
美 ['sɪŋɪŋ]英 ['sɪŋɪŋ]
  • n.唱歌;歌唱
  • v.“sing”的现在分词
  • 网络歌声;振鸣;蜂鸣




1.唱歌;歌唱the activity of making musical sounds with your voice


现在分词_百度百科 ... 打篮球 Playing basketball 唱歌 Singing 购物 Shopping ...


Hiiibrand ... Sculpting/ 雕刻 Singing/ 歌唱 Songwriting/ 作曲 ...


”你们猜猜他是谁?”英文翻译_百度知道 ... Who is the youngest in your class? 你们班谁最年轻? 歌声 singing, 很 greatly, ...


电子工程专业词汇S ... sine wave oscillations 正弦波振动 singing 振鸣 singing electric arc 歌电弧 ...


china... ... simultaneous X-ray quantometer 同步 singing 蜂鸣,振鸣 single beam speotrophotometer 单光束分光光度计 ...


英国皇家音乐等级考试--北京代表处(最新动态) ... 1 hour 30 minutes1 小时 30 分钟 Singing 演唱 Harp 竖琴 ...


钢琴-Piano_考试书籍_英国皇家音乐考试... ... 打击乐- Percussion 声乐- Singing 专业文凭 Diplomas ...

Eddie grabbed the microphone and started singing, and I was sort of dancing next to him, and the place went absolutely nuts. 艾迪一把夺过麦克风开始演唱,我就在他身边伴舞,整个酒吧马上被彻底点燃了。
How shall my leaves fly singing upon the wind unless my roots wither in the dark? 我的根须不在黑冥中枯死,我的叶片怎样在风中高飞歌唱呢?
The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. 我仰望与你共度的时光,她们宛如芳香馥郁的花园,宛如暮色沉沉的黄昏,又宛如喷泉浅吟低唱。
KING: So there was no clash over what you would record or what kind of music you were singing , etcetera ? 金:就是说和你要录制什么或者你演唱哪种类型的歌曲方面并没有什么冲突对吗?
His brother was clumsy since the birth, he was at work from the first dawn of day, singing at the top of his lungs. 相反,他的兄弟虽然天生笨拙,但是他每天天一亮就起来,一边高唱着歌,一边干活。
At this time, singing frog in the pond cheerful sounding song, sails looked up the sky's l'etoile winked, as if he was laughing funny. 这时,青蛙在塘里欢快地唱着动听的歌,帆抬起头来,满天的星斗眨着眼睛,像是在逗他笑。
Street children soon picked these up and ran around the streets singing them in return for a few coins. 街头小儿很快学会了这些歌曲,在街巷间奔走传唱,以此博取几文赏钱。
Irrelevant or not the songs we have to it, Indian women singing sound good to say. 离题了没有,我们来听歌吧,印度美女唱歌很好听的说。
It was such a burden doing things other than singing as a singer but now I feel that it's not a big deal as I get older. 这是这种负担做事以外唱歌作为一名歌手,但现在我认为这不是一个大问题,我渐渐地长大。
In torment, is still head held high and strong to withstand the external erosion, she was singing in the rain, dancing in the wind. 在煎熬中,仍旧高昂着头,顽强的抵御着外来的侵蚀,她在雨中歌唱,在风中舞蹈。
For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness. 对我来说,唱悲伤的歌是一种治愈。因为它让伤口穿越黑暗,暴露在阳光下。
To-day a low song of longing had been set singing in her heart by the finery, the merriment , the beauty she had seen. 可是今天,在看到那些华丽的服饰,欢乐的场面和那些美人之后,她的心里轻轻地唱起了一支渴望之歌。
When I found the party I was just trying to figure out why so many people were singing and dancing in park on such a cold day. 后来看到在公园里,这么冷的天竟然有这么多人在唱歌跳舞。
Hour after hour he practiced exercises to strengthen his voice. six years passed and no singing jobs came his way. Hour钟点,他拼命练习来加强他的voice.six十年过去了,没有歌唱是他的方法。
A wind passes by, and it motivates the waves. Trees bow to me, with the sound from the grass, singing by the wind. 一阵清风拂过,激起了河面上片片波纹,伴随着小草在风中的歌声,树也向我点头示意。
After she left, her sweet songs lingered around the beams for three days. People nearby had thought that she was still singing there. 她离开后,甜美的歌声在屋梁上又回响了三天,附近的人们还以为韩娥仍在那里唱歌呢。
Now the children are singing the song'Happy Birthday to You'to Ben. 现在孩子们唱生日歌!祝你生日快乐
I was even singing it out loud, which was a little embarrassing even though I was the only one there. 我甚至高声唱了起来,只有我一个人但还是让人有点尴尬,尽管她非常流行。
This is all. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance. My soul is not satisfied that it has lost her. 这就是一切了。远处有人在唱着歌。那么远。我的空虚因为没有她。
Isn't it a beautiful day? The sun is shinning; the birds are singing. It's good to be alive! 今天天气真好,不是吗?阳光灿烂,鸟儿歌唱。活着真好!
I saw this play, and I thought, it would really be fun to scare an audience, and see if you could do it while people are singing. 我看了这部戏,我想吓唬观众真的很有意思,当大家都在唱歌的时候,你可以试一下是否能做到。
Well, they had a good time singing and dancing. But you know, I don't sing or dance. So they called me a wet blanket. 唉,他们都又唱又跳的挺高兴,但你也知道,我就不会唱歌也不会跳舞,所以,他们都说我很扫兴。
But it was a condescending stunt whose subtext seemed to be that singing was the best migrants' children could aspire to. 不过这一幕尽显了他们优越感,潜台词似乎是,唱歌可能是移民儿童最理想的活计。
Then, joining the children as they went from door to door, he accompanied their singing of "Silent Night" on his violin. 然后他和他们一起走家串户,他们唱“寂静的夜”,他用小提琴给他们伴奏。
Soon afterward he met a Jew with a long goatee, who was standing listening to a bird singing high up in the top of a tree. 随后,他会见了犹长胡子,谁站在听鸟儿歌唱在高顶部的一棵大树。
Okmju: I hear singing and there's no one there. I smell blossoms and the trees are bare. All day long I seem to walk on air. 没有人我听到了歌唱没有树我闻到了花香一整天我仿佛在空中漫步为什么,我好想知道为什么。
Somewhere seems to be a feeling: the joy of my heart where you can feel a certain spring morning, it had the vitality and joy of singing. 冥冥之中似乎有一种的感觉:在心头的欢乐里能感受到某一个春天的早晨,那歌唱过的勃勃生机的欢乐。
However, in either the training of basic singing skills or singing performance, the cooperation of the body and the heart is crucial. 然而,不论在歌唱基础技能训练还是在歌唱表演中,身与心的相互配合对于歌唱艺术的发展是至关重要的。
Sally went about her work, singing and sighing a little, and thinking very often of her four brave brothers over the sea. 莎丽一边干着活,一边小声地唱着歌,有时轻声地叹口气。她时常想念着她的四个在大海上勇敢的哥哥。
It seemed as if the air were singing and sounding, as if rays of light were piercing through the leaves and the stalks of the Flower. 空气好像是在唱着歌和奏着乐,阳光好像钻进了它的叶子和梗子。