
美 [ˈsɪɡnəl]英 [ˈsɪɡn(ə)l]
  • n.信号;信号器;预兆;导火线;信号;信号灯;标志;预示
  • v.(〔英国〕 -ll-) 发信号[警报]给(人,船等);标志;预示;示意;表示
  • adj.优越的;作信号用的;重大的;显要的
  • 网络讯号;支援信号;通知

复数:signals 现在分词:signaling 现在分词:signalling 过去式:signaled 过去式:signalled

electrical signal,strong signal,video signal,clear signal,input signal
send signal,give signal,receive signal,get signal,see signal


1.信号;暗号a movement or sound that you make to give sb information, instructions, a warning, etc.

2.标志;预示;信号an event, an action, a fact, etc. that shows that sth exists or is likely to happen

3.(尤指铁路和公路上的)指示灯,信号灯,红绿灯a piece of equipment that uses different coloured lights to tell drivers to go slower, stop, etc., used especially on railways/railroads and roads

4.(传输声音、图像或其他信息的电波)信号a series of electrical waves that carry sounds, pictures or messages, for example to a radio, television or mobile/cell phone


信号(Signals),出错处理(Exception handling).  内存共享(Shared Memory) 任务间通信最通常的方式是通过共享的数据结构进行 …


讯号(signals)这段宣告了两种讯号(signals),这两种讯号会在使用者按下搜寻(Find)按钮时发送。如果往前搜寻是触发的,这 …


SAMPO 42寸Full HD LED液晶显示器+视讯盒 -... ... 颜色数 Million Colors 支援信号( Signals) 色差影像输入端子( Component) ...


...内容建议扩展(Extensions).同时利用信息通知(Signals),让用户知道他们所关心的企业信 息的发布与更新,例如企业内部的 RSS …


Perl进程(Processes)、管道(Pipes)和信号Signals)之管道类似文章 最新文章 更多>> 配色: 字号:大中小 2012-04-2…


3 符号Signals) .............................................................................................................


求IP电话网关分解模型 -天涯问答 ... 事件描述符( Events) 信号描述符( Signals) 审计描述符( Audit) ...


Linux文库 - 正文 - nmbd-NetBIOS名字服务器 ... FILES 相关文件 SIGNALS 服务器相关信号 VERSION 版本 ...

More recently, so-called "heliographs" have been used to relay military signals in a similar way. 在近代,所谓的“日光仪”也是利用同样的方式来传递军事信号。
Feed some appropriate electrical signals to this nerve, Dr Zrenner reasoned, and the brain would be able to see again. Zrenner有充分的理由认为,只要给神经合适的电信号刺激,大脑很可能重见光明。
The KRAS protein transmits signals received on the outside of a cell to its interior and is therefore crucial for regulating cell growth. KRAS蛋白将细胞外部获得的信号传导至细胞内部,因此对控制细胞生长有重要作用。
More to the point think of your eyebrows designed to keep dust and rain out of your eyes but very useful in sending signals to other people. 想想你的眉毛,更能说明这个问题,它是被设计来防止灰尘和雨水落入你眼睛里的,但在给他人传递信息方面,也很有用。
The brain used to be thought of as the body's master clock, sending signals telling organs when to operate. 大脑曾被认为是人体的主时钟,它发送信号告诉器官何时开始工作。
They look for repetitive price patterns, trying to recognize uptrends or down trends in their early stages and generate buy or sell signals. 他们寻找重复的价格模式,尽力认出是上涨的或者是下跌的趋势,这样在早期就能产生买或卖的信号。
beings which are just beginning to develop on remote worlds may be ready to pick up our signals in thousands of years. 反过来说,其他星球上的刚刚开始进化的智力生命,他们要过几千年之后,也许才可能收到我们的信号。
All three come as investors have been giving various signals that the more than year-long equity rally is ready to pause or correct. 而同时,投资者不断发现各种各样的信号显示,逾一年的股市涨势行将止步或展开修正。
A slot does not know if it has any signals connected to it. 插槽不知道是否有信号连接到它。
Analysts believed the north initially appeared to be offering Barack Obama an olive branch, and Hoare said the US had sent positive signals. 分析人士相信朝鲜最初是想给巴拉克.奥巴马伸出橄榄枝,豪瑞说美国也发出了积极的信号。
Displaying some of his versatility, here Iqbal shows an HO electric locomotive, track and signals he made. 展示了他的一些多才多艺,在这里伊克巴尔显示,一何电力机车,轨道和信号,他所作的。
Those signals do not constitute the sort of image you would accept on your television. 那些信号并不构成你会从电视接收的那类图像。
One person close to the company stressed that this "absolutely signals that there is no IPO" on the cards for Alibaba. 一位接近该公司的人士强调,这“绝对表明了阿里巴巴目前无意IPO”。
I'm simply going to quote 37 Signals on this: "Everyone loves simple tools that help get the job done and then get out of your way. " 关于这一点我想简单地引用一下37Signals:“每个人都喜欢能帮助完成工作的简单工具,而且这种工具召之即来挥之即去。”
However, the terminology is often used to calculate decibels and measure signals on copper, optical, and wireless media. 然而,此术语经常用来计算分贝和测量铜质、光学及无线媒体上的讯号。
Now Chinese scholars and officials do indeed seem to be sending strong signals to North Korea that enough is enough. 现在中国的学者和官员似乎确实正在向北朝鲜发出强烈的信号---凡事要适可而止!
It's the move up in yields on the 10- year bond and down on the two - year note that signals worries about inflation . 年期债券收益率上升,而两年期票据收益率下降,这正反映了市场对通胀的担忧。
To solve these problems, your script needs to be able to catch or trap some of the signals discussed in Terminating a child process. 要解决这类问题,脚本需要能够捕获或trap终止子进程一节讨论的信号。
Those signals travel up to the brain stem and then the hypothalamus, telling the body to stop eating. 这些信号依次传输到脑干和丘脑下部,指示身体停止进食。
Receiving antennas intercept part of this radiation, change it back to the form of electrical signals, and feed it to a receiver. 接收天线的装置接收部分电磁波,将其转换回电子信号,并供给一个接收器。
A GPS receiver must be locked on to the signals of at least three satellites to calculate the latitude and longitude of its location. 一台GPS接收器必须追踪至少由三个卫星传送回的信号,才能计算出具体位置的纬度和经度。
Then, after the probe reached orbit, spurious electrical signals were found to be distorting data that it had sent back. 探测器到达轨道后,研究人员从它发回的数据中发现了电子干扰信号。
This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast. . . and can't control themselves. 这个信号告诉女士:你就像其他男人一样不能自已,太快迷上她了。
With the tortured marriage clearly in trouble, Islamabad has sent signals that it is ready to start seeing other people. 既然婚姻关系已经破裂,伊斯兰堡已经发出信号,它已经准备好开始约会其他人。
These subconscious scents might be related to pheromones, chemical signals produced by the body to communicate reproductive quality. 这些潜意识的的嗅觉可能与信息素有关,这是一种身体产生的化学物质,作用是沟通生育质量。
Or any other function that returns information in the same object, or if it always blocks signals around each use, you re safe. 或者任何其他在同一对象中返回信息的函数,或者如果它每次使用时都会阻塞信号,那么就是安全的。
Fast Fourier transforming is directly used to the output signals of the system to determine the small disturbances in the former literature. 以往的文献对此系统的输出信号直接作快速傅里叶变换,对外界微扰动信号进行定位。
It means learning to enter and exit in response to predefined signals rather than jumping in and out on a whim. 就是根据提前设置好的信号进场,出场,而不是冲动地进进出出。
when the surface of the skin gets too cold , skin receptors send signals to the brain , which tries to warm us up in different ways. 当我们的皮肤表面太冷,皮肤接受器就会发送信号给大脑,再试图以各种不同的方式使我们暖和起来。
Another of my colleagues at The Times, Charlie Competello, said he tries to figure out his body's signals for himself. 我在《泰晤士报》的另一个同事CharlieCompetello说,他试图自己找出身体信号的意义。