
美 [spid]英 [spiːd]
  • n.速;速率;快;迅速
  • v.加速;促进;快速前行;快速运送
  • 网络快行;加速的

复数:speeds 过去式:sped 过去式:speeded 现在分词:speeding

high speed,low speed,full speed,top speed,maximum speed
control speed,increase speed,reduce speed,measure speed,maintain speed


n. v.

运动╱行动速率rate of movement/action

1.[c][u](运动的)速度,速率the rate at which sb/sth moves or travels

2.[c][u](发生或进行的)速度;进度the rate at which sth happens or is done

3.[u]快;迅速the quality of being quick or rapid

摄影in photography

5.[c]快门速度the time taken by a camera shutter to open and close

自行车;汽车on bicycle/car

6.[c]排挡;速a gear on a bicycle, in a car, etc.


full speed/steam ahead

全速(或全力)向前with as much speed or energy as possible

up to speed (on sth)

(在某事上)达到应有的速度,达标performing at an expected rate or level


动词、名词、形容词惯用法集锦_岸江_新浪博客 ... speedsped: 急行 speeded: 加速 bid/bidden: 命令,道早安,向…说再见 ...


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完形词汇 - 豆丁网 ... gathered 聚集的 speeded 加速的 worked 工作的 ...

It speeded up to a certain degree in the 19th century. the New York of today came into shape only within the last century. 城市的发展在19世纪速度提高到了一定程度。今日纽约市的雏形在上一世纪就已经成型了。
Development must now be speeded up to help solve the critical issue of inadequate primary energy sources in many areas. 现在必须加快发展的速度,帮助解决许多地区一次性能源不足的关键问题。
In 2005, in less than a year, it speeded up to nearly 12km a year. 2005年,不到一年的时间,它的速度加快至每年近12公里。
Brain growth can be speeded by increasing the frequency, intensity and duration of that stimulation. 智能的发展能够随着刺激的强度和持续的时间加强而加速发展。
The shift to mobile computing and data centres (also known as "cloud computing" ) has speeded up the "verticalisation" of the IT industry. 向移动运算和数据中心(也称为转向“云计算”)的转变加快了IT产业纵向一体化的步伐。
Call it a new form of market discipline, one that is, crucially, speeded up. 把这称为一种新的市场纪律约束吧,重要的是,这种约束正在提速。
Officials say that unless this can be speeded up, it will take up to three years before the district can be rebuilt. 官员们说除非加速,重建这个地区得花高达三年的时间。
The pop-cultural circle might be bigger than ever, but its rate of turnover has speeded up as well. 流行文化圈比以往更大,而更新换代速度(流动率)也加速。
Yet it is not surprising inasmuch that you believe time has speeded up, as it has from your perception. 这并不应该奇怪,因为在你看来你的时间已经加快了。
It would be useful to see certain work speeded up. 在一定程度上加速工作进程,将十分有益。
It has also speeded up the issue of visas for temporary workers and residents of the Guatemalan side of the border. Beta小组亦对于短期打工者和边界上危地马拉境内的居民加速发给签证。
She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her connection to Scotland. 她担心火车如不加速,她会赶不上搭乘去苏格兰的中转车。
The extraction rate was speeded up by adding additive. Theexperimental results showed that naphthenic acid was an excellent additive. 同时,还探索了添加剂加速萃取的效果,结果表明,环烷酸是一种好的添加剂。
As the cost of diesel power soars, schemes for renewable power and plans to link the region's power grids may be speeded up. 当柴油电力的成本上升,可再生能源和连接地区电力网的计划可能会加快。
The top-pouring wax experiment showed the wax content reduced as the temperature went up and increased as the conveyor speeded up. 涂蜡试验表明皮蛋涂蜡量随蜡液温度的升高而减少,随皮蛋输送速度的加快而增加;
We have given you ideas that have speeded up your progress, and it has been done in such a way as to not overwhelm you. 我们对你们快速的成长给予了许多的想法,它也用此法完成,并不是压倒你们。
We have speeded up the implementation of the policies to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers with good results. 强农惠农政策加快落实,产生积极效果。
"It takes 40 seconds per character in the beginning, but in the lab we have speeded up to 0. 9 seconds per character, " said Bruckner. “开始的时候输入一个字符需要40个秒,但在实验室里,我们达到了每个字符0.9秒说:”Bruckner说到。
When I was a little child . My childhood was to be happy speeded. 在我小的时候,我的童年过的很快乐。
for technical rea jd sons , all services of this site have to be temporarily e speeded , but will jh be resumed as soon as possible. 由于技术故障,本中心各网页必须暂停服务,问题一但解决,服务将尽快恢复。
Mountains (455 seconds) shows a mineral world in motion, where mountains are evolving in a virtual and a speeded up geological time. “群山”展示了一个具有极速地理时间的世界,其中延绵不断的山脉以非同寻常的速度生长、进化。
Ms. Lin: In the past two years, Shanghai has speeded up the expansion project of the Pudong Airport. 林女士:在过去的两年里,上海加快了浦东机场的扩建工程。
Egypt needs international help quickly to ensure the reform agenda is speeded up, and that extremists cannot lay down roots. 埃及需要国际社会迅速提供帮助,以确保改革议程能够加速进行,而极端主义者无法扎下根来。
Quantitative easing in the U. S. and Japan has speeded up that flow of cash. 美国和日本的定量宽松政策加快了这股现金流的涌入速度。
The rest of the globe has speeded up even as the American engine has lost steam. 正当美国引擎泄漏蒸汽时其他的世界加速。
This process could be speeded up by wrapping a cord around the drill and pulling on each end. 这个过程可以通过系一条绳索在钻子上并在两端不停的拉来加速。
U. S. economic growth speeded up to a 3. 2 percent annual rate in the last three months of 2010. 美国经济在2010年最后三个月加速增长,年增长率达到3.
Pilot schemes for this will start early in 2012, and may be speeded as Indians are issued with identity cards, in a separate initiative. 根据一份单独的倡议,这项措施的试点计划将在2012年年初开始,并可能会因为印度发行身份证而加速。
Indian Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar says the culling of affected poultry needs to be speeded up. 印度农业部长帕瓦尔说,需要加速宰杀病鸡。
These trends have been going on a long time but the end of the great recession has speeded them up dramatically. 这些趋势由来已久,而大萧条的结束更是显著地加快了其发展。