
  • abbr.英石(英国重量单位)
  • 网络意法半导体(STMicroelectronics);特别处理(Special treatment);苯乙烯(styrene)



1.英石(英国重量单位)stone (a British measurement of weight)


意法半导体ST)进一步扩大其微控制器性能领先优势x86架构突破功耗瓶颈,ARM恐将难抵x86攻势 新唐科技推NUC200系列…

特别处理(Special treatment)

特别处理(ST)公司总经理变更的实证研究: 张俊生上市公司的自由现金流量假说检验: 杨熠 “让国有企业一部分人先富起来”的理 …


苯乙烯—丙烯酸酯共聚物乳液(简称苯丙乳液)是一种用苯乙烯(St)改性的丙烯酸酯系共聚乳液,它用苯乙烯部分或全部代替纯丙 …

请教英语问题~_百度知道 ... 16. RD 路 17. ST 19. SQ 广场 ...


磺胺噻唑ST )与血浆蛋白结合多,进入脑脊液少;磺胺嘧啶(SD )与血浆蛋白结合少,进入脑脊液多,故治疗流行性脑 …

结构文本(Structured Text)

结构文本(ST)语言—一见3.3 A:=LIMIT(ENICOND,IN:=B. MX:=5.ENO=>TEMPL); 有EN和ENO的用法 以LD(梯形图)语 …


意法半导体公司(ST)生产的VIPer12A是一个8引脚的芯片,外型如上图所示。VIPer12A是一个单封装的产品,在同一颗芯片 …

But those who insist it is St John, say that he is often portrayed as an effeminate young man. 但是那些坚持这个是圣约翰的人说圣约翰的确是常常被画成带点女子柔弱气息的青年人。
Authorities say St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock was drunk and talking on his cell phone at the time of his fatal crash on Sunday. 官方称,圣路易红雀队的投手在星期天的车祸中死亡,当时他醉酒驾车并打着电话。
ST and Tiger restructuring announcement resume trading after the end of the matter, and their share prices will Yixieqianli. 而*ST泰格公告重组事项结束复牌后,股价便一泻千里。
Great excitement was in the air that week in London and, as the newspapers reported, in Paris, Berlin and St Petersburg as well. 那个星期,整个伦敦群情激昂;而且据椐报纸报道,巴黎、柏林和圣彼得堡也是如此。
St. Paul's Cathedral is the last of a succession of churches and places of worship built on a site in the heart of London. 圣保罗大教堂是伦敦中心地标最后一个世代相传的教堂和朝拜场所。
St. Peter couldn't deny that this was a pretty bad day, and since it was a crime of passion, he let the man in. 虽然这个人杀了人是有罪的,天使不得不承认他够衰的了,就让他进了天堂。
His eyes which he usually kept fixed on the ground before his feet, were attracted upwards by the dome of St. Paul's. 他的眼睛平时都是注视着自己脚前的地面,这时忽然被圣保罗教堂的圆顶引得朝上望去。
Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. --- St. Augustine. 信心是相信我们所不见的,信心的酬报,就是得见我们所相信的。
Then St. Peter asked the second man if he had been faithful to his wife, and the man admitted to one affair. St. 然后圣彼得问第二个人他这一生是否忠诚于他的妻子,这个人承认他有一次出轨。
When he returned to St. Louis, he gave up running, too exhausted for the sport he loved. He started having night sweats. 回到圣路易斯,他放弃了跑步,由于筋疲力竭而无法进行他最热爱的运动。他在夜间开始盗汗。
The last part the operation evaluation of the system and analyzing existing problems to guild the next operation cycle. 第五部分是对ST公司绩效管理体系运行的评估,总结存在的问题,以便指导下一个实施周期。
Last night, he was taken to nearby St. Thomas Hospital, and doctors treated him for six broken ribs and a broken collar bone. 昨晚他被带到邻近的汤马士医院,医生帮他医治了六跟断掉的肋骨及一根颈骨。
They arrived at the gates of heaven, where a flustered St. Peter explained that there had been a mistake. 他们来到天堂门口,看到圣·彼得慌乱的说有个错误。
But how much do you know about St. Patrick himself? 但您对圣派翠克本人有多了解?
To his dismay, there were hundreds of people ahead of him in line to see St. Peter. 让他泄气的是,他前面有上百人在排队等着见圣彼得。
Julius V went into investment banking in London and New York, after an education in Vienna and St Gallen, Switzerland. 尤利五世在完成维也纳和瑞士圣加仑的教育后,进入了伦敦和纽约的投资银行业。
But in the end ambition was the better master, and he agreed to go with me one evening to Victor's elegant flat in St. James's Place. 可是到头来,仍是雄心占了上风,他同意在一天晚上和我同到圣·詹姆士广场维克托那套陈设幽雅的公寓房子去。
Today, I was charged because my 6 year old son singled the police st near thing th near the I was hitting my wife as well as she was crying. 这日,我被逮捕了,因为我6岁的儿子打电话叫警察,说我把我的妻子打得哭了。
St. James had been singled out to provide Dr. King with an honor guard of Cub Scouts, and my brother was one of the Scouts selected. 圣詹姆士教堂因此被选中,童子军们将在那儿聚集,成为金博士的仪仗队,而我的弟弟就在被选中的童子军之中。
On Sunday morning I'd be back in London, heading off to hear the choir in St Paul's Cathedral. 周日早上我会赶回伦敦,去圣保罗教堂听唱诗班。
McGuffin said the primary use for St. John's wort is maintaining good mood and a sense of well-being. McGuffin称,贯叶连翘主要用于维持良好的情绪,提升人的幸福感。
"I left Downing St and went to see Tony in his office, " he said. 曼德尔森表示:“我离开唐宁街,去托尼的办公室看望了他。”
The dean of St Paul's, the Reverend Graeme Knowles, said the decision had been made on health and safety grounds. 教堂负责人格雷姆?诺尔斯牧师说,这一决定是出于健康和安全的考虑。
" We're wearing ourselves out trying to have it all, " says Elaine St. James, author of Living the Simple Life. 《过一种简单的生活》的作者伊莱恩圣詹姆斯说:“为了拥有这一切我们已累得精疲力尽了。”
After all, in that first term at St Andrews, when William felt so unhappy he wanted to leave, it was Kate who persuaded him to carry on. 后来,在圣安德鲁斯大学的第一学期,威廉觉得过的并不开心,他想离开那儿,是凯特劝她回心转意。
He never said why he'd done it, because if the Ministry had known what Ariana had become, she'd have been locked up in St. Mungo's for good. 他从来没说他为什么那么做,如果魔法部知道了阿利安娜的状况,她将被终生囚禁在圣芒戈医院里。
They arrived at the gate of heaven, where a flustered St. Peter explained that there had been a mistake. 他们到达了天堂的门口,神色慌张的圣彼得解释说,弄错了。
When he was a young boy, his father sent him to the St. Petersburg Academy of Military Engineering, from which he graduated in. 当他被一个小男孩,他的父亲把我送到圣彼得堡军事工程学院,他从那里毕业,于。
After you know he went for them, do NOT instantly deploy the vehicle but wait a bit and try to clear the ST's first. 在游戏玩家你知道对方派出影子小队孩子后,不要立刻展开车辆,稍等一下,先清除了影子小队再说。
The immediate effect of Garn-St. Germain, as I said, was to turn the thrifts from a problem into a catastrophe. 正如我说的,Garn-St.Germain法案当时最直接的影响就是把储蓄机构一般性的问题转变成了一灾难。