
美 [smel]英 [smel]
  • n.闻;气味;嗅觉;臭味
  • v.闻;闻到;有(或发出)…气味;能闻到气味
  • 网络鼻子闻到的;闻起来;散发

过去式:smelt 过去式:smelled 第三人称单数:smells 现在分词:smelling

sweet smell,strong smell,unpleasant smell,nice smell,distinct smell
smell rat,smell alcohol,detect smell
awful smell


v. n.

1.[i]有(或发出)…气味to have a particular smell

2.[t][nopass]闻到,嗅到(气味)to notice or recognize a particular smell

3.[i]能闻到气味;能嗅到气味to be able to notice and recognize smells

4.[t]~ sth闻,嗅(气味)to put your nose near sth and breathe in so that you can discover or identify its smell

5.[i]有难闻的气味;散发着臭气to have an unpleasant smell

6.[t][nopass]~ sth觉察出;感觉到to feel that sth exists or is going to happen


come up/out of sth smelling of roses

虽卷入…而好名声依旧;事后于名誉无损to still have a good reputation, even though you have been involved in sth that might have given people a bad opinion of you

smell a rat

怀疑事情不妙;感觉情况不对to suspect that sth is wrong about a situation

英语:情态动词被动语态_百度知道 ... (学习) learned (smelled (拼写) spelled ...

动词的过去式和过去分词规则表... ... (shined) 发光 (smelled) beaten 打 ...


种种描述都是多余: [广告时间] 卖画 ... 迷宫世界 Puzzle 鼻子闻到的 Smelled 耳朵听到的 Heard ...


气味 - English translation - ... (...的)气味 smelling (...的)气味 smelled 发出气味 to smell ...


初三英语按照首字母填空_百度知道 ... 2.imagine 想象 3.smelled 闻起来 4.unusual 不寻常 ...


... vandalism n. 故意破坏艺术的行为 smelled n. 气味, 臭味, 嗅觉v.嗅, 闻到, 散发 storm n. 暴风雨, 暴风雪v.狂怒咆哮 ...

In an interview, Mr. Rhatigan said he smelled gunpowder coming from the vehicle and went toward it, thinking it could explode at any second. 他接受采访时说,他闻到车里散发出火药味,朝车子走过去,觉得它随时可能爆炸。
One of the turning points for me was when Mum came into my room one morning to wake me up and said the room smelled of rot. 我的一个转折点发生在一天早上,妈妈走进我的房间把我叫醒,说房间里有腐烂的气味。
The woman in front of him was eating roasted peanuts that smelled so good that he could barely contain his hunger. 他前面的那个女人在吃着烤花生,香味扑鼻,使他简直无法控制自己的辘辘饥肠。
Looking to the distant, it is one of the Xinglin a display, I seem to have smelled its fragrance. 向远处望去,那一片的杏林已经是一片花海,我仿佛已经闻到了它的香味。
It was then that I smelled what I thought were bagels and made a beeline for the market across the street. 这时,我闻到了一种我认为是百吉饼的香味,然后过街径直朝市场走去。
A drunken man who smelled like a beer sat down on a subway seat next to a priest. 一个浑身散发啤酒味的醉汉坐在地铁的椅子上,旁边是位牧师。
Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my Mom used to. " 那一天,特迪.斯托达德在放学后留下来,只是为了对汤普森夫人说一句话,“汤普森夫人,今天你身上的气味就像以前我妈妈身上的一样。”
I still regret that I never got to taste. . . She smelled even better than you do. 我依然感到后悔,我没来得及尝一口……她闻起来甚至比你还好。
He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning. 睡着的时候,他闻到甲板上柏油和填絮的味道,还闻到早晨陆地上风送来的非洲气息。
I also like beautiful girls. There was one time, I saw a crowd of beautiful girls. They were very young, attractive and smelled sooo good. 俺也喜欢美女,又一次,看到一群美女,个个年轻,身材魔鬼,常常的头发散发着阵阵香气,俺看得入了神。
Again he tasted the wind and smelled it, but there was no hint of land. 他又一次仔细感受这海风,却还是无法体察到一丝一毫陆地的气息。
That's when he heard something rustling behind him in the bushes: another elk, a small bull that had smelled him and run away. 就在这时,他听到身后的灌木丛有沙沙的声音,一只小公鹿闻到他的气味就跑开了。
And you know, it had this fragrant softness, and it smelled a little bit of linseed oil. 它香气柔和,闻起来有点像亚麻子油。
"Well, " elaborated my flannel suitor, "It smelled like waking up in the morning, you know, comfortable, but excited too . . . and roses. " “是这样,”我那位身着法兰绒的追求者解释道,“它闻起来就像是清晨醒来,你知道的,那种舒适却又兴奋的感觉……还有,玫瑰花的味道。”
Maybe she was destined not to die so early. Her mother arrived at home ahead of time and smelled a strong gas after opening the door. 也许是命不该绝,许玉萌的母亲这天刚巧提前下班,回到家打开门就闻到一股浓浓的煤气味。
He smelled the milk and said it smelled bad. It had a bad smell. 他闻了闻牛奶,道牛奶坏了,有同味了。
If I'd been aware of it at the time, I'm sure they would have smelled my fear and consumed me immediately. 倘若当时我意识到有鲨鱼在,我打包票它们一定已经闻到我的恐惧,早已匆匆把我吞下了。
When you got close to him, he smelled like the ocean. He would wear his old canvas, foul-weather coat and his bibbed overalls. 当你们接近他,他闻起来像大海的味道,他穿着老的帆布衣,险恶天气的外套,以及他的围裙。
When Klingenberg reported to his superiors to explain why he had not followed orders, he was drunk, unshaven and smelled of perfume. 在向上司陈述为何没有遵守命令时,克林根贝格醉醺醺的,满脸胡须还满身香水味。
Originally , it was just a way to be out here and say hi to everytybody, but once we got in the car, it smelled pretty good. 最开始是想跟大家见个面打个招呼,不过等我们进了车里,发现味道好极了。
he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen. 他说树上繁花似锦,芳香扑鼻,令人赏心悦目,这是他所见过的最优美的景致。
'The other day my girlfriend and I got into a taxi which to me smelled strongly of curry, ' he recalls. “前几天我和我女朋友上了一辆出租车,我闻到了一股很强烈的咖喱味,”他回忆道。
In the wind, but also smelled the smell of another unit, and there do not like the taste of the Land. 在风中,还闻到了另一股味道,与田土的味道相似却有别。
As fire and debris fell, cars blew up; the air smelled of smoke and concrete, that smell that spits out of jackhammers chewing up pavement. 随着残骸和火焰的坠落,街上的汽车开始爆炸。空气中弥漫着烟尘和混凝土的气味--那种风镐敲碎路面时发出的气味。
of many, Johnny was able to make farts that smelled like what he ate. Soon he found a job in the town. 钱宁吃下什么,就放出什么样的屁味来,许多人感到惊奇,所以他很快就在城里找到工作。
"I smelled it the second I opened the door, " she said. "Really, it's that strong. " “一闻到这个味道我马上就把门打开了,”她说“这味道真是太要命了。”
It seemed as if all of a sudden the animal had smelled danger in the air. 动物们好像突然间嗅到空气中的危险。
Although I could not agree with his perspective that 'Stinky tofu smelled great, ' I still walked into the store with him. 当时的我尽管没办法认同「臭豆腐很香」这个观点,也还是硬著头皮走进了店里。
It had been raining-the first real spring rain of theyearhadfallen-a spangle hung on everything, and their smelled of buds and moist earth. 雨下个不停(这年第一场真正的春雨已经下过了),万物晶莹闪亮,空气中弥散着花苞叶芽和潮湿泥土的气息。
She had looked like an old woman and smelled like an old woman. 她看上去像个老太太,身上散发出的气味像个老太太。