
美 [slɪp]英 [slɪp]
  • v.溜;下降;滑落;摆脱
  • n.纸条;衬裙;纰漏;差错
  • abbr.(=Serial Line Internet [Interface]Protocol)【计】串线网际协议
  • 网络卡瓦;滑倒;钻盘卡瓦

过去式:slipped 现在分词:slipt slippedslipping

let slip,slip recession,share slip


v. n.


1.[i]~ (over)滑倒;滑跤to slide a short distance by accident so that you fall or nearly fall

脱离位置out of position

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)滑落;滑离;脱落to slide out of position or out of your hand

快速地走╱放置go/put quickly

3.[i]+ adv./prep.悄悄疾行;溜to go somewhere quickly and quietly, especially without being noticed

4.[t]迅速放置;悄悄塞;偷偷放to put sth somewhere quickly, quietly or secretly

变差become worse

5.[i]下降;退步;变差to fall to a lower level; to become worse

陷入困境into difficult situation

6.[i]+ adv./prep.陷入,进入(困难或不愉快的处境)to pass into a particular state or situation, especially a difficult or unpleasant one

穿╱脱衣服clothes on/off

7.[i][t](迅速且容易地)穿上,脱下to put clothes on or to take them off quickly and easily

摆脱get free

8.[t]摆脱;挣脱;松开;放走to get free; to make sth/sb/yourself free from sth


let slip sth

泄露;无意中说出to give sb information that is supposed to be secret

let sth slip (through your fingers)

错过(机会);失去(机会)to miss or fail to use an opportunity

slip your mind

被遗忘if sthslips your mind , you forget it or forget to do it

slip one over on sb

欺骗;愚弄to trick sb

slip through the net

漏网;被漏掉when sb/sthslips through the net , an organization or a system fails to find them and deal with them


煤层气常用英语词汇_在线英语词典 ... slim hole 小井眼 slips 卡瓦 slurry 砂浆 ...


选词填空,帮下忙,谢谢_百度知道 ... 43. accidents 事故 44. slips 滑倒 45. fall 摔倒/跌倒 ...


海上平台设备图解_阿果石油论坛_阿果石油网... ... 51. Rotary Table( 钻盘) 52. Slips钻盘卡瓦) 54. Stairways( 楼梯) ...


2) 疏忽 疏忽(Slips)、遗忘(Lapses) 和错误 、遗忘 和错误(Mistakes) 以失误心理学为基础的失误分类方法强调人的行为与意向的 …


错误(mistak)过失slips)记错(lapses)方式错(mode erros ) 随机失误(Random Error) 系统失误(System Error) 4 …




体七大元素之棱线滑过(Slips)而已。七大元素仍不增不减 ,无伤无害。

When a security guard leaves his post, the man embraces a woman and slips across the rope into the secured part of the terminal. 当机场安全人员离开他的岗位时,此人拥抱一女子并从隔离绳带下方钻入机场已安检乘客区。
If it slips into a more authoritarian nationalism, he will be the man who snuffed out Russia's attempt to escape its autocratic traditions. 如果俄罗斯滑向更为威权的民族主义境地,他将是扼杀俄罗斯为挣脱独裁传统所作努力的人。
Another time his wife is dispatched to a dinner party alone whilst he slips out to see "The Sting" . 另一次,他把妻子送去了一个晚宴,而自己则溜了出去看电影“骗中骗”(TheSting)。
Ryan Babel slips the ball to Torres, who has dropped out of his lone striker position to assist on the edge of the area. 瑞恩-巴贝尔将球传给托雷斯,而托雷斯那时却不在位置,而是在禁区线帮忙中场。
Several hundred of these little blue slips I had printed up, a few days after Ray's death. 在雷去世后的这几天,我已经印发了几百张这样的蓝色小纸条了。
A problem in which the line of dendrogram slips out of place in double byte languages was fixed. 一个问题在该行树简出发生在双字节语言是固定的。
She closes her eyes and he slips his hand up her shirt, touches the small of her back. 她闭上眼睛,他隔着衬衣抚摸她的后背。
A little cloud above the neighbor's trees resembles Jimmy Durante's nose for a while, then becomes amorphous as it slips on north. 一朵像杰米·杜兰特鼻子形状的云在邻居家树丛上空飘了好一会儿,随后朝北面移动,渐渐失去了形状。
A normal paperback edition of a book is roughly half the size of the iPad and slips snugly into a pocket while traveling. 一本普通的平装书大概只有iPad一半大,在走动时可以自然地放在口袋里。
A bit of China slips back into the house one evening in late March. At least it feels like a bit of China. 三月下旬的一个晚上,一丁点儿的“中国”溜进了我们家,或者说至少看起来像中国。
Note that it is not at all said that he inspires desire. If he slips into women's beds, one does not know how he is there. 请注意,我根本没有说,他激发欲望。即使他偷溜上女人的床,我们也不知道,他是如何混进去的。
You can be a very short period of time out to think about it slips, it can be very long You leave the city slips. 这段时间可以很短牗出去想一想牍,也可以很长牗离开这座城市牍。
But analysts cautioned that Portugal could still need a financial rescue if it slips back into a recession later this year. 然而分析师警告说,如果今年晚些时候葡萄牙陷入经济衰退,该国依然需要经济援助。
He slips in his clothes and slippers, run out of the bathroom to the garden of beautiful lilies and his sister. 他单在他地衣服和拖鞋,用完厕所地花园美丽地百合花和他地妹妹。
I don't want her to go away, but she slips through the cracks of the door. 我不让她走,但是她从门缝里钻出去。
15, the men adjourn to smoke cigars and discuss business, but Jack declines. On his way out of the dining room, he slips Rose a note. 绅士们退到另一间房间吸烟,或者讨论经济大事。杰克没有参加。离开餐厅时,他塞给露丝一张纸条。
When you think of death, think of those who slips into unconsciousness, you will find that there's nothing more happier than. 当你想到死亡,想到那些昏迷的人,就会发现,这世上竟没有什么能比醒过来这件事,更来得可喜!
Before getting up to leave, he slips the allen wrench under Sucre's pillow and places an origami swan on his bunk. 在出发前,Michael将那柄六角扳手放在了Sucre的枕头下,并在他的床铺上放了只纸鹤。
Nancy unpacks dishes from a box and puts them in the cupboards. A plate almost slips out of her hands, but she catches it in time. 南茜打开包裹,从箱子里把碗碟拿出来,放进橱柜里。一个盘子差点从手里滑下来,幸好她及时抓住了。
In her pockets she had many slips of paper on which she'd written memories and also quotations from Bapak. 在她的口袋里,她有许多的纸单上写她的回忆,也引用Bapak。
For I said, 'Do not let them gloat or exalt themselves over me when my foot slips. ' 我曾说,恐怕他们向我夸耀。我失脚的时候,他们向我夸大。
He slips and it is difficult for him to roll over again on his belly. She prods him with her thick toes. 他滑倒后要打个滚再重新趴在地上都很费劲,于是范妮便用她的粗脚趾轻轻踢踢他。
Sometimes she slips into Mandarin instead of her native dialect, prompting her mother to question when she will forget her own parents. 有时,她不讲家乡话脱口而出普通话,这使她妈妈问她会不会忘记她自己的父母。
Therefore, the researchers of the Juyan Bamboo Slips of the Han Dynasty must realize that this term indicates a quite vague area. 因此,研究居延汉简者,必须意识到「居延」一词所指涉的范围并不论确。
The authors attempt to make a brief overview of these medical bamboo slips and silk literature. 故试将涉医简帛文献的出土概况进行概述。
Carl arrives at the elementary school, and Palmer slips away from the reporters to speak with him. 卡尔到达了帕默举行竞选宣传的小学,帕默从记者们的关注下溜走,与他交谈。
But exports also seem to be under pressure, investors say, as growth abroad slips. 不过,投资者说,随着海外增长下滑,出口看来也面临着压力。
As he got older, he began falling asleep at meetings and making slips of the tongue. 上了年纪之后,他经常在会议期间睡着,讲话时常犯错误。
Customers are required to keep the relevant original sales receipts and credit card sales slips for inspection upon request by the Bank. 客户必须保留有关之交易单据及信用卡签账所有存根正本以作核对之用。
He whispers in her ear and the bottle of water slips from her hand. 特工在她耳旁小声低语,那瓶水从她手上滑落。