
美 [snætʃ]英 [snætʃ]
  • n.音乐片段;抓;夺;抢夺
  • v.一把抓起;一下夺过;夺去;抢走
  • 网络偷拐抢骗;攫取;抓举

第三人称单数:snatches 现在分词:snatching 过去式:snatched

snatch victory


v. n.

1.[t][i]一把抓起;一下夺过to take sth quickly and often rudely or roughly

2.[t]~ sb/sth (from sb/sth)夺去;抢走;偷窃to take sb/sth away from a person or place, especially by force; to steal sth

3.[t]~ sth抓紧时间做;乘机获得to take or get sth quickly, especially because you do not have much time


很喜欢偷拐抢骗 (Snatch) 那片 看得时候一直期待下个镜头会发生什麽事 而且片子的节奏好有趣 追击者 又让我惊呼了 看得我真 …


控制台——技能 - 英雄无敌5 - 英雄世界 ... 绝对保护 Absolute Protection 攫取 Snatch 良师益友 Mentoring ...


奥运会运动项目名称汇总 [南方网教育频道] ... Running 跑步 Snatch 抓举 Clean and jerk 挺举 ...


新概念英语第二册46---68课课文_百度知道 ... mystery n. 谜 snatch v. 抓住 spark n. 电火花 ...

攘字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 捋起〖袖子〗〖 pushup〗 snatch〗 容忍〖 tolerate〗 ...


夺字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 夺志〖 forceone'sambition〗 夺走snatch〗 夺 duó ...


新概念第三册全套课文讲解及笔记 - 豆丁网 ... lullaby 催眠曲 snatch n. 短时,片段 in snatches 断断续续地 ...

Snatch scratched at his stubble with the point of his hook. "Nasty thing, a crossbow. How many men you kill with that? " 斯奈奇用他的钩子手抓了抓胡茬。“卑鄙的东西,一把十字弓。你用那玩意儿杀了几个人?”
Snatch computer with you, them give up to the better one to you. . . 跟你抢电脑,然后把配置更好的那台让给你;
I saw the little boy slip into the kitchen and snatch a bun, but I looked through my fingers at it. 我看见这小男孩溜进厨房,拿了一个小圆面包,可是我假装没看见。
Why don't we snatch him when he lands, toss him in the back of the trunk and drive over the border? 为什么不在飞机降落后抓住他然后丢进后备箱里直接开回边境?。
Villagers say he was the last baby that officials tried to snatch, and one of the few returned home. 村民们说他仅有的几个被官员们试图夺走,但最后被送回来的孩子之一。
He missed, and she was running, slowing only to snatch her fanny pack off the table by the front door. 他没抓到,她跑了,在门前放慢速度,从桌子上一把抓过背包。
I snatch up a pair of Canadian goggles that look like lizard eyes and head for the cashier. 我迅速拿起一副像蜥蜴眼睛的护目镜,然后向付款台走去。
A robot arm swings from side to side, eerily lifelike, as if it were trying to snatch invisible flies out of the air. 一个机器人臂从这边到那边不停地摆动,活像真的,令人迷惑不解,好像它试图从空中抓取看不见的苍蝇。
Was he planning to make a rush for the young woman at the very moment of the sacrifice, and boldly snatch her from her executioners? 他是否打算作出的牺牲非常时刻的年轻妇女赶,大胆抢夺她的刽子手她吗?
Both feel pressure from the crowd of undecided traders that surrounds them, ready to jump in and snatch away their bargain. 买家和卖家都会感受到周围大众的压力,大众随时会抢夺他们的交易机会。
At this point the fish very active, they are more in the next outlet in the upper waters of river joy or snatch food withdrawal. 此时鱼异常活跃,它们多在下风口水域河中上层撤欢或抢食吃。
And it does stop when, seconds later, the vines snatch him--like a twitching fish on a line--from what would surely have been a broken neck. 几秒钟后藤条往上把他拉紧时,我的心真的停止了跳动:他就像一条在钓鱼线上抽搐的鱼,若没有藤条他必然会摔得粉身碎骨。
And why is Juwon always trying to snatch the rebound away from his teammates? 为什么霍华德总是从他得队友那里挣篮板球呢?
He stretched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air, to save a fragment of the spot that she had made lovely for him. 他绝望地伸出手去,仿佛只想抓住一缕轻烟,从那个因为她而使他认为是最可爱的地方留下一个碎片。
The most notable incident was that several supporters of "Tibetan independence" rushed toward Jin Jing and tried to snatch the torch. 最具代表性的事件就是数名藏独支持者冲向金晶企图抢夺奥运火炬。
He knew it was not that easy to snatch away my dreams alone. 他知道凭他自己的力量要想拿走我的梦想并不那么容易。
If a horse wins a race by a nose, it wins by a very small distance. Chirkpar rattled past him on the right to snatch the prize by a nose. 一匹名为切厄克帕的赛马从他右侧疾驰而过,以一鼻之差获胜。
Two or three times, she sat bolt upright in her bed, as though she would snatch at the life which was winging its way back to God. 有两三次她从床上笔直地坐起来,仿佛想抓住她正在上升到天堂里去的生命。
If you still can't sleep, re-frame: re-frame your sleeplessness as a welcome opportunity to snatch some extra time out of your day. 如果你还是睡不着,重新安排:将你的失眠重新安排成一个很好的得到了一天以外的额外时间的机会。
I tried to snatch them out of the air, failed, and realized the deer had sprinted entirely out of view. 我试着把他们打飞,但失败了,然后发现那只鹿已经跑远,消失在了我的视野里。
The outsider's impulse toward child bride rescue scenarios can be overwhelming: Snatch up the girl, punch out the nearby adults, and run. 局外人产生的“拯救新娘”的冲动听起来可以是势不可挡的:抢走女孩,推开大人,然后跑走!
After rebels snatch her from her people, Komona is forced to become a child soldier. 在叛军从她的家人手中抓住她后,科莫娜被迫成为了一名娃娃兵。
"He would scratch, bite, snatch tufts of hair, do anything to avoid being humiliated in any way, " an old friend said. 普京的一名老朋友回忆说:“他会抓你、咬你、揪你头发,为了不被别人羞辱,他会不惜使用一切手段。”
In recent years, the point of competition is to snatch the wholesale and retail markets. 近年来抢夺成品油批发、零售市场的高潮此起彼伏。
You think you can snatch some victory from the jaws of defeat? 你觉得你可以从失败中捞些好处么?
Because she was afraid that anything "beautiful" would be the target of demons wanting to snatch it away. 这是因为她害怕「漂亮」的东西会成为魔鬼抢夺的目标。
Insert the drilling line from the spool through the snatch block up to the rig floor and secure. 把大绳从储备筒上拉出来,穿过开口滑轮,引上钻台,绑住。
Then Schwartz and Snoddy flew the aircraft away from the area to allow the team time to set up the poles and line for the "snatch. " 然后,施瓦茨和斯诺迪驾驶飞机离开那里,让小分队有时间架设起接人用的柱子和绳索。
Snatch weightlifting competition are the first item, and its success or failure will directly affect the weightlifting competition. 抓举是举重比赛的第一个项目,其成败与否直接影响整个举重比赛。
A teenage boy tried to snatch the banner from the young man's hand, almost knocking him off his perch and into the Nile. 一个十几岁的男孩试图抢夺从年轻人的手旗帜,几乎敲他吹,进入尼罗河鲈鱼。