
美 [smel]英 [smel]
  • n.闻;气味;嗅觉;臭味
  • v.闻;闻到;有(或发出)…气味;能闻到气味
  • 网络闻诊;腥的;嗅诊

过去式:smelt 过去式:smelled 第三人称单数:smells 现在分词:smelling

sweet smell,strong smell,unpleasant smell,nice smell,distinct smell
smell rat,smell alcohol,detect smell
awful smell


v. n.

1.[i]有(或发出)…气味to have a particular smell

2.[t][nopass]闻到,嗅到(气味)to notice or recognize a particular smell

3.[i]能闻到气味;能嗅到气味to be able to notice and recognize smells

4.[t]~ sth闻,嗅(气味)to put your nose near sth and breathe in so that you can discover or identify its smell

5.[i]有难闻的气味;散发着臭气to have an unpleasant smell

6.[t][nopass]~ sth觉察出;感觉到to feel that sth exists or is going to happen


come up/out of sth smelling of roses

虽卷入…而好名声依旧;事后于名誉无损to still have a good reputation, even though you have been involved in sth that might have given people a bad opinion of you

smell a rat

怀疑事情不妙;感觉情况不对to suspect that sth is wrong about a situation


像我们描述的那样,嗅觉(Smelling),听觉(hearing),触觉(touching)等等,是感性感知行为的默认成分,它们发生在关注流的当前状态, …

东方project 搜图攻略 及 搜图网站集合 -... ... tears 眼泪 smelling nosebleed 鼻血 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... afraid adj. 害怕, 担心 smelling n. 气味, 臭味, 嗅觉v.嗅, 闻到, 散发 announced vt. 宣布, 通告 ...


traditional - PowerPoint ... 视诊( inspection) 闻诊( smelling) 问诊( history taking) ...


烹饪英语 - 芷芽的日志 - 网易博客 ... 36. fat 肥的 37. smelling 腥的 38. lean 瘦的 ...


...pation) 叩诊(percussion) 嗅诊(smelling) 其他 《基础护理学》配套多媒体课件 14-8 一般情况的观察 -发育与体型 -饮 …


studio2 talks | ... Home 回首页 Smelling 闻消息 Looking 看活动 ...

It's good that they're on a bit of a roll, but it may be premature to be 'smelling a championship'. 他们现在势头不错,但说是可以闻到冠军杯的为未免言之过早。
No doubt with evil-smelling yellow soap! She was rather annoyed; Why should she be made to stumble on these vulgar privacies? 无疑地他还用着恶臭的黄色的肥皂呢!——她觉得有点讨厌;为什么她偏偏碰着了这种不高尚的私事!
Mom and I eat something of the sweet-smelling food, feel a little more warm. 我和妈妈吃起了香喷喷的饭菜,觉得心里暖和多了。
The lead wolf raised his head into the air and took a deep breath, as if he was smelling my presence. 狼的领导提出他的头到空气和深吸了一口气,仿佛他是我的气味存在。
She always seems to be smelling a bad smell, Aunt Susan. Not an unpleasant odour . . . just a bad smell. 苏珊阿姨,她身上好像总是有一种难闻的气味,并不是那种臭味,但就是让人闻着不舒服。
Its subtle scent will not leave your face smelling like the inside of a perfume store, nor will you feel as if your face cannot breathe air. 它轻微的香味不会给你的脸留下用了香水的感觉,你也不会感觉你的脸不能呼吸新鲜空气。
Smelling the aroma of a festive meal, he figured that someone from the office had called his wife and tipped her off. 闻着盛宴的香味,他猜想办公室有人已经打了电话给他妻子透露了消息。
I rose up to open to my beloved; and my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the lock. 我起来,要给我良人开门。我的两手滴下没药,我的指头有没药汁滴在门闩上。
Standing in the center of Taipei, with a little suprise that the corner called "New York, New York " really has something smelling as it. 站在拥塞的台北市中心,想不到这麽个唤“纽约,纽约”的角落,真有几分都会味儿。
there was no way it could have wafted from another house. My boyfriend denied smelling the breakfast, making me feel pretty foolish. 我男朋友说他没有闻到早餐的味道,这让我觉得自己真是犯傻了。
"Or, " I suggested, "maybe you could just get her a bouquet of sweet-smelling flowers and take her out to a nice dinner. " 我建议他:“也许应该买束花,带她吃顿大餐。”
He began to have frequent, frothy, foul-smelling stools. 他开始有多次、带泡沫和臭味的大便。
His mother must have seen him drive up . She came out on the porch holding a plastic spoon and smelling of cake . 他母亲一定是看见他的车子开过来了。她走出来站在门廊前,手里拿着个塑料勺子,身上一股蛋糕的香味
Remembering all this I was wandering round the city smelling the wind. 记起了这一切,我漫步在这座城市,呼吸着风。
He dropped down on his knees, and put them one by one together, smelling at the pinks, to hide the violence of his feelings. 他双膝跪在地上,把花儿一朵一朵地捡起来,嗅着石竹花,借此掩饰他内心的激动。
For a minute, I thought you were actually smelling something. 刚有那么一会儿,我还真以为你闻到了什么东西呢
After the turmoil in the office , he came out smelling like a rose (because of his neutral position). 由于他的中性立场,虽然经过一番公务上的混乱,但他仍能名节双保。
She had a wood-burning stove, and there was always something smelling great on the burners. 我祖母有个烧木柴的炉子,上面总在煮些闻起来极香的好吃的东西。
Thought of the kind of sweet-smelling delicious cake, Slander and get straight to my stomach swallow saliva. 想到了蛋糕那种又甜又香的美味,谗得我口水直往肚里咽。
A pleasant-smelling, colorless and highly flammable liquid, ether can be vaporized into a gas that numbs pain but leaves patients conscious. 芳香的气味,无色和高可燃性的液体并可蒸发成气体用来麻木疼痛并使病人保持清醒。
So, a certain combination of cells can tell a mouse that it is smelling vanilla, apples, fish, or any one of the thousands of other odours. 因此,有一种特定的细胞组合能够告诉老鼠它闻到的是香草、苹果、鱼以及成千上万的其它各种味道。
Jim stopped inside the door, as immovable as a dog smelling a bird. His eyes were fixed upon Della. 吉姆站在屋里的门口边,纹丝不动地好像像一只猎犬嗅到了鸟的气味似的。
Besides, my house smelling like the great outdoors, I thought it was pretty hysterical. 不用说,我的房子闻起来就像是野外大地的味道,这整个事件真是太好笑了。
I've earned this, he thought, smelling Emma's French perfume and burying his nose in her hair. 我没白花心思,他想道,闻着爱玛的法兰西香水,把他的鼻子埋进她发丝里。
Not to control the wind after the rain and snow, let us first wheat ground into flour, bake a sweet-smelling bread. 不要管以后的风霜雨雪,让我们先把麦子磨成面粉,烘一个香喷喷的面包。
"Just a wicked nightmare, " squeaked The Gentlewoman, once the smelling salts had been applied and it came to. “一个邪恶的梦魇”,贵妇人尖叫着,给她用了嗅盐她才苏醒过来。
But for that spotless and sweet-smelling kitchen, what would it avail me to range my books and hang my pictures? 但是对于那个一尘不染的,闻起来甜甜的厨房,对我我整理书籍和挂油画有什么作用呢?
Another man knelt beside him and was massaging a strong-smelling Chinese balm into the still-fresh wound. 另一个人跪在他旁边,往伤口上涂抹味道浓烈的中药膏。
But there was no howling wind, I didn't also sense cold; what greeting to me was spring's warmness, sweet-smelling flowers and plants. 可是,我听不到风声,也没有寒冷的感觉;扑面而来的,却是春天的温暖和花草的芬芳。
This proteolysis and anaerobic breakdown of proteins that yields foul-smelling amine compounds is called putrefaction. 蛋白水解及厌氧裂解会产生具有恶臭气味的胺类化合物的反应叫做腐败。