
美 [ˈsoʊdə]英 [ˈsəʊdə]
  • n.苏打;纯碱;苏打汽水(加果味,有时加入冰淇淋);无水碳酸钠
  • 网络苏打水;碳酸水;Simple Ocean Data Assimilation





1.[u][c]苏打汽水(加果味,有时加入冰淇淋)a sweet fizzy drink (= a drink with bubbles) made with soda water, fruit flavour and sometimes ice cream

2.[u]苏打;纯碱;无水碳酸钠a chemical substance in common use that is a compound of sodium


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... flat adj 平的;平坦的 n <英>公寓住宅;单元住宅 △ soda n 苏打;碳酸水 material n 材料;原料 ...


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生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 养乐多 Chlorella Yakult 苏打水 soda 麦酒 ale ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... flat adj 平的;平坦的 n <英>公寓住宅;单元住宅 △ soda n 苏打;碳酸水 material n 材料;原料 ...


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碳酸钠MSDS_化工助手-中国化工网 ... 碳酸钠 sodium carbonate 纯碱 Soda 技术说明书编码: CAS No.: ...


四级单词逆序词表_百度文库 ... panda n. 小猫熊;猫熊 soda n. 碳酸钠,纯碱;汽水 idea n. 想法;思想;意见 ...

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One night as I sat eating Mrs. H-----'s soda-bread, her husband told me a longish story, much the best of all I heard in Rosses. 一天晚上,我在H夫人家吃苏打面包,她的丈夫给我说了一个略长的故事,我在罗塞斯听到的最好故事便出自于此。
Scientists say the toothpastes do make enamel more acid-resistant -- but not enough to protect you if you guzzle soda all day. 不过,专家同时表示,虽然此类牙膏确实能提高牙釉质的耐酸性,但如果你整天狂饮苏打水的话,牙膏也是没有用的。
Alkali and soda can try to acne, acne and India do not know if there is no use, it is almost real! 可以用碱和小苏打试试,可以去痘,不知道去痘印有没有用,实质差不多吧!
The small, cylindrical robot is about the size of a soda can, has two wheels and a video camera, and weighs less than half a pound. 这个小型、圆筒形机器人只有一个苏打水瓶子大小,带有两个轮子和一台摄像机,而且它的重量不到半磅。
What I didn't know when I decided to give up soda was that a week later I would also have to give up dairy, gluten, and corn. 只是在决定不喝碳酸水时,我不知道一周后我还要停止喝牛奶,吃麸质和玉米。
Now the company has developed a soda machine that allows beverage buyers to "friend" others with a gift of a Pepsi items. 现在百事公司已经研发出一个苏打销售机,它能帮助买饮料的顾客用百事产品做礼物去交朋友。
Such a place was the Grotto, where Brissenden and he lounged in capacious leather chairs and drank Scotch and soda. “洞窟酒吧”就是这样一个地方,布里森登和他此刻就躺在“洞窟”的大皮椅上喝着威士忌苏打。
The bum then asked ME if he could buy ME a cup of coffee. I told him, "No, sir, but a soda would be great. " 然后那个流浪者问我他能请我喝咖啡吗?我回答说:“不,先生,一杯汽水就可以了。”
If you looking for a bit of fusion cuisine, try the Spring Egg Mentaigo Bacon Pasta and have it with a glass of Mojo soda. 你如果想要来点创意料理,不妨点个奶油培根明太子温泉蛋义大利面和一杯清凉的魅力苏打。
And I would anticipate that some state or other will likely go before any national level in terms of taxing soda. 而我将在全面征收国家级苏打税前参与国家或可能进行改革的地方政府的部分工作。
How much did the hot dog cost? How much did the soda cost? 热狗多少钱?汽水多少钱?
Soda is often one of the most unhealthy beverage you can find. 汽水是我们通常能找到的最不健康的饮料之一。
If I thought giving up soda might be hard, it was nothing for me compared to giving up milk. 如果我觉得戒碳酸水很难的话,那就没有东西能比戒掉喝牛奶还难了。
Caffeine is often found in coffee, teas, chocolate, soda and more, according to the U. S. National Library of Medicine. 根据美国国家医学图书馆资料所说,咖啡因经常存在于咖啡、茶叶、巧克力、苏打等食物中。
As it stands, up to 20 cities and states are considering imposing such a levy on soda. 按照现在的情况,多达20个城市和州正在考虑强制实行对碳酸饮料征税。
He sold it for five cents a glass out of a neighboring soda fountain where someone had the bright idea of mixing it with carbonated water. 他通过附近的汽水吧台以5分钱1杯出售这种饮料,但在那里有人想出了一个聪明的点子,把它和苏打水混在一起。
At the very least, you'll want the hotel to have some sort of mini-mart where you can pick up water, soda, and small bites to tide you over. 至少,你会希望酒店有小型超市让你可以买一些水,饮料,食品来填饱肚子。
Shake with ice and strain over ice into a highball glass. Top with soda and garnish with an orange slice lime wedge and a cherry. 摇后入海波杯,上加苏打,饰橙片莱姆楔片及樱桃。
The survey also showed that soda and other sugar-based drinks are the choice of 80% of junior high school students at least twice a week. 调查也显示80%的台湾初中生一周至少会饮用两次苏打和含糖饮料。
Sure, there's nothing quite like soda to go along with that burger and fries you've decided to have for lunch. 当你决定用汉堡和薯条当午餐时,搭配着汽水吃的确是无可比拟的。
The intense pressure at the bottom of the deep water causes gases to be absorbed into the water, like carbonation in a can of soda. 在湖水底部的高压气体导致气体喷出水面,就像是在苏打饮料中的碳酸气体一样。
All he could find was a stale soda cracker in one of the tins his mother had left behind when she ran off with the dentist. 在他妈妈和牙医私奔后留下的一个锡罐里,他找到了一块不新鲜的苏打饼干。
To control odors, just sprinkle a bit of baking soda over the diapers or use Pail Pals. 为了消除臭味,你只要在尿布上撒一些发酵粉或使用隔尿垫。
It was a great old-fashioned place, with its long soda fountain-like bar and tables covered with red-and-white checked tablecloths. 这是个很棒的老式饭店,里面有一条长长的像喷泉似的苏打水吧台,桌子上铺着红白相间的格子桌布。
We found a table close to the stage. He ordered half a liter of beer and I ordered a grape soda. 我们找了一张靠近舞台的桌子,他要了半升啤酒,我则要了一杯葡萄汽水。
Mr. Perkupp said he required nothing, but would like a glass of seltzer or soda water. 波卡普先生说他不需要其他的饮食,一杯矿泉水或苏达水就可以。
For a mild, stain-free bleach, soak your delicates in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing. 柠檬汁和苏打粉的混合溶液就是不会产生污渍的温和漂白剂。在清洗之前,把衣服在这种溶液里浸泡半个小时即可。
I have also been applying baking soda and apple cider vinegar to my face two or three times a week. 最近每个礼拜都要两三次小苏打和苹果醋来敷脸。
It began as a small box housing a hamburger, French fries with a toy inside and a soda on the side. 三十年前,一只小盒子,里面装着汉堡、薯条、苏打水,还有一个玩具:这就是最初的开心乐园餐。
Liquid caustic soda is colorless, solid caustic soda is white with luster and easy to absorb moisture and dissolve in wate. 本产品液体为无色透明液体,固体主体为白色,有光泽,允许带颜色,具有吸湿性,易溶于水。