
美 [snik]英 [sniːk]
  • v.溜;偷偷地走;偷偷地做;偷带
  • adj.突然的;出其不意的
  • n.告状者(尤指儿童)
  • 网络潜行;偷窃;偷偷摸摸

第三人称单数:sneaks 现在分词:sneaking 过去式:sneaked 过去式:snuck



1.[i]+ adv./prep.偷偷地走;溜to go somewhere secretly, trying to avoid being seen

2.[t]偷偷地做;偷带;偷拿to do sth or take sb/sth somewhere secretly, often without permission

3.[t](informal)~ sth偷走(不重要的或小的东西)to secretly take sth small or unimportant

4.[i]~ (on sb) (to sb)(儿童向成人)打小报告,告状to tell an adult that another child has done sth wrong, especially in order to cause trouble


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... snatch 夺取 sneak 潜行 sneer 嘲笑 ...


小学生怎么记忆英语单词????_爱问知识人 ... marital adj. 婚姻的 sneak v. 鬼祟而行,偷窃 friend – r → fiend n. 恶魔,魔鬼 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... sector n. 部分,部门 sneak v. 偷偷地走,溜 spark v. 触发;激励,鼓舞 n.火星,火花 ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... 271. slack a. 松弛的 272. sneak v. 溜;偷偷地做 274. specifications n. 规格,说明书 ...


2011考研英语新增大纲词汇 - 豆丁网 ... slot n. 缝,狭槽 sneak vt. 偷偷摸摸,偷窃 sneeze n. 喷嚏v.打喷嚏 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... literati 文人,学者(复数) sneak 鬼鬼祟祟而行,偷窃 peak 憔悴,消瘦 ...


你是手机痴迷症候群吗?(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... smartphone 智能手机 sneak 偷偷溜走 ubiquitous 普遍存在的 ...

There was a bunch of grapes next to him, said Professor McGonagall. We think he was trying to sneak up here to visit Potter. 他身边还有一串葡萄,麦格教授说道,我们猜他是想溜到这里来看波特。
If you can sneak in a quick text or call and hear a familiar voice for a few minutes, it may be just enough to talk you off the ledge. 如果你可以悄悄地发条短信,或者打个电话给这些人,听到他们熟悉的声音,很有可能你就会释然了。
Jump-ropes and resistance bands are easy to sneak into a suitcase. 跳绳和阻力带都非常容易塞进行李箱。
Score one for Team Living: Some viruses sneak DNA into a bacterium through its, um, sex appendage, a long tube known as a pilus. “有生命”支持者得一分:有些病毒通过叫做纤毛的一种长管状行期整合到细菌的基因组上。
It was almost midnight so it was really hard to see anything, but we always sneak out of the house at night and go up here. 时间已近深夜,所以几乎什么都看不清,但是我们经常在夜里偷偷地从家里溜出来,到这儿来玩。
when you're First Lady. She used to sneak out of the White House in a baseball cap and sunglasses to go jogging. 当你是第一夫人时。她习惯于戴着棒球帽和太阳镜溜出白宫慢跑。
Ababa as I was trying to sneak home in time for Christmas, though I wasn't all that anxious to leave. 当时我试图偷偷地回家过圣诞节,尽管我并不怎么急于离开。
But Honey was elated at Precious' presence, wagging her tail and prancing all over the house trying to sneak a peak at her. 但是甜心对于喵宝的到来感到非常开心,她快乐地摇著尾巴在屋子里跑来跑去想要偷瞧小猫一眼。
I will have to say -- just a sneak preview -- that this is the perfect theme for this year. 我将必须说--内部预映--这是今年的完善的题材。
You should imagine the water as the enemy, and you're trying to sneak past it. 你要假象这个时候水是敌人,你在努力尝试偷偷前行过去。
Don't sneak up behind me like that. You scared the sh it out of me. 不要那样从后面突然吓我。你吓死我了。
I was all ready to sneak out so I called my friend and told him to wait for me at the corner of my street . 我却早已准备好要偷跑出去,我打电话给朋友,并告诉他在街头一角等我。
Her Narnia movie song is beautiful, but none of the experts predicted her to sneak in for the Song category. 她的纳尼亚电影主题曲太好听了!但居然没有一个砖家预测到她会得到主题曲的提名。
That's the best thing to do, because you get a little sneak peek and she gets to talk to you without feeling uncomfortable. 这是最好的方法,因为你偷看到了她的胸部,她却不会有任何的反感,还会继续和你聊天。
Use this to get units across the map quicker than normal to set up ambushes and sneak attacks, or to get units out of harms way quickly. 利用这一点可以让你的单位在地图上的任何位置发动更快的伏击和偷袭,或更快地从危险处境中逃脱。
'Jeremy was sitting in the front row and he kept turning around to sneak looks at me, ' she says. 她说:“杰米里坐在前排,他不时转过头来偷偷看我”
Several dark elves have been caught trying to sneak into a dwarf city. 几个黑暗精灵在企图潜入矮人城市时被捕获。
One day he tried to sneak across the heavily guarded Swiss border to offer his services as a spy to the British . 一天作为英国间谍的他偷偷溜过瑞士军官重守的边境去交流信息。
Jack manages to avoid the lock down and sneak out of the office to go investigate the address Jamey found on the key card. 杰克设法避开了封锁,溜出了分部,去调查杰米在钥匙卡上找到的那个地址。
How can I expect them to treat me like an adult if I sneak around and act like a kid? 像这样鬼鬼祟祟做事,像个长不大的孩子,我还怎么能期望他们把我当成人看待呢?
In a little while he would drink himself into sodden sleep and she could sneak into the kitchen add call her family in Long Beach . 不一会儿,他就不省人事,昏昏沉沉地睡去。她偷偷溜到厨房,给长滩镇娘家打电话。
This means that Dogs, Engineer, Spies and Tanya can be dropped behind enemy lines in or out of the water for a potentially big sneak attack. 这意味着狗,工程师,间谍和谭雅可以被投放到敌后的陆上或水中,以进行大规模偷袭。
Then the guardian of the garden found Chuang Tzu with sling in hand and mistook him as a thief who intended to sneak chestnut. 这时看守栗园的人,发现庄子站在园里,手拿弹弓,以为他是偷采栗子的窃贼。
Just when he was about to leave his hiding place and sneak on in any way , he saw movement in the trees ahead of him. 正当他要离开他隐藏的地方,不顾一切偷偷地向前走的时候,他看见他前面的树丛中有动静。
Prepare to be informed, entertained and a little bit horrified as we give you a sneak peek into the next two years of your life. 请准备好了解我们为您提前预告的您接下来两年的愉快而又有点可怕的生活吧。
Later on, I sneak in and tell her that she could "make Daddy very happy" if we were to do some "secret, special things" together. 然后我再偷偷潜入她房间跟她说,如果她和我做一些“秘密的,特别的事情”她可以“让她的老爸我非常快乐”。
The ceremony has been a well-guarded secret, but some of the performers head into the Olympic Stadium, offer a sneak peek. 开幕式是一个严格保密的秘密,但随着部分演员进入奥运会体育场,也可让我们提前一窥。
Another option would have had a team sneak in to blow up the remaining pieces of the drone. 另一个选择是派一支队伍潜入伊朗,炸掉这架无人机的残骸。
roy: true, but what if he has a way to sneak in? we have no idea what sort of defenses they have. 没错,但要是他有办法偷偷溜进去呢?我们可完全不知道他们的防御措施。
"That created the impression that they were trying to sneak in, " says Mr Mancuso. 曼库索说:“这让人感觉,他们企图偷偷摸摸展开行动。”