
美 [smel]英 [smel]
  • n.闻;气味;嗅觉;臭味
  • v.闻;闻到;有(或发出)…气味;能闻到气味
  • 网络闻起来;味道;闻起來有……味道

过去式:smelt 过去式:smelled 第三人称单数:smells 现在分词:smelling

sweet smell,strong smell,unpleasant smell,nice smell,distinct smell
smell rat,smell alcohol,detect smell
awful smell


v. n.

1.[i]有(或发出)…气味to have a particular smell

2.[t][nopass]闻到,嗅到(气味)to notice or recognize a particular smell

3.[i]能闻到气味;能嗅到气味to be able to notice and recognize smells

4.[t]~ sth闻,嗅(气味)to put your nose near sth and breathe in so that you can discover or identify its smell

5.[i]有难闻的气味;散发着臭气to have an unpleasant smell

6.[t][nopass]~ sth觉察出;感觉到to feel that sth exists or is going to happen


come up/out of sth smelling of roses

虽卷入…而好名声依旧;事后于名誉无损to still have a good reputation, even though you have been involved in sth that might have given people a bad opinion of you

smell a rat

怀疑事情不妙;感觉情况不对to suspect that sth is wrong about a situation


《Friends》词汇表A ... smelt n. [鱼]胡瓜鱼 smells n. 气味, 臭味, 嗅觉v.嗅, 闻到, 散发 signals n. 信号 ...


8.7经典NLP专业训练课程_百度文库 ... (feelings) 触觉 (感受) (smells) 嗅觉 (气味) (pictures) 视觉 (图象) ...


大一英语作业有分要完美答案_爱问知识人 ... 3.excited 形容人 3.smells 闻起来 3.careless 粗心的 ...


曼德拉草 @ 森罗万象‧循环不息 :: 痞客邦... ... Sweet( 愉快的;惬意的) Smells味道) Shrieks( 尖叫) ...


生活美语 1 ... looks( 看起來似乎) 、 smells闻起來有……味道) 、 May I.( 你可以去,但我不批准。) ...

You know, once you're dead, nothing smells bad anymore. Rotten eggs? No problem. Dead fish? Like a spring breeze. 你要知道,一旦你死了,什么东西闻起来都不会太差劲。臭鸡蛋?没问题。死鱼?那味道就像春风吹拂。
Or you could say, 'It smells great in here, and I can't wait to have one of those cookies, but wow, it's messy in here. 你也可以说“这里好香啊,我真想马上吃一块饼干,只是这里稍微有一点乱。”
Let bad smells go running -- step into a fresh pair of shoes or sneakers with these simple solutions. 让臭味消失——下列简单的方法让你的鞋子保持清新
Benny, your breath smells like an ashtray. You've got to stop smoking! 班尼,你的口气闻起来像烟灰缸。你必须要戒烟了!
That door handle still seems to me like a special sign of entry into a world of different moods and smells. 对我来说,直到现在,它仍像进入另一世界的特殊标记,这个世界有着不同的情绪和味道。
from a distance it smells of honey like the rest, and bees fly into and out of it just the same. 它依然从远处散发着蜜糖的芬香,依然有蜜蜂飞进飞出。
If the wet spot smells sort of sweet (not like urine, which has the harsher odor of ammonia), it's likely to be amniotic fluid. 如果湿处闻起来咸咸的或者甜甜的(不像尿液那样浓烈的氨水味),应该就是羊水流出了。
For a few brief moments, as I left the Law Courts on my way to the van, I recognized the familiar smells and colours of a summer evening. 走出法院登上车子的时候,一刹那间,我又闻到了夏日傍晚的气息,看到了夏日傍晚的色彩。
Atthat time, the creature made a strange noise which sounds like the wind and t smells bad. 在那个时候,生物就做了个很奇怪的声响,就好像风吹的感觉,不过、它很臭。
My brain is often at a loss to translate smells into words. 在用语言表达嗅觉时,我的大脑经常不知所措。
Professional dog thieves typically take a few of the owner's possessions so the dog smells the owner and remains calm, she said. 她说,专业盗狗贼通常会带走狗主人的一些东西,这样当狗闻到主人的气味时就会保持平静。
The air was full of bad smells, and the road full of men and women who drunk too much. 空气中弥漫着各种臭味,路上挤满了喝得酩酊大醉的男男女女。
The dogs sniffed the tubes and sat down in front of those in which they detected lung cancer smells. 狗嗅这些管,然后坐在那些他们检测到肺癌气味的人面前。
Everything is new. Smells, sights, sounds. But the first rhinos back in the wild take to it like giant sailing ships under a strong wind. 一切都是全新的。味道、景色、声音。但第一批回到野外的犀牛就像强风下的巨大海船一样接受这一切。
The empress dowager smells speech again cry bitterly, just need to account a grandfather to stand, forbid him to throw down he to leave. 皇太后闻言再次痛哭,只是要计公公挺住,不准他丢下自己离开。
Try to imagine that place in the greatest detail possible, down to the sounds, smells and textures. 尽可能将幻想的场景中的细节部分具体化,比如,背景声音、气味和环境的材质。
He says there has been a lot of garbage since people evacuated, a lot of it has been left for weeks and smells very bad. 他表示,在人们撤离后垃圾非常多,很多垃圾已经堆放了好几个星期,气味难闻极了。
Spring air seems to sparkle, somehow, with a gold and bubbly light, scented with those wonderful smells that only occur in spring. 春的空气宛若金璨欢快的阳光闪烁耀眼,那春天才有的美妙气息扑鼻而至。
New shampoo? Your hair smells a little different. I'm always on the lookout for a new conditioner, so I'm a bit of a serial hair sniffer. 换洗发水了?你头发的味道跟原来不太一样。每出来一种新洗发水我都会留意,所以我能分辨出不同种类。
If your bed feels, smells and looks like an Alien nest, then it's time for you to bust out some clean bed linen. 如果你的床看起来闻起来感觉像是外星人睡的床一样,那你就要换一床被单和枕套了。
It searches and smells about, it is not quiet for a moment, it trusts nothing until it has examined and made acquaintance with everything. 牠四处探寻、闻嗅,一刻都不得閒,牠甚至都不信任,直到牠检查过一遍,而且对一切已熟悉。
If someone smells a flower and says he does not understand, the reply to him is: there is nothing to understand, it is only a scent. 倘若有人一面闻一朵花,一面说他不懂它,那对他的回答是:这里不需要理解,它仅仅是香气而已。
Antonio: You've got to be kidding me! You actually eat that? You can stomach something that smells that foul? 安东尼奥:你开玩笑吧?!你真吃了吗?你能吃得下那么臭的东西吗?
Scientists could use studies like this to create a map. It could show which parts of the brain are activated by different smells. 科学家借助这种研究可以绘制出一份图表。这份图表显示了不同的味道分别可以刺激到大脑的哪个部位。
And the next morning Dad and the kids wake up to the sounds and smells of Mom preparing pancakes and sausages for breakfast. 第二天早上,爸爸和孩子们在妈妈准备早餐发出的声响和薄饼、香肠散发的香味中醒来。
If this engine misses a virus and a former virus writer is working for that company, that smells a little bit stinky. 如果万一这个产品漏检了一个病毒而恰好前病毒作者也在制造该产品的公司工作,那事情可就有点说不清了。
Check back in a few hours to compare the rate of decay and the resulting smells. 几小时后,比较两者的腐烂速度和气味。
If, however, you open a condom that looks, smells, or fits funny, throw it out and move on to the next. 如果你打开一个套套,它的外形、气味或者尺寸是那么的可笑,你就直接把它扔了再换下一个。
As youhead through the front door, more familiar smells consume your senses. Gosh, it feels good to be home. . . 当你走过前门,更为熟悉的味道吸引着你的感观。
Naturally present in coffee beans, it smells, as you might guess from the name, like Satan's outhouse. 腐胺的味道,相信你从名字就能猜到,奇臭无比。