so hot

  • 网络好热;太热了;因此热

so hotso hot

so hot


QQ音速:歌曲大全- QQ音速经验-太平洋游戏网 ... Frenzied rabbit 中文名:疯狂的兔子 So hot 中文名:好热 Round 中文名:圆 ...



QQ音速有哪些英文歌曲是新出的_百度知道 ... rock beat 岩石跳动 so hot 因此热 what 什么 ...


奇迹女生组 Wonder Girls:奇迹 China... ... 08 Good bye 再见 09 So hot 如此惹火 10 This time 这一次 ...


求水果姐姐《加州鸡婆》中英文歌词... ... Sun-kissed skin 阳光亲吻肌肤 So hot 这么热 Will melt your popsicle 将融化的冰棒 ...


Poison_百度百科 ... Your mouth,so hot 你的唇,如此性感 Your web,I'm caught 你的网,已把我捕获 ...

One of the worst things that can happen to a technology is for it to become so hot that changing basic pieces of it becomes impossible. 一项技术可能遇到的最糟的境况之一是它变得太炙手可热以至于无法再改变它的一些基本内容。
"She had just split up from Brad Pitt, " he says, "she was like poor Jennifer and I was like 'I'm going to make you so hot'. " “她当时刚刚与布拉德-皮特(BradPitt)分手,”他表示,“她就像个可怜的孩子,而我对她说,‘我将让你性感至极。”
None of the other students said what the specific topics were. All they said was that they didn't think they did so hot. 没有一个学生说了具体题目是什么,他们就只会说他们做得不那么对。
There was a plate on the hob, the plate got so hot it exploded, burnt broken pieces of plate were all over the floor. 炉盘上的餐盘变得那么热,于是它炸开了,地板上到处都是烤焦的盘子碎片。
AT&T no doubt works like a charm in other areas, but as I'd been warned, it wasn't so hot on holding calls where I live. AT&T无疑在其他地区十分奏效,但就如同我被谨告过的一样,我这边住的地方接电话的信号并不好。
Our boss does have a lot on the ball, however he is so hot-tempered that all of us are afraid of him. 我们的老板的确很有才,但是他脾气太火爆了我们都很怕他。
"The [Sun's] corona has a temperature of 2 million degrees but we don't know why it is so hot, " she said. “日冕的温度高达两百万度,但是我们不知其原因,”她说。
Where China avoids summer heat in summer best? Weather this year is anomalous , the north weather is all so hot! 夏天中国哪里避暑最好啊?今年的天气变态,北方的天气都那么热!
How could a woman be so cold and yet so hot? 怎么会有一个女人这样冷酷,然而又如此火辣?
Sometimes he could scarcely manage to carry the pots of paint to the building side, his feet were so hot and sore. 有时候他的两只脚火烧一般地疼痛,简直没法把漆罐送到工地去了。
However, the soup was so hot that the nobleman burned his mouth and tears came to his eyes. 但是,汤太烫了,贵族烫伤舌头,并且痛到流眼泪。
China is always so hot in the summer season; once again descend into a palace otaku. 中国的夏天永远是那么炎热,再一次沦落成深宫宅男。
She worked away, clearing the ground, for two or three hours, and had to take her coat off because she got so hot. 她埋头干着,清理着地面,一直忙活了两三个小时,而且已经脱掉了大衣,因为她实在是太热了。
Today we went to see grandfather, that's a fine day. I feel so hot. 今天我们去看了外公,那是个很好的天气。我感觉到很热。
It rained all night the day I left, The weather it was dry, The sun so hot I froze to death, Susanna, don't you cry. 我离开的时候整夜下着雨,天气十分干燥,太阳如此炎热以至于我差点儿冻死。苏珊娜,不要哭泣。
The sun is in the sky in the daytime when nobody needs it. It's so hot in summer. 但是太阳我们白天没有人需要它,它在夏天太热啦,我们都不能踢足球了。
It's cool to only want the best, but if you're not so hot yourself, why would a high caliber woman want to be with you? 你只想要最好的,当然这很不错。但是如果你自己并不是那么出众,为什么要期望那些出众的女孩和你交往呢?
This summer is so hot that we are going to install an air-conditioner. 这个夏天太热了,我们打算安装一台空调。
Thus, just as earlier theories have explained the mobility of the continents. So hot spots may explain their mutability (inconstancy). 因此,较早以前这些原理就解释了州板块的活动性,热点解释了它们的易变性。
It rained all night the day I left , The weather it was dry , The sun so hot I froze to death, Oh, Susanna. 我离开的那天下了整晚的雨,天气这么热,太阳热得我要死了,噢,苏珊娜。
" Some people said: " The sun so hot, you will be baked dead. 有的人说:“太阳那么热,你会被烤死的。”
a: he looks so hot. all the girls hit on him in the class. 他看起来太炙手了。班上的女孩子们都喜欢和他打情骂俏。
At night, the out sides of buildings stay so hot that the heat of the city causes storms over the city! 夜晚,在建筑物以外逗留这么热的热的原因风暴城市的城市!
"not so hot" also is a way of saying that you do not really like something. “普普通通”也是一种你并不真正喜欢某种东西的表达方式。
And also they have to display themselves well all the time, right? So hot and spicy food can never be the only reason, right? 而且他们也必须始终显示他们自己得好,权利?如此热和辛辣的食物无法是唯一的理由,权利?。
But if you were a fly on the wall in my home, you would have seen that I wasn't so hot. 但如果你是我们家墙上的飞蝇,你可能会见到我其实并非如此幸运。
Taxi Driver, said, "Our business is better than usual. The weather is so hot. No one wants to cram onto a bus. " 出租车司机说:“我们的生意比以前好了。天气实在是太热了。没人愿意去挤公车。”
We were disappointed that a couple of our machines got so hot they kept burning up video cards and eventually had to be shut down. 让我们非常失望的是有两台机器太热了,它们持续烧显卡,而且最后不得不关了。
The antiques market has become so hot, in fact, that it has given rise to a new must-see television show, "Treasure Appraisal. " 古董市场是如此红火,以至于催生了一档火爆的新型电视节目《鉴宝》。
These realistic details set us up for the tall-tale exaggeration of the weather being so hot that corn started to pop. 这些现实的细节设置为我们高大的童话夸张的天气如此炎热,玉米开始流行。