿叫嚷个不停。
"I'm so full I can hardly move, " smiling, Daddy sighed and said, "but I think I'll have one more piece of that pie. " “我吃得这么饱,都快动不了了,”爸爸面带微笑叹息着说道:“但是我还想吃一块那样的馅饼。”
Guan Yan burst into tears. "Aides are easy to acquire but hard to put into service, " he sighed. 管燕不禁潸然泪下,并凄然叹息说:“得士容易用士难!”
I told you I had bad luck, didn't I? "the man sighed, " The trouble is that I didn't notice there was an ox at the other end of that rope. 我告诉过你我倒霉了吧?那个人叹了口气,“麻烦的就是我没有注意到绳子的那一头还有一头公牛。”重点词汇
Miraculous, said others, as they sighed at his soft blasts out of bunkers on to the green, or the fluid grace of his swing. 还有一些人,看着他把球从沙坑到果岭和他流畅优雅的挥杆,叹口气然后说不可思议。