
美 [ˈsɪɡnəl]英 [ˈsɪɡn(ə)l]
  • n.信号;信号灯;标志;预示
  • v.标志;预示;示意;表示
  • adj.重大的;显要的
  • 网络讯号;暗号;发信号

复数:signals 现在分词:signaling 现在分词:signalling 过去式:signaled 过去式:signalled

electrical signal,strong signal,video signal,clear signal,input signal
send signal,give signal,receive signal,get signal,see signal


1.信号;暗号a movement or sound that you make to give sb information, instructions, a warning, etc.

2.标志;预示;信号an event, an action, a fact, etc. that shows that sth exists or is likely to happen

3.(尤指铁路和公路上的)指示灯,信号灯,红绿灯a piece of equipment that uses different coloured lights to tell drivers to go slower, stop, etc., used especially on railways/railroads and roads

4.(传输声音、图像或其他信息的电波)信号a series of electrical waves that carry sounds, pictures or messages, for example to a radio, television or mobile/cell phone


信号(Signal)是GTK中出现的新的并且比较重要的概念。这里讲的"信号" 不同于UNIX的signal,只是名称一样。


哪一些讯号(signal)会被我的计算机分析, 而这些讯息分析又是以何种形式执行? 我传送回去的结果是以何种方式和其它人的传送 …


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... maritime a. 海事的;海运的 signal n. 信号;暗号 vessel n. 船,舰 ...


高中英语单词表_百度知道 ... android 机器人 signal 发信号 信号 teammate 同伴;伙伴 ...


2009年8月17日 随笔档案 - David - BlogJava ... 风格,模式如: Signal表示信号。 f. $ reboot( 重启系统) ...


英语单词立... ... He sent in his resignation last week. 他上星期交了辞职书。 → signal 信号,暗号,标志 → signature 签名,签 …


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... entitle vt. 题目为,给...称号 signal n. 信号,暗号;动机 entrance n. 入口,进入 ...

Come on, do not signal, to see a really is not ah, may be the house signal is not good, it must have, wish, busy to run at the door. 不会吧,难道没有信号,一看果然是没啊,可能是屋子里信号不好,外面一定有,心想着,忙下榻就往门口跑。
Stepping out of the Signal Hill Park, you could take a stroll on the seashore sidewalk along the coast. 走出信号山公园,你可以去滨海步行道看看。
They made it a signal between them to knock at the door three times. 翻译他们以敲三下门作为他们的暗号。
This meter displays how much the signal is being attenuated by the compressor and the gate. 当压缩或噪声器的信号衰减多少,该表就会显示多少。
It's a signal as well that the U. S. economy may be starting to slacken after one of its most vigorous years in a decade. 这也显示,美国经济在经历10年来相当繁荣的一年之后,可能正开始衰退。
So, it pays to research the customs of any country you might be visiting before you use the "thumbs up" or any other type of hand signal. 因此,在你去一个国家之前,先调查一下它“竖起大拇指”的传统用法以及其它的一些手势是值得的。
However, the White House said any timetable would send the wrong signal to the enemies of the United States whether waivable or not. 然而,白宫表示,无论是否按照,任何时间表都会向美国的敌人传递错误的信号。
The law did not yield many inventions, but it did send a crucial signal that government would be friendly to private start-ups. 该法律并没有导致很多发明,但它发出了一个重要信号,即政府将采取对私营新建企业有利的政策。
the strength of financial markets tends to be seen as a signal that the economy is soundly based. 强健的金融市场倾向于被认为是经济良性发展的信号。
NASA is also employing one of its two ground rovers, the Opportunity, to try to listen for a weak signal from the silent satellite. NASA同样也命令其中一个陆地巡航者,机遇号,来努力寻找来自这颗寂静卫星的微弱信号。
Kyodo said the Japanese government hopes to issue before the original visit to South Korea to North Korea "a strong signal. " 共同社称,日本政府希望通过前原访韩向朝鲜发出“强烈讯号”。
NGF seems to be involved in transmitting the pain signal. As a consequence, blocking NGF reduces chronic pain. HGF似乎包含了运输疼痛信号,因而,阻止NGF就相当于减轻慢性疼痛。
It may signal what psychologists call the dark triad of psychopathic, narcissistic, and Machiavellian personality disorders. 它可能揭示出的是被心理学家们称之为的心理变态、自恋和权谋人格障碍的‘黑暗三合一’。
Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi said the fact that Nokia maintained its outlook is a positive signal for many market watchers. Gartner的分析师米拉尼斯(CarolinaMilanesi)说,诺基亚维持原有预期对很多市场观察人士来说是个积极信号。
But it would be a strong signal to financial markets that the new leader has his economic priorities right. 但这也将向金融市场发出一个强烈的信号:新的领导人有着正确的经济发展策略。
When you want to continue to go on, and the other party issued a "let the voice" of the signal, you can ignore the views of his eloquence. 当你想继续讲下去,而对方发出了“让出发言权”的信号时,你也可以无视他的意见口才。
The number of these circular DNA molecules - known as signal joint TCR excision circles (sjTRECs) - declines at a constant rate with age. 这些环状DNA分子叫做信号结合T细胞受体删除DNA环,其数量随着年龄的增长按固定比率减少。
The enhanced control signal quickly brings the output voltage up to at least the minimum desired level. 增强的控制信号将输出电压快速增加到至少最小期望电平。
This fact disturbed the boy and he asked his mother if she wanted him to erase the signal. 这个事情让小男孩很烦恼,他去问他母亲要不要他去擦掉这暗号。
With her free hand, Li managed to fumble it out, but there was no signal. 李万枝用另外一只手左摸右掏的总算把手机拿了出来,但是没有信号。
That this is a dangerous signal a bit alarmist, but at least people will mind Ta Kwu. 说这是一个危险的信号有点耸人听闻,但至少会让人心里打鼓。
Once the coalition has adopted its new strategy, the general adds, we must "signal unwavering commitment to see it through to success. " McChrystal将军补充道:一旦盟军接纳了我的新战略,我们必须发出“毫不动摇的战斗到最后胜利的信号”。
This vibrational offering, sort of like a radio signal, is projecting from you at all times that you have conscious awareness. 这种振动的发射,有点像无线电信号,在你醒着的时候,无时无刻不在发射。
Once the enemy radar is detected, the system can automatically compare the signal with its database and prioritise the threat of the target. 敌人的雷达一但被发现,系统能自动地把信号与它的数据库比较并且优先目标的威胁。
An infrared detector measures how the heat travels through the tooth while a light sensor picks up the fluorescent signal. 红外线探测器测量热量怎样通过牙齿进行传播,而光敏感元件可以发现荧光信号。
What Dr Shields did was to work out a way of subtracting the noise, and thus extracting the signal . 谢尔兹博士所做的就是找出法子降低噪音,从而将信号提取出来。
The signal on the external interrupt pin must be present for at least three peripheral clock cycles to be detected. 在外部信号中断大头针必须至少三个外围时钟周期检测。
Novick recommends that Palmer's presence at the building will send the wrong signal even if it was not a murder. 诺维克劝告他,即使这不是一起谋杀,帕默出现在事故现场也会使人产生不好的误解。
The point to add stimulus control to you work is when dog performs a behavior on command 8 out of 10 times without a signal or lure. 给某个行为加入口令的时机是,不要信号或诱导,10次中狗儿能作出动作8次。
The body type and the height signal a man's ability to protect the woman and possibly provide for her because he has the strength to do so. 这种男性的身体类型和高度给女性这样一种信号,我有能力保护你,并且我也有力量去保护你。