
美 [spend]英 [spend]
  • v.花费;度过;用;花(时间)
  • n.花费
  • 网络用尽;消耗;消费表

过去式:spent 第三人称单数:spends 现在分词:spending

spend time,spend money,spend day,spend holiday,spend weekend
probably spend,easily spend


v. n.

1.[t][i]用,花(钱)to give money to pay for goods, services, etc.

2.[t]花(时间);度过to use time for a particular purpose; to pass time

3.[t][oftpass]花费,消耗,用尽(精力等)to use energy, effort, etc., especially until it has all been used


spend the night with sb

在某人家里住一夜to stay with sb for a night

spend a penny

(委婉说法,与 use the toilet 同义)解手,方便people say ‘spend a penny’ to avoid saying ‘use the toilet’


《Friends》词汇表A ... kettle n. 壶, 罐, 釜, 鼓 spends v. 花费, 消耗, 用尽 spades n. 铲, 铁锹v.铲 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... kettle n. 壶, 罐, 釜, 鼓 spends v. 花费, 消耗, 用尽 spades n. 铲, 铁锹v.铲 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... kettle n. 壶, 罐, 釜, 鼓 spends v. 花费, 消耗, 用尽 spades n. 铲, 铁锹v.铲 ...


屠龙网吧管理系统设计说明书 - 迦楼罗的日志... ... a.会员表( members) b.消费表spends) d.管理员表( Adistors) ...

He spends all of his time today trying to explain his way out of the blame. 今天,他要花全部的时间来解释那些对他的指责。
He spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his mother 20 pounds a week as he lives with his parents. 他花费了一些钱和衣服的纪录,并为他的母亲每星期20磅,他与他的父母生活。
Yvo Schaap is a 23 year old student in the Netherlands who spends at least some of his time developing ways to visualize information. 来自荷兰的23岁学生YvoSchaap花费了时间等去开发将信息可视化的方法。
My grandma spends all her time at the computer now that I taught her to surf the web. 自从我教会奶奶上网以后,她就整天对着电脑了。
Derek fancies himself as a ladies' man, but he spends too much time admiring himself in the mirror for my liking. 德里克自以为是讨女人喜欢的人,可是为了讨我喜欢,他却花很多时间在镜子面前自我欣赏。
You could then build a mining model that relates demographics to how much money a customer spends in a store. 然后,您可以生成一个挖掘模型,该模型可将人口统计信息与某位客户在商店中的消费金额关联起来。
Adam Horowitz, 23, who works as a technology consultant for a major accounting firm in New York, spends all day one-mail at his office. 今年23岁,在纽约一家主要会计公司做技术顾问的AdamHorowitz,整天在他的办公室里处理邮件。
He bumbles through his job fund-raising for an art school, and spends his nights watching television with his wife and son. 他踉踉跄跄地做着为一所艺术学校募集资金的工作,他靠与其妻子和儿子一起看电视打发夜间时光。
Tony Hsieh, the boss, shaves his head and spends 10% of his time studying what he calls the "science of happiness" . Zappo的老板TonyHsieh每天变换发型,10%的时间都在研究他所谓的“快乐的科学”。
In fact, a typical astronomy spends most of his or her time analysising datas and (can)may only be at telescopes a few weeks of a year. 而事实上,一个典型的天文学家利用他(或她)的大部分时间分析数据,而在一年内只有几周的时间花在望远镜观测上。
He spends much of his time working deep in the heart of the ship. 他大部分时间都在船舶心脏深处工作。
Gurung now spends his time mostly inside a two-room home in Kathmandu (above) tended to and supported by his wife, Manmaya. 古荣现在大部分时间都待在加德满都的两房家里(上),由太太曼玛雅(Manmaya)负责照料与扶持。
He spends a lot of time in his letters claiming the authority of a martyr because he's on his way to being killed. 他在信中花了大量笔墨,说殉道者的权威有多大,因为他正要去殉道送死。
Estimate how much the teen spends per month in each category in the needs section. 估算每月孩子们会在必需品这一块下的每一个项目中花费多少。
The average American woman spends sixty-one minutes contemplating her outfits during the course of a week. 在美国,女性一周平均花51分钟在思忖“自己该穿什么”的问题上。
each fish species has a preferred water layer where it spends most of its time : near the surface , in the middle , or near the bottom. 每一种鱼都有偏好的水层,它们大部分时间都会呆在那儿:接近水面的上层水区、中层水区、或是接近水底的底层水区。
To put that into context, The U. K. government spends about 12 billion pounds a year on foreign aid. 比较起来,英国政府一年提供的国外艾滋病资助达到120亿磅。
She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children. 她觉得本人不是一个好母亲,由于她不像传统妇女那样花很多时间来陪伴本人的孩子们。
Even as America spends up to $3 billion a week in Iraq, some of your gasoline bill is surely finding its way to al-Qaeda. 就当美国一周在伊拉克烧掉30多亿美元的时候,一些汽油钱肯定也通过某种途径到了基地组织的手里。
The Buddhist spends all their lifetime trying to understand the nature of existence. 佛教徒花费一生的时间极力去理解存在的本质。
Men do not like it when a woman spends a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror but still looks the same as she always does. 男人不喜欢女人在镜子前面大费时光地端详自己,但其实,她们看上去还和往常一样。
Mr Shapleigh is not surprised that these figures are so terrible: Texas spends less on each of its citizens than does any other state. 撒普利先生对如此可怕的数据并不吃惊:德州比其他任何州在公民生活的投入都少。
The average American mother, whether the she works out of the home or not, spends 35 hours a week doing housework. 一般的美国母亲,不管有没有在外工作,每周会花35个小时在做家务上。
She spends 12 hours a day in the office every day and work is all that she talks about when she meets her friends occasionally. 办公室是她一天花去二分之一时间的地方,偶尔和大伙儿聊天谈的都是工作。
No, the percentage of time that the CPU spends handling interrupts is not a subset of the total busy time for that CPU. 不包括。CPU处理中断所占的时间百分比并不是那个CPU全部繁忙时间的子集。
And what he does is -- (Laughter) he spends a week at a time with a family. 他所做的是--(笑声)他每次和一个家庭呆上一周。
Sarah takes her to the experimental room where Anna spends a few minutes pressing on the computer screen. 莎拉带她去实验室,在那里,安娜将花上几分钟时间按电脑屏幕来进行选择。
She spends a week at a health farm trying to lose wright. 为了减肥,她在健康中心呆了一星期。
Sb. Whose primary interest is dressing fashionably My little sister is such a clotheshorse. She spends all of her money on shoes. 我的小妹妹是个特别爱打扮的人。她吧所有钱都花在买鞋子上了。
These days she puffs a lot and spends a fair bit of her time sitting in her chair. 这些天她的背又隆起了许多,更多的时候她是坐在她的椅子里。