
美 [spɔɪld]英 [spɔɪld]
  • v.破坏;宠坏;溺爱;变质
  • n.战利品;赃物;掠夺物;成功所带来的好处
  • 网络宠坏的;被宠坏的;被宠坏了



v. n.

1.[t]~ sth破坏;搞坏;糟蹋;毁掉to change sth good into sth bad, unpleasant, useless, etc.

2.[t]~ sb溺爱;娇惯;宠坏to give a child everything that they ask for and not enough discipline in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behaviour

3.[t]~ sb/yourself善待;格外关照to make sb/yourself happy by doing sth special


be spoiling for a fight

按捺不住想打架to want to fight with sb very much

spoil the ship for a haporth/hapennyworth of tar

因小失大to spoil sth good because you did not spend enough money or time on a small but essential part of it


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『撒娇』一般指小孩子或女生的行为,指的是用受宠被溺爱(spoiled)、装迷糊(play silly)与幼稚(act childish)或娇嗔(假装生气)的 …


sinny's words Flashcards ... exponential 指数的,越来越多的 spoiled 被宠坏了 succinct 简明的,简洁的 ...


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新华字典/馊 - 一把刀实用查询 ... 馊点子 sōudiǎnzi 【详细解释】: sour;spoiled; 馊 sōu ...

That he would propose some day she had never doubted, for she was too young and too spoiled ever to have known defeat. 她从未怀疑他有一天会向她求婚,因为她实太年轻太娇惯了,从来不懂得失败是怎么回事。
He is said to be spoiled and belligerent, precisely the kind of man you don't want to have with a small nuclear arsenal at his disposal. 据说这位小王子是被宠坏的并且是好斗的,正是你不想让一个小型核武库由他处置的那种人。
The spoiled young woman always is able to wheedle money out of her elderly father by telling him how handsome and generous he is. 这个被宠坏了的女孩总是能通过夸老爸潇洒大方骗得一些钱。
Grew up in a spoiled child, a variety of psychological needs will be timely met, is certainly no sense of happiness. 一个在溺爱环境中长大的孩子,各种心理需要都会得到及时的满足,是肯定没有幸福感的。
Consider fishing, where one's whole pleasure is often spoiled by having to kill a fish. 比如说钓鱼,一想到钓到的欲待会被宰杀,所有的愉悦顿时荡然无存。
Reita: It's not like I'm asking to be spoiled, you know? In a "Should I make something? " kind of way. 你要知道并不是像我要求被宠爱那样?是“我应该做些什么吗?”那样的方式。
This infuriated locals and tourists, who accuse the French president and his wife of acting like a spoiled king and queen. 此举引发了当地民众和游客的抗议,他们抱怨萨科齐夫妇简直就像是一对骄奢淫逸的国王和王后。
But this problem of a sensible investment plan being spoiled by the more primitive parts of our brain is not a new phenomenon either. 不过,一项理智的投资计画,却被我们大脑较为原始的部分破坏,这也不是新鲜事。
Your most marked characteristic? A craving to be loved, or, to be more precise, to be caressed and spoiled rather than to be admired. 你最显著的性格特征?——对爱的渴望,更准确地说,被爱抚与宠溺多于被赞赏。
You're probably right. But they are to be transshipped on the way. Don't you think they might be spoiled by dampness or rain? 也许你说的对。但这批货中途要转运,你认为货物可能会受潮或被雨淋湿吗?
Q: A grateful client sent me a lovely fruit basket, but by the time it arrived, much of it was spoiled. 问:一位心怀感激的客户送给我一个可爱的果篮,但当我收到时,大多数水果都已坏了。
A grateful client sent me a lovely fruit basket, but by the time it arrived, much of it was spoiled. Should I tell her what happened? 一位心怀感激的客户送给我一个可爱的果篮,但当我收到时,大多数水果都已坏了。我该不该把所发生的事告诉她呢?
You completely lack the character of a great river. You are nothing but an ungovernable child, spoiled by those rivers. 你完全没有那种大河风度,你只是被那些河惯坏的一个野孩子。
And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. 既将一切执政的掌权的掳来,明显给众人看,就仗著十字架夸胜。
Mr. Zhang said he's been through hair loss for many years and his image had been seriously spoiled at least 5 years. 张先生说他的脱发已经有很多年了,而感觉脱发已经严重影响形象至少有5年时间了。
She said she had grown up spoiled by her mother and aunts, who had let her have whatever she had wanted. 她表示自己在母亲和阿姨们的溺爱中长大,不管她想要什么,他们就会满足她。
He gave his own spoiled and soft nation, in its first moment of success against us, a clear simple war aim. 在这初次对我们取得胜利的时刻,为他自己那个娇生惯养,没有骨头的民族提供了一个简单明确的战争目标。
It is all because of me. It is all because of my departure. I ran away, like a spoiled child grown up in an evergreen garden. 全是因为我。全是因为我的离开。我远远跑开,像一个温室中长大的孩子。
The fact that she was so clearly thinking of me when she made that decision made me feel deliciously spoiled, genuinely seen. 实际上在做决定时她太明显地说明自己在考虑到了我,这让我感到一种美滋滋地受宠…
You are not trying to be a spoiled brat, you are trying to find where you naturally fit into the scheme of things. 你是不是想成为宠坏小子,你想找到你自然地融入计划的合适的事情。
"You filthy guinea spoiled brat , " he said venomously. "Clean that up right now or I'll kick the shit out of you. " “你这个娇生惯养的臭婆娘,”他凶神恶煞似的说,“快给我打扫干净,要不,我要把你踢得屁滚尿流。”
You are my girl, I spoiled it should be, and I should be very clear that you are only in it for me like a baby. 你是我的女孩,对我撒娇是应该的,而我应该很清晰的发现你仅仅是在对我撒娇而已。
Pedro is attractive. There's no doubt about it. Women are crazy about him. But he's spoiled. 无可置疑的,佩德罗是很迷人的,女孩们都为他痴狂,但他被宠坏了。
The answer is: attention to his wife, spoiled Jiqie, good pet lust, which is often confused monarch. 回答是:重视夫人,溺爱姬妾,善于宠爱好色,这是君主经常被迷惑的。
The only certain result was that two Olympic Games were spoiled, because in 1984 the Soviet bloc, in retaliation, boycotted Los Angeles. 唯一可以肯定的结果是,两场奥运都被搞糟了,因为1984年苏联集团报复杯葛洛杉矶奥运。
You see, you have spoiled me with your love and your care - now I need it all the time. 你瞧,你用你的爱和无微不至的照顾宠坏了我,现在我离不开这些了。
"Yes, he has had an excellent education, and has much talent. He will make a fine man, if not spoiled by petting, " replied her mother. “是,他受过良好的教育,天分很高。如果不被宠坏的话,会成为一个受人尊敬的人”,妈妈回答。
And the industry should look to its own self-interest: it would be a shame if reckless expansion spoiled a good innovation. 而且该行业应当注意自身的利益:因为铤而走险的扩张而毁掉了一种创新理念实在可惜。
No doubt he was just trying to help, but he's spoiled our work. 可能他只是想帮忙,但却把我们的工作给弄糟了。
It was one of those rare occasions when I ignored the crotchety old voice that spoiled my fun. 像这样无视那扼杀了我的乐趣的古怪声音,还真是屈指可数。我总算是开了窍。