some time

  • na.早晚;一段时间
  • 网络一些时间;经过若干时间;在未来的某时

some timesome time

some time


【资源】英语常用短语 ... some one 某个人/物 some time 一段时间 some times 几次 ...


牛津英语8B词组短语 - 豆丁网 ... 全年 all year round 17. 一些时间 some time 18. 等待某人 wait for 19. ...


sometime和加sometimes什么区别_百度知道 ... sometime: 某时 some time 在未来的某时, 经过若干时间 some times 几次 ...


sometime和加sometimes什么区别_百度知道 ... sometime: 某时 some time 在未来的某时, 经过若干时间 some times 几次 ...


“time”用法知多少 ... —Any time . 随时为你效劳。 5. some time 一段时间;一些时候 It’s time for dinner . 该是吃晚餐的时候了。 ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... Sometimes 意为"有时、不时" some time 表示一段时间 till prep. 直到 ...


一些英语题目。 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... some times 几次 一些次 some time 某段时间 是个时间段 sometimes 有时 ...


sometime 和some time有什么区别?_爱问知识人 ... some time 是一段时间 some times 一些次数 ...

No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come. 毫无疑问,在即将到来的一段时间里,代沟将继续是美国生活的特征。
Some time later, they brought it back to see if it remembered which plate had the food. 一段时间后,他们把它带回来,看它是否记住了食物在哪块平板下。
Unlike most seasonal-flu viruses, this one attacked young people most severely and is expected to keep doing so for some time, she said. 她说,与多数季节性流感病毒不同,年轻人群极易感染此病毒,而且今后一段时间可能还会继续保持这一特性。
After hearing about my background for some time, my distinguished therapist made an announcement: 'You, ' she said, 'are a war orphan. ' 在倾听我讲述自己的背景后,我那位杰出的治疗师得出了结论:“你是一位战争孤儿。”
But if you do not stop, you will not be able to give your body some time to relax. Set aside a time each day to relax. 生活是忙碌的,但是如果你不停下来歇一歇的话,就不能给身体足够的时间去放松。
His hair was closely cut, yet bristling, for it had begun to grow a little, and did not seem to have been cut for some time. 他的头发原是剃光了的,但现在又茸茸满头了,因为又开始长出了一点,还好象多时没有修剪过似的。
So this time I watch the World Cup with him. It's interesting that after I watch the games, he spared some time to talk to me. 所以这次我和他一起看世界杯,有趣的是,当我看过比赛后,他(居然)空出一些时间和我说话。
Prof. Sylla expects to see stocks turn more lastingly upward some time in the next two years. 塞拉预计两年后股市将回到持续期更长的上行走势中。
Its what you and I are going to have if you dont save some time for me, replied Lydia. Its my birthday and Im feeling a bit sad. 就是指假如你不再留些时间给我,我们之间就回产生的东西。利迪娅回答。今天是我的生日,我感到有些悲哀。
The failure of that policy threw them back on a scheme which had been put forward some time previously. 那项政策的失败使他们又回到若干时间以前提出的一项方案。
"This is really what their focus is going to have to be for some time now, " he said. “这才是他们在现阶段需要专注的事,”他表示。
The twain cantered along for some time without speech, Tess as she clung to him still panting in her triumph, yet in other respects dubious. 他们两个骑着马慢慢向前跑了一阵,谁也没有说话,苔丝一直搂着他,由于战胜了对手,心里还在怦怦直跳,不过在其它方面,她心里却有些疑虑。
She opened the front door. As she had no glasses on, she peered at me for some time before she recognized me. 她打开了前门,由于没戴眼镜,盯住我看了好一阵才认出我来。
After some time, the farmer stopped for a rest and found a place to take his meal and nap. 过一会儿,那个农夫停下来休息,找地方吃饭、睡觉去了,它才默默跑到那头牛旁边。
"This is going to take some time, " he said. "It is not going to be easy for these communities to recover. " “这需要一些时间,”他说,“这些灾区恢复元气并不容易。”
Unless he knocks up a one-night stand, Leo's got some time before he fathers a beautiful (you know it's gonna be) child. 除非他不小心把一个一夜情对象的肚子给搞大了,我估计我们还要等很久很久。
I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you, " I said. " Just the two of us. 我认为这将是很高兴与你共度一段时间,“我说。”仅仅是我们两个人。
After some time had passed over, Friday came running to me one morning to say that there was a ship in sight. 经过一段时间已经过去了过来,向我跑来周五一天早晨说,有一个在视线船。
Being able to squeeze some time each day so I could finish reading all my birthday wishes and all the heart-felt gifts! 能够挤一些时间,所以我每天可以读完所有的愿望和我的生日所有的心觉得礼物!
Describing his trip as fruitful and eye-opening, he said he had "a lot of plans" for writing, but would take some time off to rest first. 描述他的旅行卓有成效和大开眼界,他说他有“很多计划”的写作,但首先会找一段时间去休息。
She had already been asleep for some time, dreaming as always, of Phoebus, when it seemed to her that she heard a noise near her. 当她听到近旁有些声响时,她已经睡着了好一会了,并且象往常一样梦着弗比斯。
Deutsche Boerse chairman Rolf Breuer said the next step would be a meeting of both partners, probably in September some time. 监督委员会主席拉尔夫-布鲁尔说下一步双方将一起召开会议,可能是在九月份什么时候。
she's probably just excited about her new job. You should give her some time. It would be a shame to lose such a good friend. 她没准儿只是对新工作有些新鲜劲。你该给她点时间,不然就这么失去一个好朋友实在是太可惜了。
The benefit is not a diet, the leaves of the tea used for some time, love of food will naturally change and become not eat greasy food. 其好处在于不必节食,荷叶茶饮用一段时间后,对食物的爱好就会自然发生变化,变得不爱吃油腻的食物了。
My father tried to explain that I would not be able to fit in, but I was adamant6. After some time he gave up. 爸爸尽量向我解释现在我已不再适合原先那所学校,但是我非常坚持。一段时间后,他放弃了。
As you know, this technology has been around for quite some time. 如您所知这项技术已经相当一段时间。
He wasn't interested in that position, but we worked it out with some time, patience, love and rewards. 但是我们还是花了些时间、耐心、爱心和奖励一起完成了。
Some time ago, "Cecilia Cheung pregnant again" rumors were flying around, but has not been a party's response. 新浪娱乐讯前段时间,“张柏芝再度怀孕”传闻甚嚣尘上,但一直没有得到当事人的回应。
If it were linear, then after some time the chance would be zero. I would rather something for which c approaches zero. 但显然不是线性函数关系,因为如果是的话过一段时间之后几率会变成零。
In an effort to save some time, I'm gonna have to insist that we just skip right past all the threats I know you're prepared to layout. 为了节省时间,我还是要强调,下跳过那段我们都明白的事先准备过的威胁论。