
美 [sliːp]英 [sliːp]
  • n.睡眠;睡眠时间;眼眵
  • v.睡;入睡;为…提供床位
  • 网络睡觉;休眠;是睡觉

现在分词:sleeping 第三人称单数:sleeps 过去式:slept

sleep soundly


v. n.

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)睡;睡觉;入睡to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body not active

2.[t][nopass]~ sb可供…人睡觉;可供…人住宿to have enough beds for a particular number of people


let sleeping dogs lie

过去的事就不要再提了;不要没事找事to avoid mentioning a subject or sth that happened in the past, in order to avoid any problems or arguments

sleep like a log/baby

沉睡;酣睡to sleep very well

sleep tight

(尤用以打发孩子睡觉)睡个好觉used especially to children before they go to bed to say that you hope they sleep well


睡觉(Sleeps)买东西(Buys the thing)行山(Good mountain)中文堂(Chinese hall)数学堂(Mathematics hall)常识堂(General knowle…


// 主线程休眠sleeps),应该能给回调(callback)方法足够的时候去执行它。 // 如果你注释掉这行,程序通常会在线程池线 …


英语问题_百度知道 ... reads 是阅读的 读书 sleeps 是睡觉 He reads before he sleeps 是什么意思 ...


...latch free等待事件,然后释放cpu,转入睡眠状态(sleeps)。


翻译词典... ... The hotel sleeps 300 guests. 这旅馆可供三百人住宿. Sleeps 豪情四兄弟 Sleeps 豪情四兄弟 ...

Wolfe even sleeps with a picture of the ride on her ceiling and carries its spare nuts and bolts around to feel closer to it. 她甚至在枕头边放一张”他“的照片,随身携带它多余的螺母跟螺栓来近距离感受”他“。
It doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. 一个人什么时候睡或睡多长时间都不是问题,但是每个人都需要休息来保持活力。
He's not the kind of person that would turn off his phone during the day, not even while he sleeps. 他不是那种大白天会关机的人,他甚至连睡觉都是开机的。
How much a child sleeps can have a big impact on her growth and development. 一个孩子睡眠时间的长短对她的成长和发张有着重大的影响。
They have him where they want him now, the great warrior, the last big man of Europe. He sleeps soundly in his granite bed. 这是充满诗意的陈尸所,他们现在将这位伟大的武士、欧洲最后一位伟人送到想送的地方去了。
Dr Stanley, who sleeps separately from his wife, points out that historically we were never meant to share our beds. 与妻子分床而睡的斯坦利博士指出,从历史来看,夫妻并同睡一张床的习惯。
He even sleeps there, in a room with worn carpet and a bed with an old-fashioned green plastic mosquito net. 他甚至在那里睡觉,房间里是旧地毯,床上挂着一顶老式的绿色塑料蚊帐。
Although he never sleeps with the same woman twice, by so doing he continually repeats the act of sleeping with a new woman. 虽然他不夜城与同一女子两次,这样,他不断重复的行为同睡一个新的女人。
I know a mother-in-law who sleeps with her glasses on, the better to see her son-in-law suffer in her dreams. 我知道一个岳母睡觉时戴着眼镜,以便更清楚地看到她女婿在她梦中受苦。
Socrates sleeps by him during the war, becomes enamored with him and saves him on the battlefield. 在战争期间苏格拉底就睡在他的旁边,并在战场上救了他。
After his wife and kids evacuated to Japan's west coast, he moved into a room at the hospital, where he sleeps six nights a week. 在自己的妻子和孩子都撤离到日本西海岸后,他搬进了这家医院,每周在这里住六天。
He said full hearing has not returned to his right ear, but the headaches have disappeared and he now sleeps with greater ease. 他说他的右耳听力没有完全恢复,但头痛已消失,而且他现在可以睡得更安稳。
Otherwise known as 'The Big Apple' and 'The City That Never Sleeps, ' the city attracts people from all over the globe. . . 还以“大苹果”和“不眠城市”而著称,这个城市吸引着全球各地的人们。
A task's interactiveness metric is calculated based on how much time the task executes compared to how much time it sleeps. 任务的交互性指标是根据任务执行所花费的时间与睡眠所花费的时间的对比程度进行计算的。
Expert A: She sends madness to him as he sleeps. And he, in his madness, believes that his wife and his children are his enemies. 专家甲:趁他睡着的时候,她施放了魔法让他变疯。他在疯狂中将自己的妻儿误认作敌人。
The frog happily eats from her plate, and then he sleeps on her pillow again. 青蛙快乐地吃着公主餐盘上的菜肴,接着又睡在公主的枕头上。
My walks along The Pearl River have shown to me a China that plays, dances, sleeps, tries to preserve its uses, transforms life into poetry. 沿着珠江散步,我看到的中国在玩耍,舞蹈,沉睡,努力展现它的活力,将生活转变成一首隽永的诗。
But when a fish sleeps, it is not the same deep, sound sleep that you are accustomed to, and a slight shake in the water will disturb it. 不过,鱼儿睡觉时睡的并不像你习惯上睡的那样熟,水里一有轻微的晃动,它就会被搞醒的。
He never sleeps in his trailer any more. He looked like hell. 他不再在活动屋子里睡了。他活象个鬼。
Pisces: Sleeps all day and wonders upon awaking why the whole family is in the house and what's with all the food? 双鱼:昏昏大睡了一整天,醒来还奇怪家里怎么会有这么多人和这么多美味的食物。
Blanc Marielle lost two children, her home and her job as a seamstress. She now sleeps outside with the rest of her family. 马利埃尔在地震中失去了两个孩子,她做裁缝为生,现在她只能和家里其他人睡在外边。
Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 黑夜睡觉,白日起来,这种就发芽渐长,那人却不晓得如何这样。
He sleeps only in a secure, undisclosed location, though never more than two or three hours. 他睡在一个安全的唯一的,秘密的地方,但从来没有超过两三个小时。
Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy. 婚姻是一场与敌同眠的战争。
The stereotypical student is a junk food eating, beer guzzling binge drinker who parties all night and sleeps all day. 传统的学生形象是大吃垃圾食品,狂灌啤酒,彻夜狂欢。
After coming to Shenzhen to find work, she purchased Shunliu, a wide-eyed, obedient golden retriever who sleeps in her bed with her. 在深圳工作以后,她买了一只大眼睛,温顺的金毛猎犬“顺溜”,还带着它睡觉。
Mr Turki, the jihadist leader who lives mostly in the bush near the Kenyan border, sleeps in different houses when he is in a town. 圣战领导人Turki先生基本上生活在靠近肯尼亚边境的灌木丛地带,当他住在一个小镇上时,他经常会睡不同的房间。
And sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and lengthens -- how, he does not know. 黑夜睡觉,白日起来,这种子就发芽渐长,怎么会这样,他并不知道。
Colonel Terry walked in with two cups of tea on a tray. "Nobody around here sleeps, " he said cheerfully. 特里上校用托盘端进两杯茶来。“这里没有人睡觉,”他兴奋地说。
He no longer sleeps rough , having found a flat 10 years ago, but still comes along "to show my respect for those who looked after me. " 他在10年前就找到了一间公寓,从此不必再在公园过夜了,但他仍然会来这儿过圣诞,“以示对那些照顾过我的人的敬意”。