
美 [ˈspɑtˌlaɪt]英 [ˈspɒtˌlaɪt]
  • n.聚光灯;聚光灯照亮的地方;聚光灯照明圈;媒体和公众的注意
  • v.用聚光灯照;突出报道(以使公众注意)
  • 网络射灯;聚光灯效果;探照灯

复数:spotlights 现在分词:spotlighting 过去式:spotlighted 过去式:spotlit



n. v.

1.[c]聚光灯a light with a single, very bright beam that can be directed at a particular place or person

2.[u]聚光灯照亮的地方;聚光灯照明圈the area of light that is made by a spotlight

3.[u]媒体和公众的注意attention from newspapers, television and the public


灯具_百度百科 ... 泛光灯 floodlight 聚光灯,射灯 spotlight 应急灯 emergency luminaire ...


灯具_百度百科 ... 泛光灯 floodlight 聚光灯,射灯 spotlight 应急灯 emergency luminaire ...


蓝宝石插件效果说明 ... S_Rays 光芒放射效果 S_SpotLight 聚光灯效果 S_CloudsColorSmooth 简单的云状噪波 ...


ae插件介绍 - 哎哦 - 时空博客 ... reverse spotlight( 反向探照灯) spotlight探照灯) Drizzle( 水泡,酷) ...


名师丁雪明:2010年考研基础词汇备考札记 ... sport n. 运动,体育‖ spotlight n. 聚光灯,焦点 be spotted with 点缀,弄脏‖ ...


九年级英语单词表_百度知道 ... touristy 游客很多的 spotlight 公众注意的中心 consider 考虑 ...


为了使颜色精确,我把概念图置于聚光灯光源spotlight)下,只对基础模型(base model)进行了着色。然后选取了颜色并根 …


人教版•九年级英语词汇表(附音标) - 豆丁网 ... fall 瀑布 spotlight 公众注意中心 consider 考虑,思考,认为 ...

"The charity work is at the crux of being a musician, " Leehom said. "Being a public figure, you've got to sway the spotlight. " “作为一个音乐人,做慈善事业是很关键的,”力宏说,“作为一个公众人物,你会影响到别人的举动”。
It is hard not to feel a twinge of pity; few would envy such a life in the spotlight as teenage hormones start to kick in. 这难免令人遗憾:很少有人会嫉妒一种连蠢蠢欲动的青春期都要暴露在聚光灯下的生活。
The Portuguese tactician has never been out of the spotlight at Stamford Bridge since arriving at the club in the summer of 2004. 这个葡萄牙战术家自从2004年夏天来到这个俱乐部就从来没有离开过斯坦福桥的聚光灯。
He said one purpose of the Armitage mission will be to keep the heat, and the spotlight, on the Damascus government. 他说,阿米蒂奇此行的一个目的就是继续向大马士革政府施加压力,使它成为人们关注的对象。
"We spent the last four years trying to stay out of the spotlight, " Jenna Bush said to laughter from the delegates. 詹纳·布什说:“在过去的四年里,我们尽力避开公众的注意。有时我们会比别人表现得好一点。”
But I had a childhood, and I was allowed to make mistakes and find my own way in the world without the glare of the spotlight. 但我有过童年,我可以被允许去犯错误,然后在没有聚光灯闪耀的情况下,再在这个世界上找到属于我的路。
I spotlight the waiting room which I did not put in the case of the memory ceremony and a commemorative event this time. 此次照亮没被把在那个纪念典礼和纪念事件的情况下装进去的等候室。
His wife Michelle, in an opening night speech, is expected to spotlight Senator Obama's unusual life story. 预计奥巴马的妻子米歇尔在大会开幕之夜的讲话中将向公众讲述奥巴马不平凡的人生故事。
Having growing up in the spotlight as a child star of Harry Potter, Emma Watson often had to fight to convince people she's all grown up. 凭借出演哈利波特系列电影走红的小童星,自小就生活在镁光灯下的艾玛沃特森还要经常向别人证明她已经完全长大了。
HRN: You mentioned silver as a way to preserve wealth but gold seems to be in the spotlight. 你刚才提到聚光灯银,以此来保存财富,但黄金似乎是在。
In an era when machinery was the driver of industrial success, Owen switched the spotlight on to the human machines behind the machines. 在一个机械装置作为工业产出的推动力的时代,欧文却把机械装置背后的人力作为关注焦点。
The spotlight starts to dim during the second week as you focus on your finances, which should be in fine standing. 第二周,注意力变得模糊,当你把注意力放在财务方面,应该很好。
Sam passed a hand across his head, shining under the spotlight; it was an unconscious habit when he was thinking a problem through. 萨姆一只手摸着在灯光下闪闪发亮的头顶,这是他考虑问题时的下意识动作。
And while Kate is the darling of the wedding moment, Kerr adds that Kate's cheeky brother-in-law-to-be may steal some of that spotlight. 而凯特又是婚礼的焦点,科尔补充说,凯特那个厚脸皮的准小叔子将会抢占部分风头。
the heart beating under the spotlight as if it were an actor that knew that this could be its last chance to perform. 心脏在聚光灯下跳动,好像一个演员知道这是最后一次表演一样,
With the ultraviolet spotlight, Kirby was able to see individual particles of oil-stained sand rolling along the beach. 通过紫外聚光灯,Kirby可以看到在沙滩上散布的沾了石油的沙砾。
Monday night, the spotlight will turn to the finals of the men's 110m hurdles, and it's shaping up to be a great one. 星期一晚上,公众的焦点将转向男子110米栏的决赛,目前比赛进展顺利,将会是很棒的一场比赛。
Q | Facebook has enjoyed the media spotlight for over a year now, but it is still far from ruling the world. 一年来Facebook一直是媒体的焦点,但是它还不能统领整个世界。
Man behind the WikiLeaks: Julian Assange dropped secret dispatches from wars, but those diplomatic cables really put him in the spotlight. “维基解密”幕后人:朱利安·阿桑奇(JulianAssange)将战争中的秘密置于世人眼前,这些外交电报把他推向了风口浪尖。
The affair has put a spotlight on Mr Cameron's circle of friends and his judgement, but so far calls for his resignation are not widespread. 此次窃听丑闻曝光了卡梅伦的朋友圈和他的判断能力。但到目前为止,要求他辞职的呼声并不普遍。
At this point, the porcelain in its own unique temperament, back in the spotlight. 此时,景德镇青白瓷以其自身独特的气质,重新回到人们的视野中。
It's part of a White House plan to put a spotlight on the U. S. economy. 这是白宫集中在美国经济方面的计划的一部分。
It would have been natural for her to desire, and even deserve, the spotlight. 对她来说,如果她想成为镁光灯的焦点是很自然的事,她也当之无愧。
Although other techniques are coming into the spotlight (noticeably Neural Networks), the minimax tree is at the heart of the best programs. 尽管其它的技术也开始崭露头角(比如神经网络),但极大极小树仍然是该类程序的最佳心脏。
Private deals are becoming even more popular in London as well-known millionaires seek to avoid the spotlight of an open market transaction. 在伦敦,越来越多的知名富豪想方设法不在公开市场买房,以做到掩人耳目。这使得私下交易渐趋成风。
Will: Probably right. But, um, in hindsight. . . you were right to shine the spotlight on the fact that those kids are minorities. 或许是正确的。但是,在一方面…事实上你使那些有潜力的孩子发光是正确的。
While we mull this, Beijing officials might be wishing for 2012 to come soon, so London's outlays can turn the spotlight away from its own. 仔细想想,中国政府官员可能会希望2012年早点到来,这样人们关注的重点就会转向伦敦举办奥运会的费用了。
Lo! A ray of a spotlight illuminated me in the darkness, I stood in the middle of the empty stage No circus, no spectators I was all alone. 看啊!一束灯光将在黑暗中的我照亮,我伫立在偌大而空旷的舞台中央,这里没有戏班,没有观众,我独自一人。
Boys and girls, I'd like to be serious for a moment if I may. Spotlight please. 孩子们,如果你们不介意,我想要严肃那么一会儿。闪光灯!
The spotlight for better or worse will be on Mr. Cook and his willingness to take a risk on what could be the company's next big thing. 无论好坏,库克将成为焦点,而他选择在哪些方面冒风险则将成为该公司的下一件大事。