slow down

  • na.闲下来;减缓;放慢速度;减速
  • 网络慢下来;慢点;慢驶

第三人称单数:slows down 现在分词:slowing down 过去式:slowed down

slow downslow down

slow down


初三英语知识点_中考网 ... 实现 come true 减速 slow down 高度赞扬 speak highly of ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... cut down 削减,砍倒 slow down 慢下来 pass down 传下来 ...


和老外交流最常用1000句口语-搜狐教育 ... 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... slide over 略过;回避 slow down 放慢速度;减退 smell about 到处嗅寻;到处找 ...


新人教版初三英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... 给某人写信 write to sb. 20. 减速;减缓 slow down 25. 实现 come true 30. ...


常用旅游英语口语 ... Pull over the curb. 靠路边停车 Slow down 慢驶 Three point turn. 三点调头 ...


美股_百度百科 ... slacken 放缓;呆滞 slow down 减慢;放缓;退减 slow trading 交投呆滞 ...

Slow down and give them a chance to trust you and open up to you naturally. 慢下来,给对方一个信任你的机会然后自然地对你敞开心扉。
The extra weight of a single passenger and his bags did not seem to slow down the animals' speed. 背上多坐一个人再加上他的行李重量,似乎不会减慢这种动物的跑步速度。
Slow down to greet someone you know. You don't have to stop what you are doing (walking, working, shopping). 放慢动作来同认识的人打招呼,不必停下(脚步,工作,购物)。
As I've lived long enough to know that, other than telling her to slow down and breathe, there's no logical advice to give. 这么多年的经历使我明白,除了让她平静下来,深呼吸以外,并没有什么合理的建议。
She said she remains driven by the same work ethic she developed as a callused child dancing in China and has no plans to slow down. 她说,她的工作作风依然是小时候在内地苦练舞蹈时形成的那样,并且不打算慢下来。
Please relax and focus on your breath. Allow your breathing to slow down and gently settle into a gentle and rhythmic breathing. 请放松而且把焦点集中在你的呼吸上。让你的呼缓减慢而且逐渐地进入柔和有规律旋律呼吸之内。
Although it was relatively easy to start walking and change direction, it was harder to slow down and stop. 走路或转向其实相当简单,但想慢下来或停下脚步,就有点难了。
This, however, was no reason to slow down efforts or to shift the work carried out by the IGC to other fora. 然而,不能因此而放松努力或将IGC的工作转移至其他论坛。
It's like having your personal coach riding with you and telling when to speed up, slow down, up-or-down shift to maintain your cadence. 这就像你的私人教练骑马并告诉你何时加速,减慢,增长或下降的转变,保持你的节奏。
Advance data on pork and other agricultural products shows price rises beginning to slow down in October. 猪肉和其它农产品的领先数据表明,今年10月,物价上涨的速度开始放缓。
Sometimes she'd ask me to slow down in front of a particular building and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing. 有时她会让我放慢的一栋建筑物前,她会坐在那里瞪着黑暗,一声不吭。
But another part can be attributed to the slow-down in the US and most of Europe that seems to be getting worse rather than better. 但另一部分可以归因于美国及大部分欧洲国家的经济放缓,而这些国家的经济似乎正在趋向恶化而非好转。
These drugs are meant to slow down the heart rate and some of them may have to be taken for life. 这些药物是用来减缓心跳速率,其中一些甚至要终生服用。
Kobe's slam dunk is a message delivered by force especially to those players who are dare to slow down him on his way to the shot. 科比的扣篮传达着一种信息---力量,尤其是对那些企图在科比到篮筐的路上阻止他的人而言。
To make cold antihydrogen, the experimenters must slow down the antiprotons to a temperature similar to that of the positrons. 要制作冷的反氢,实验者必须将反质子减缓到与正子相近的温度。
Kostya interpreted this as a signal to drive faster, but when he accelerated Ivetta told him to slow down. 克斯特亚把这句话看做是让他开快点的一个信号,但是当他加速时,艾薇塔却告诉他慢下来。
Maybe with us doing our share, we might be able to slow down the visits from Fort Riley officers. 或许我们彼此分享经历的话,我们两个更应该放慢访问FortRiley官员的速度。
In a vehicle with manual transmission, you may downshift into a lower gear as you slow down. 手动档车辆,应在降低车速的同时换低档位至适合的位置。
People sleep, the body's activities in some parts of the rhythm began to slow down to enter the resting state. 人进入睡眠状态后,机体中有些部分的活动节奏便开始放慢,进入休息状态。
The platform has previously experienced a slow down in app growth back in January, as shown in the chart above and below. AppHub这一平台早在一月也面临过一次应用程序数量增长上的缓速期(可以再两张图上看出)。
People need slow down, he said: "The smell of coffee, " to enjoy life a little more. 他认为喝咖啡的人需要慢下来,:“闻咖啡”,享受生活多一点。
To do so would slow down the process of getting a campaign online, he said, and speed was one of the system's key advantages. 这么做将会放慢在线广告运作进程,他说速率是此系统的核心优势之一。
That driver's trying to overtake. Slow down a bit and let him pull ahead. 那位司机想超车,开慢一点,让他超到前面去。
Legislators yesterday voiced fears of a slow-down in civil service reform with the transfer of Mr Lam. 立法会议员昨日表示,担心林焕光的调职,会减慢公务员制度的改革。
I'd sometimes ask him to slow down or to look in one direction or another as I was making photos and he gladly went along with my requests. 有时候我会让他走得慢点,注视一个方向。我忙着拍照,而他很乐意遵从指示。
Howard: No, it's like, "This fish tastes bad, so I'm gonna slow down and spit it out. " 不,她是想说“这些臭鱼真难吃。我可得慢下来,吐个干净。”
Company officials do not thin the higher price will slow down buyers who want to step up to a more powerful computer. 公司官员不变薄较高的价格将会减慢想要靠近一部比较有力的计算机的买主。
Yes, but it's my life to worry about. Even if it weren't illegal to drive so fast. I'd still want you to slow down. 是的。但担心的还有我的性命。即使开得这么快不是违法的。我仍希望你开得慢点。
In recent days, there has been a slow down in our trade with you. 最近我方和你方的贸易有所减少。
As you and Earth align yourselves with your inner truth, so do the swirling energies begin to calm and slow down. 当你和地球赞同自己的内心真实,所以做旋转能量开始平静和减缓。