
美 [spɪt]英 [spɪt]
  • v.吐;啐唾沫(常表示愤怒或鄙视);怒斥;(发怒时)发呼噜呼噜声;吐(唾沫等);(唾弃地)说;点燃(导火线等);咯(血) (out forth up);(唾弃地)说;咯(血) (out forth up);发(牢骚)
  • n.吐痰;唾液;唾沫;啐唾沫;〈英〉一铲的深度[分量];啐唾沫;沙嘴;狭长的暗礁;〈英〉一铲的深度[分量];涎;岬;狭长的暗礁;〈英〉一铲的深度[分量];涎;沙嘴;狭长的暗礁
  • 网络吐口水;随地吐痰;吐出

过去式:spat 现在分词:spit spitting 现在分词:spitting 第三人称单数:spits

spit blood


v. n.

从嘴里from mouth

1.[t]吐,唾(唾沫、食物等)to force liquid, food, etc. out of your mouth

2.[i]啐唾沫(常表示愤怒或鄙视)to force saliva (= the liquid that is produced in the mouth) out of your mouth, often as a sign of anger or lack of respect

愤怒地说say sth angrily

3.[t]怒斥to say sth in an angry or aggressive way

动物of an animal

4.[i](发怒时)发呼噜呼噜声to make a short angry sound

烹煮╱燃烧的东西of sth cooking/burning

5.[i]咝咝地冒油;噼啪作响;爆出火花to make a noise and throw out fat, sparks , etc.


spit it out

有话就讲;有什么尽管说出来usually used in orders to tell sb to say sth when they seem frightened or unwilling to speak

spit venom/blood

怒气冲天;咬牙切齿to show that you are very angry; to speak in an angry way

within spitting distance (of sth)

很近very close


细评那些为我们献身的AV明星及电影 ... Speculum 鸭嘴钳 Spitting 吐口水 Spooning 侧身体位 ...


英语高小部全英语教学展示课 ... 异物堵塞呼吸道 Respiratory tract is jammed. 随地吐痰 Spitting. 作业 Assignment. ...


石油英语词汇(S5)--石油百科 ... spit-out 共深度点资料选排 spitting 吐出 SPL 声压级 ...


冶金英语 - 豆丁网 ... 喷渣 slopping 喷溅 spitting 静态控制 static control ...


葡萄酒如何品酒:眼观、鼻嗅、口尝、吐酒 葡萄酒... ... 三、口尝( Sipping) 四、吐酒( Spitting) 一、眼观( Sight) ...


吐唾液spitting)是一正常现象,大部分的新生儿在喝完牛奶后,多多少少会有吐唾液的现象,来清除残留在口腔内的奶渣。 …


《Friends... ... another adj. 另外的, 又一, 不同的 spitting 分散 shock n. 打击, 震动, 冲突, 休克, 突击, 禾束堆, 乱蓬的头发 ...

"What the. . . , " and the next thing, he is spitting wool out of his mouth. 下面的事情,他从嘴里吐出羊毛。
At the next few villages, we were offered masato, a fermented drink that women make by chewing yucca and spitting it into a bowl. 在接下来的几个村落里,他们用摩挲托(masato)招待我们,那是女人们咀嚼丝兰(yucca)后将其吐在碗里而制成的一种发酵饮料。
Citywide campaigns are trying to curb public spitting, discourage public cursing and littering and also promote lining up. 城市范围内的运动正在展开,试图遏制在公共场所吐痰,劝阻市民说脏话和乱丢垃圾并鼓励排队。
When one of his blood vessels burst and he began spitting up blood, Wester figured his days were numbered. 一根血管爆裂后,韦斯特开始吐血,他猜想他的日子不多了。
Our record over the last four years stands up against any club in Europe in terms of getting within spitting distance of the final. 我们在过去四年里的成绩不比欧洲任何一家俱乐部要差,每一次都无限的接近决赛。
I forgot to turn down the stove setting, and the bubbly mixture changed to a hissing monster, spitting liquid all over the floor. 那天我漫不经心地在搅合一种新的制剂,忘记把炉火调小,沸腾的混合物很快变成嘶嘶作响的怪物,把液体喷吐了一地。
Xiao Li is plain the spitting image of his father, who behaves just like a lamb in front of his wife. 小李真象他的爸爸,在老婆面前象条虫似的。
"Bashar is a horse, " Mr. Farouh said, almost spitting with disgust as he said the president's name. "He is a donkey. " “巴萨尔是一匹马,”法鲁说。“他是一头驴。”说到总统的名字时,他几乎要厌恶地吐口水了。
You seem to have a lot to say, ' remarked Silver, spitting far into the air. Pipe up and let me hear it, or lay to. ' “你们好像有许多话要讲,”西尔弗说着向老远的空中啐了一口,说:“说出来让我听听,要么就闭嘴。”
The handyman said "Hartley" as if spitting out the name of an old enemy. 工匠师傅提到“哈特雷”的时候,像是啐吐出一个老冤家的名字。
A week later, I found myself spitting out the most complicated Mandarin I've ever spoken during a screening interview to appear on the show. 一周后,在为节目录制的视频访谈中,我讲出了自己讲过的最复杂的普通话。
Henry is plain the spitting image of his father, who behaves just like a lamb in front of his wife. 亨利真像他爸,在老婆面前像条虫似的。
They just would not stop. They kept swearing at him, and spitting on him. 他们不肯罢休,不停地骂他,向他吐口水。
I start to feel as though I've become one with my machine, taking data in, spitting them back out, just another link in the Net. 我开始觉得自己似乎与机器融为一体了,我接收信息,再发送出去,就如同互联网的一个连接点。
The daughter is the spitting image of her mother. 女儿和她妈妈简直长得一模一样。
Camels usually protest by whining, hissing, spitting, and trying to bite and kick the riders. 骆驼通常发出呜呜声、嘶嘶声、呼噜声,和极力地咬和狠狠地踢骑它的人,以示抗议。
But family and school were normally able to convince them that spitting was wrong, so in most cases they gave up the practice. 但家庭和学校通常能够说服他们,让他们知道吐痰不好,因此多数情况下他们会摒弃这一行为。
Despite Carlton being "the spitting double" of his father, Mrs Lowden said she remained "quite oblivious" to the truth. 尽管查尔顿正在他的父亲时不时的有零零散散的疑问,但洛登太太还是表示仍然会对这个真相守口如瓶。
Littering in public is an offence and the offender is liable to a fine of HK 600. Spitting in public is also an offence. 在公众地方乱抛垃圾,违例者可被罚款港币600元。
Spitting is a common occurrence in infants and is usually of no consequence. 随地吐痰是一种常见的发生在婴儿和通常的任何后果。
The headmaster's eyes were spitting fire when he found out that some of his students stole his cat and painted pink . 校长发现学生偷走了他家的猫,而且把猫染成了粉红色,气得眼冒金星。
It would run up to people hissing and spitting if they happened to stumble across it unawares, although it never harmed anyone. 它会跑到人嘶嘶及随地吐痰,如果他们碰巧偶然发现它措手不及,但它从来没有伤害任何人。
Have no doubt that public spitting does indeed influence how foreign visitors view the Chinese. 毫无疑问,随地吐痰的的确确影响着外国人对中国人的看法。
At least it is not within spitting distance of one of the biggest cities in the world, right? 不过它至少没有在离世界上任一个大城市一口就可以啐到的距离之内,是吗?
Mumbai is one of India's filthiest cities. Piles of garbage litter main roads and people can be seen spitting while walking on public roads. 孟买是印度最脏的城市之一。大马路上就可以看到成堆的垃圾,随处可见民众走路时随地吐痰。
Do not throw garbage - that would further damage the environment, not spitting - the prevention of communicable diseases. 不要乱扔垃圾——那会使环境遭到进一步破坏,不随地吐痰——防止传染病的发生。
Adults are not speak hygiene, on the streets and spitting, also considers the random on the ground "seems a spit it out. " 大人们也是不爱讲卫生,在大街上走着走着想吐痰了,也就随意在地上“叭”的一声吐出。
"The most typical improper behavior involves spitting and talking loudly in public places, " he said. 李仁志说:“最典型的不文明行为就是在公共场所随地吐痰和大声喧哗。”
She's the spitting image of her mother. 她长得和她妈妈一摸一样。
Normal discharge and nuisance spitting are accommodated by the use of a Watts air gap fitting and a fabricated indirect waste line. 采用美国瓦茨气隙连接件和预制导向水管线,可能会伴随正常的排放和有害的喷溅。