
美 [spɪl]英 [spɪl]
  • v.溢出;涌出;蜂拥而出
  • n.跌落;洒出(量);泼出(量);溢出(量)
  • 网络打翻;小塞子;使散落

过去式:spilled 过去式:spilt 第三人称单数:spills 现在分词:spilling

spill water,spill blood


v. n.

1.[i][t](使)洒出,泼出,溢出to flow over the edge of a container by accident; to make liquid do this

2.[i]+ adv./prep.涌出;蜂拥而出to come out of a place in large numbers and spread out


spill the beans

泄露秘密;说漏嘴to tell sb sth that should be kept secret or private

spill (sbs) blood

使流血;伤害;杀死to kill or wound people

spill your guts (to sb)

(向某人)倾诉心里话to tell sb everything you know or feel about sth, because you are upset


沪江博客 - 潇然的博客 ... 1. consignment 交托 2. spilled 溢出 3. modify 修改 ...


三星口试看图说话常用动词词组及短语... ... Tripped 绊倒 Spilled 打翻 Blew away 吹走 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... wiping vbl. 擦拭 spilled n. 溢出, 溅出, 摔下, 木片, 小塞子, 暴跌, 溢出量 ...


林肯 预告片Trailer - VoiceTube -... ... spill 使溢出,使散落,洒 spilled 使溢出,使散落,洒 blood 放血,用血染 ...



《Friends》词汇表A ... wiping vbl. 擦拭 spilled n. 溢出, 溅出, 摔下, 木片, 小塞子, 暴跌, 溢出量 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... wiping vbl. 擦拭 spilled n. 溢出, 溅出, 摔下, 木片, 小塞子, 暴跌, 溢出量 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... wiping vbl. 擦拭 spilled n. 溢出, 溅出, 摔下, 木片, 小塞子, 暴跌, 溢出量 ...

When her sister saw her looking at that boy, she walked over and (accidentally) spilled chocolate ice cream all over the front of her dress. 当姐姐看她在看那个男孩儿时,走过去(故意地)把巧克力奶油冰淇淋洒了她裙子一身…
I've got a bit of apology to make, you see I spilled coffee on the table-cloth. 我向你道歉,我把咖啡洒到桌布上了。
If she spilled pizza sauce on her chin, don't say a word, nor give any other indication that her complexion is amiss. 如果她她吃皮萨时地了一滴酱在下巴上,什么都不说或是直接说明都不怎么恰当。
When two or three generations were packed into a single house, family life spilled out into the courtyards and narrow alleyways. 当两代或者三代人挤在一所房子的时候,家庭生活延伸到庭院和那些狭窄的小巷里。
Lose money playing games, video game room to ask the boss to no avail in the case, Pingmou even spilled gasoline ignited in his head. 打游戏输钱,在向电玩室老板索要无果的情况下,冯某竟然将汽油泼洒在自己的头上点燃。
Take a look over my shoulder here. That red sludge spilled out of a reservoir at an aluminum plant on Monday. 从我的肩膀这边看过去,周一,红色的污泥从一个铝厂的蓄水池泄漏出来。
I had to admit the fact that the ring was lost for good, and there was no use in crying over spilled milk. 我必须接受戒指遗失的事实,对这事表示哀伤是没有用的。
He was killed when a gunshot ripped open his belly and his intestines spilled out into his hands. 他被一枪打中了腹部,内脏都流到了他的手上,他就这样死去了
While Jane was carrying a pail of milk from the barn to the kitchen, she spilled some of it on her skirt. 简提着一桶牛奶从牲口棚走去厨房时,她把一些牛奶洒在了裙子上。
Why , no . What makes you think so ? Well, mother seem to be quite disturbed because I spilled some on the carpet. 怎麽,不贵嘛。你为什麽有这种想法呢?恩,因为我溅了点墨水在地毯上,妈妈显的非常生气。
I don't care if it's spilled or not. I don't care if I'm drown in it (throws her head into the pillow)! 我不管溢不溢出来。我不管会不会溺死于此(她把头钻进被窝里)。
People from the surrounding buildings spilled out into the streets, trying to survey the damage in complete darkness. 周围大楼中的人涌上街头,试图在漆黑一片中检查受损情况。
How much oil has spilled out? How does this compare with other big spills? 已有多少原油泄漏?与其它漏油事件相比如何?
Now the tears in her eyes spilled over -- tears, I knew, not only for a lost doll and a lost sister, but for a lost time. 此时,她眼中的泪水夺眶而出——我知道,那不仅是为了失去的玩具娃娃和小妹妹,而且也是为了失去的时光而流的眼泪。
And if oil were spilled in the winter, cleanup would take place in the total darkness that engulfs the region during those months. 而如果石油在冬季泄漏,清理工作会在吞没此地区长达数月的黑暗中进行。
With so much red ink still to be spilled, it may seem premature to ask, as this special report does, what the future of banking looks like. 在这么多赤字仍将继续出现的情形下,像这篇特别报告一样,询问银行业的未来会是怎样似乎还太早。
One judge said she had already dealt with a similar case when styrene spilled out of rail car near Cincinnati. 一位法官说,她之前处理过类似的案子,那次是苯乙烯从辛辛那堤市附近的一节火车车厢溢出来。
We were trying to keep it a secret from Pete , but Jessica spilled the beans . 我们尽力不让皮特知道这个秘密,可是杰西卡给说漏了嘴。
"We must do something about Grandfather, " said the son. "I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor. " “我们必须对爷爷做些事情,”他儿子说道。“我已经受够了他泼洒的牛奶,嘈杂的进食,还有在地板上的食物”。
He said, "The stool spilled into the belly. " 他说,“粪便溢进肚子。”
There was a radioactive release when water sloshed out of spent-fuel-cooling pools and spilled into the Sea of Japan. 废水从乏燃料冷却池中放出、流进日本海的过程中,有放射性物质释放出来。
So he put the pail of milk into one of his jacket pockets and walked off home; and by the time he got there the milk was all spilled. 于是,他把这桶牛奶放进了自己的一个上衣口袋里便出发了。等他回到家的时候,牛奶全洒光了。
Local government officials refused to reveal how much diesel had spilled into the river or comment on the spill when contacted by AFP. 在接受法新社采访时,地方政府官员拒绝公布石油泄漏量或对此次泄漏事件发表评论。
When the man was about to drink the water in the cup, the eagle knocked it out of his hand, and spilled the poisoned water on the ground. 当农夫正准备喝这个杯子里的水时,这头鹰推开他的手并把这杯有毒的水推倒在地。
When Karima was 12, her father spilled a pan of boiling oil on her after she told him she had converted from Islam to Catholicism. 在她12岁那一年,KarimaElMahroug告诉父亲她退出伊斯兰教改信天主教了,结果父亲把一锅滚烫的油撒到了她身上。
Mr. Obama admitted that there is uncertainty about exactly how much oil is being spilled. 奥巴马承认,还不能确定正在漏出的石油究竟有多少。
This caused a cascade of downward mobility, as the children of the rich spilled over into lower social stations. 这导致了向下流动性的喷涌,富人的孩子们渗透到了低一些的社会阶层。
The plastic bottle turned end for end as it fell, and everything spilled out (=the bottle turned over with the bottom up). 塑料瓶子掉下来时倒翻过来,里面的东西都摔了出来。
I might have endangered other divers' lives if I had spilled blood in the pool. 要是我的血溅到了游泳池里,就会危及其他跳水选手的生命。
Dicyclopentadiene : Noxious liquid. Handle with usual caution: do not ingest. If it is spilled on skin, rinse well with water. 二环茂二烯:有毒液体。如常小心处理:不要摄入。如果溅在皮肤上,用水冲洗干净。