
美 [ˈsɪmpli]英 ['sɪmpli]
  • adv.只是;简单地;简直;不过
  • 网络仅仅;只不过;朴素地

simply explain,simply speak


1.(强调简单)仅仅,只,不过used to emphasize how easy or basic sth is

2.(强调某说法)确实,简直used to emphasize a statement

3.简单地in a way that is easy to understand

4.简朴地;朴素地in a way that is natural and plain

5.(引出概括或解释)不过,只是used to introduce a summary or an explanation of sth that you have just said or done


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... destination n 目的地 simply adv 仅仅;只不过; 简单地;完全;简直 get away from 逃离 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... destination n 目的地 simply adv 仅仅;只不过; 简单地;完全;简直 get away from 逃离 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... destination n 目的地 simply adv 仅仅;只不过; 简单地;完全;简直 get away from 逃离 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... destination n 目的地 simply adv 仅仅;只不过; 简单地;完全;简直 get away from 逃离 △ ...


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... movement n. 运动 simply adv. 简单地;朴素地 useful adj. 有用的 ...


只字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 只能〖 only〗 只是〖 merely;simply;only〗 只索〖 haveto〗 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... destination n 目的地 simply adv 仅仅;只不过; 简单地;完全;简直 get away from 逃离 △ ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... simple a. 简单的,简易的 simply ad. 简单地,(加强语气)的确 since ad. 从那时以来 ...

However, it is simply not true that all the money we're printing today has to show up in a permanently higher rate of inflation. 然而,很简单,在一个长久的高度通货膨胀期,不是我们今天印刷的所有钱都必须流向市场。
I know simply that this sky will last longer than I. And what shall I call eternity except what will continue after my death? 那除了这些我死之后依然长存之物,我还应该称何物为永恒呢?
Simply add a duct kit, seawater circulation pump, and a Universal Seawater kit, and you are ready to begin installing your unit. 只要装上一个输送管设备,海水循环泵和一个整体式海水设备,你就可以准备好开始安装你的系统了。
I can't overstate how much easier it is to remember something you say, hear and read than something you simply read. 相比仅仅去读,我不会夸张说去记住你说的听的读的东西是多么的容易。
Simply send in an array of data (or even a simple string) to json_encode, and a JSON object will emerge (as shown in Listing 1). 只要将一组数据(或者甚至一个简单字符串)发送到json_encode,一个JSON对象将出现(如清单1所示)。
She did this under the nose of an on looking German soldier, convincing him she was simply in the woods picking daisies. 有一名德国士兵看着夏萍走入林中,却被她骗过,以为她只是入林里采雏菊。
On the naturalistic view the beasts are at bottom just the same sort of thing as ourselves. Man is simply the cleverest of the anthropoids. 从自然主义的观点来看,动物本质上与我们是同类的东西。人无非是类人猿中最聪明的。
But simply looking at the indicators against which central banks tend to judge themselves, they did not respond sufficiently. 但单以中央银行通常拿来作自我评估的指数为标准来看,他们的对策力度不足。
It simply does not follow that there would be an increase in output in these unidentified factories because robots do not make mistakes. 在这些未经确认的工厂中,不能说因为机器人不会失误,其产量自然而然就会增长。
In writing my own user documentation, I found I was spending quite a bit of time simply copying and pasting text throughout the document. 在编写自己的用户文档时,我发现大量的时间都浪费在文档内部的复制、粘贴上。
It was not that Bruce always interested difficulties. He simply had no sense of danger at all. 这并不是说布鲁斯总是低估困难,而是他压根儿没有一点儿危险感。
it's simply to do some of the work for her and provide all of the pertinent data points that you'd like included in the letter. 而是简单的为她做点工作,准备好你希望包含在信中的所有中肯贴切的词语。
No one can simply come for the ride, as Ascension is a process that requires you to have lifted your vibrations to a matching level. 没有人能够只是来玩玩,因为扬升是一个过程,它要求你们提升你们的振动到一个相称的水平。
Rather, the managers simply wanted to do something nice for Leslie, so they decided to surprise her with a promotion. 可以说,管理层只是想做些有益于Leslie的事情,所以他们决定用升职给她一个惊喜。
If he were totally honest with himself he would have to have admitted that his bookshop was simply somewhere to store them. 如果他对自己完全诚实的话,那他将不得不承认他的书店只是一个用来存放这些书籍的地方。
Sometimes a business might be better off spending a quarter or a year not growing but simply consolidating existing business. 有时候,用一个季度或一年的时间巩固现有业务,这比扩张对企业更有意义。
You could live a life of simply reacting to what's coming in rather than being proactive in what matters most to you. 你过的日子可能只是在回应你收到的这些东西,而不是主动去做对你最要紧的事。
Trying to create perfection, or to maintain complete control, is simply impossible and should never be your goal. 你不该把追求完美作为你的目标,因为试图创造完美或保持都是根本不可能的。
What I want simply to tell you is that it is, as I told you earlier, impossible to exclude, for the reason that you are going to see. 我所要告诉你们的仅是,如我早早告诉过你们,它不可能被排除掉,因为你们将会看到的理由。
To be certain, the contraband rice trade is at this point simply an anecdote, however widely bandied about in the grain market. 诚然,无论在粮食市场上如何传得沸沸扬扬,水稻走私贸易目前还只是传闻轶事。
I went to his office to ask him for some help, and he simply turned up his nose at me! 我刚才去他办公室找他帮忙,他理都不理我一下!
I could see that they all figured that May had simply played a trick on him. But I never believed that, somehow. 我看得出来,他们都觉得梅只不过是耍了他一把,但不知怎么,我却一点也不这么认为。
In it, you simply write statements you know to be true, then ask the application to derive consequences for you. 使用这种语言,您只要编写您知道是正确的语句,然后让应用程序为您得出结果。
The person recording the length of sunshine in a single day would simply add up the length of the burn marks to measure the sunshine. 记录的人在一天的日照长度会简单地加起来的烧伤痕迹日照长度来衡量。
With the deepest kind of gratitude and the sweetest kind of joy, we simply want to thank you for being all that you are to us. 我们只是想感谢你,以最深挚的感激,最甜蜜的欢喜,为你给予我们的一切,谢谢你。
It may seem hard to believe that men could distinguish a woman who's at peak fertility simply by sitting next to her for a few minutes. 男人只需坐在女人身边几分钟,就能辨出她是否处于排卵期,这似乎很难让人相信。
But there was no sense in a handful of countries imposing such a tax; financial activities would simply push off elsewhere. 但是在少数国家征收这种税没有任何意义;金融活动只会被推到其他地方。
He took his time; after all, historians, alpinists, journalists and the simply curious had waited over seventy-five years for this moment. 他从容地祷告着,毕竟,历史学家们,登山家们,记者们以及满怀好奇的人们为了这一刻已经等了75年。
The defense secretary rejected some of her specific criticisms as simply wrong and said the war against terror will be a drawn-out process. 国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德并没有简单地否认希拉里的一些批评,他说抗击恐怖主义将是一场持久战。
It would have been nice to remain in contact with everybody - and that was my intention - but I simply don't have the time any more. 我一直很友好地跟大家每个人都保持联系,因为交朋友就是我的初衷啊。可是现在我再也没时间去做这样的事儿了。