
美 [snæp]英 [snæp]
  • adv.突然
  • v.(使咔嚓)断裂;移到某位置;厉声说;怒气冲冲地说
  • n.(尤指关上或断裂的声音)啪嗒声;(尤指抢拍的)照片
  • abbr.(=systems for nuclear auxiliary power)核辅助动力系统
  • adj.匆忙的;仓促的
  • int.(在“对儿”牌游戏中出现同样的牌时喊的)对儿
  • 网络死亡快照;抢购;突然的

过去式:snapped 现在分词:snapping 第三人称单数:snaps

snap decision



1.[t][i](使咔嚓)断裂,绷断to break sth suddenly with a sharp noise; to be broken in this way

打开;关上;进入适当位置open/close/move into position

2.[i][t](使啪地)打开,关上,移到某位置to move, or to move sth, into a particular position quickly, especially with a sudden sharp noise

不耐烦地说speak impatiently

3.[t][i]厉声说;怒气冲冲地说;不耐烦地说to speak or say sth in an impatient, usually angry, voice

动物of animal

4.[i]~ (at sb/sth)咬to try to bite sb/sth

拍照take photograph

5.[t][i](informal)拍照;摄影to take a photograph

失去控制lose control

6.[i]突然失去自制力;一下子无法自持to suddenly be unable to control your feelings any longer because the situation has become too difficult


snap your fingers

打榧子,弹指头(捻拇指作响)to make a sharp noise by moving your second or third finger quickly against your thumb, to attract sb's attention, or to mark the beat of music, for example

snap out of it/sth|snap sb out of it/sth

(使)抛掉不愉快情绪,摆脱郁闷心境to make an effort to stop feeling unhappy or depressed; to help sb to stop feeling unhappy

snap to it

(尤用于催促)加把劲,赶快used, especially in orders, to tell sb to start working harder or more quickly


影视百科 > 电影 > 恐怖 > 死亡快照(Snapped)更换封面 我要收藏»同类推荐»搜索《死亡快照》的视频 一个摄影师发现自己陷入 …


习学_新浪博客 ... screamed 尖叫; snapped 厉声说; sore 疼痛; ...


《值得.爱》完结篇:好好小姐好好爱 - When it... ... onto 在…之上 snapped 抢购 sweating 出汗 ...


大纪元 -... ... 5. rescued:adj. 被救起 6. snapped:adj. 突然的 7. informed:adj. 有见识的; 有学问的 ...



欧美最新热播电... ... F 125《监狱外的女人》( Prison Wives) F 130《女性杀手》( Snapped) g 002《母女情深》( Tulisa …


英文Dialogue words 20 点 - Yahoo!知识+ ... explained = 解释 snapped = 猛然 pleaded = 辩护 ...


这句话如何翻译_百度知道 ... crew 全体员工,全体船员 snapped 快速拍照 orbiting spacecraft 月球轨道飞行器 ...

When we finally got to the boat and I snapped that carefree, disheveled picture of Matt, it marked both an end and the beginning. 最后,在上船以后,我拍下了那张既标志着结束又象征着开始的照片。照片上的马修头发乱糟糟的,一副无忧无虑的样子。
Buddy panted heavily as he sat on his throne, getting used to his new crown and cape as photographers snapped his picture. 巴迪气喘吁吁地坐在冠军宝座上,头戴王冠、身穿披风,从容不迫地面对摄影师的镜头。
His wife still lives in their Upper East Side home and recently snapped at tabloid photographers as they pursued her on the New York subway. 他的妻子现在还住在他们位于上东区的家中,最近还被小报记者在纽约地铁追拍时拍到。
Ms Clifford decided she would get definite proof of her sighting and snapped the divine apparition on her digital camera. 桑德拉决定要为这一圣迹留下确实的证据,就拿起她的数码相机抓怕下了这神圣的一幕。
It had a pocket made out of lace and snapped shut to hold the tooth. 它有一个用蕾丝做的口袋,紧紧地扎着用来装(我的)牙齿。
The little girl was snapped frolicking in the sea at Miami Beach with her mum fully-clothed in a multi-coloured dress. 这次,记者抓拍到了小女王一身彩色长裙,和妈妈在迈阿密的海滩上度假。
Glass shattered and growls filled the cool morning air. Her eyes snapped open to see Mikey trying to push his way through the window. 玻璃粉碎的声音和咆哮声充斥着早晨凉爽的空气。她猛地睁开眼睛看见麦克正挣扎着要从窗户出来。
He made a stroke with the machete and the impact snapped it out of his hand. 他一刀砍下去,砰的一声,把刀子都震飞了。
The photograph Tiernan snapped of him was printed in newspapers around the world. 随后,蒂尔南为他拍的照片印在世界各地的报纸上。
Only hours before, as she was chomping happily on some caramel corn, one of her front teeth had snapped off, right at the gum line! 才数小时前当她愉快地大嚼焦糖玉米时一颗前牙从牙床断裂!
Enraged by the unfairness of it all, a young law student from Beijing University snapped a photo of the scene with her cell phone. 一个来自北京大学法律系的学生为这样的不公平感到不满,它拿出手机拍下了现场的照片。
A man was divorced by his wife after his penis extension snapped off during sex. 一个男人因为在性生活方面的失败被妻子提出离婚。
And when you go to Ireland, with all that distance between us, I'm afraid this cord will be snapped, and i shall bleed inwardly. 当你去爱尔兰,由于我们之间巨大的距离,我恐怕这根情感交流的弦会折断,我的内心将会流血。
Snapped a few photos the other day. Love this silk shirt so much, especially the sequin cuff, there's sequins all over the cuff, so elegant. 前几天拍的几张照。真的很喜欢这件真丝衬衫,尤其是秀满珠片的袖口,很优雅高贵。
He said on the murderous night, he just "snapped, " and he admitted that he killed Leslie Bradshaw and attacked his wife. 他说在杀人那天夜里,他只是“突然抓狂”,他承认,他杀死了-莱斯利-布拉德肖和刀砍他的妻子。
'I'm just trying to run my company! ' he snapped, says the person in the office at the time. 这个当时在办公室的人说,盖茨嚷道:“我只是想经营我的公司”。
Some students snapped photos of Mr. Paulson; others waited for a glimpse of him. 一些学生拍下了鲍尔森的照片,还有些学生等着一睹他的真容。
But when America last snapped out of a long, frightening economic funk three decades ago, the metal lost half its value in two years. 不过想想30年前吧,当时的美国从上一次旷日持久且令人恐慌的经济困局中突然走出,金价在两年的时间里下跌了一半。
"Just a minute" she snapped, silencing him with a look of hatred. “等一等”她厉声地说,用带着仇恨的眼神使他安静下来。
His mother must have snapped at him when he broke something at home. 对,他是说他妈妈骂他因为他打破了一个花瓶。
When I finally snapped the lid of a box shut, I sealed it with transparent tape and checked to be sure that it would not loosen. 当我在最后啪嗒一声关上箱子盖子的时候,我就用透明胶带把它封好,并进行检查,确信它不会松动。
People will try to tell you that all the great opportunities have been snapped up. 人们将竭力告诉你,一切绝好的机会都已经被别人迅速抓住了。
Pulled out a Polaroid camera and snapped a flash picture of me. Said he collected photos of everyone who interviewed him. 拿出相机给我照了一张相。说他收集每一位面试过他的人照片。
My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone. 我的双脚向前,身子向后摔倒,脊梁骨结结实实地着地,脑袋仰着磕到坚硬的石头上。
The soldier reached out and snapped off one of the twigs with a leaf on the end of it for a souvenir. 士兵伸出手啪的一声折断尾端有片金叶的小树枝作为纪念。
Apple's products are now being snapped up in Delhi and Dalian just as in Dublin and Dallas. 和在都柏林和达拉斯一样,德里和大连的苹果产品也正遭到疯抢。
The centre-back snapped: "I am staying put and that's all there is to say on the matter. " 这位中卫厉声说道:“我现在原位不动了,这就是我对于这件事的全部看法。”
He no longer snapped awake in the quiet hours, forced to confront, all over again, the fact that he had no sensation from the neck down. 他不会再从安宁的睡眠中突然惊醒而努力强迫自己去面对他从颈部以下失去知觉的现实。
Mohammed Elhassan, walking home from his local mosque in the Nile city of Wadi Halfa, took out his mobile phone and snapped a few photos. 尼罗河畔瓦迪哈勒法小镇的穆罕默德·艾尔哈桑当时正在从清真寺回家的路上,他拿出手机抓拍到了一些照片。
A single rap on the door snapped Tom from his reverie. Frank Davis immediately let himself in. 咚的一声敲门声让汤姆从沉思中回过神来。弗兰克戴维斯迅速走了进来。