
美 [steɪnd]英 [steɪnd]
  • adj.沾污的;有瑕疵或污点的;(因罪行)败坏名声的;上色的
  • v.stain的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络玷污的;褪色的;染色的



1.满是污痕的;沾有污渍的covered with stains or marked with a stain


商务英语(科学出版社) - MBA智库文档 ... rusty 生锈的 stained 玷污的 crushed 压碎 ...


巴黎圣母院介绍英文版 ... lofty a. 高级的,高傲的,高高的 stained a. 褪色的 ornate a. 装饰华丽的,绚丽的 ...


The Big Bang Theory 生活大爆炸 第一季... ... Libido: 性欲 stained沾污的 check: 查看 ...


No smoking ... 16.react to----- 与----反应 对------反应 6.stained------ 玷污的,染色的 7.taste bud---- 味蕾 ...


陶瓷英语 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... 薄膜 thin films 彩色 stained 餐馆用陶瓷 hotel china ...


经济学人单词学习... ... stable condition: 稳定条件 | 稳定工况 | 稳定状态 stained: 彩色 | 污染的 | 染污 starve of: 缺乏 ...

Mike, the home's director, sat us down at a walnut-stained table and let out a sigh. "I got the report from the hospital, " he said. 殡仪员麦克安排我们坐在一张胡桃木色桌子旁,叹了口气说:“医院联系过我了。”
But her body stained with demon WuXie, so people with water splashed go on to her for her body, wash. 但她身上沾满了恶魔的污血,于是人们就用清水向她身上泼去,为她洗净身子。
She wiped her eyes, and a slight smile began to crease her tear-stained cheeks. 她擦去眼角的泪水,一个不显眼的微笑弄皱了她那满脸泪痕的脸颊。
If it's to be like this, don't you be sad, the flag of the Republic has our blood-stained glory. 如果是这样,你不要悲哀,共和国的旗帜上有我们血染的风采。
In its place was new white-oak flooring stained to match oak floors in the rest of the house, all of which had been refinished. 取而代之的是新的白橡木地板染色,以配合在房子的其他橡木地板,所有这些都被抛光。放逐,也就是空间啃噬烟囱。
Little did Vos know that he was stepping into a dark chapter of his past, and a world stained by the ancient power of the dark side. 昆兰丝毫没有察觉到,自己正踏入一段挥之不去的阴霾,踏入一个被远古黑暗面浸染的世界。
When the brush color, nail oil brush should be to leave a little soft skin parts, note color should not be stained to soft on the skin. 在刷颜色时,指甲油刷应稍微离开软皮部位,注意不要将颜色沾到软皮上。
She wanted to go on like this not to the next smoothly off from nearby vines, stretching from the quagmire of mud stained the ground sway. 她想这样下去不行,就顺手从附近折下一条藤蔓,伸入泥潭,沾上泥浆向地上挥洒。
"Try to get those suckers up a loading chute, " he said with a tobacco-stained smile, eyes filled with nostalgia. “试着将这些家伙赶到一个斜槽中,”他说道,满嘴的烟味,眼神中充满了怀念。
One day, when I was trying to put the place in order, I found some cotton batting under the bed and it was stained with blood. 有一天,正在收拾房间,我发现床下有些药棉,上面还沾着血。
I found a crumpled tear-stained sheet stuffed in the back of his desk, an English paper. 我在他桌子深处找到一张皱巴巴的满是泪迹的纸。
It has been stained fully with blood on top of , every person who owns it may be subject to misfortune. 它上面沾满了鲜血,每个拥有它的人都会遭到不幸。
I found a crumpled, tear-stained sheet stuffed in the back of his desk. 我在他桌子深处找到一张皱巴巴的满是泪痕的纸。
Eclipsed by the years of passion burning, stained all over the haired, sentimental should laugh at me, HUAFA early. 掩没了激情燃烧的岁月,染遍了满头青丝,多情应笑我,早生华发。
Yasha had not realized until now that his pants were torn at the knees and stained with lime as well. 雅夏直到现在才发现他的裤子在膝盖处扯破了,而且还沾着石灰。
Little by little I begin to hate my stained face and I couldn't even tell you to turn around and look at it. 一点一点地,我讨厌我沾满泪水的脸,我就连叫你回头看一看我也办不到。
We are trying to assure people that the fighters are true Muslims who will not harm anybody except those whose hands are stained with blood. 我们正在试图使人们确信战士们是真正的穆斯林,不会伤害任何人,除了沾满鲜血的人。
For myself, I often keep stained or torn clothing, if I really love an item, but I only wear it around the house. 就我自己而言,我通常会保留那些非常喜欢的,但沾了油迹或是钩破的衣服,不过我只限在家穿穿。
The word was so stained with all my memories of racial hate that I could not conceive of anybody using it for a title. 这个词沾满了我对种族仇恨的所有记忆,我以致于无法想象会有人以它作为书名。
Stained glass is often made in large, richly detailed panels that are set together in a framework of lead. 常用于制造大型的、用丰富的颜色拼凑成各种图像而置于一铅制框架中。
The bed and bedside table used to be stained wood, and I know some people don't like it, but I really love painted wood. 床和床头柜原来是木头的颜色,但是与很多人不同我更喜欢油漆后的效果。
The fabric bed head was stained where other guests' heads had been and I had to put a towel over it before I could sleep. 用丝织成的床头被以前用过的客人染色,我睡之前不得不在床头盖上一个毛巾才能睡。
A prime-time performance was remarkably polished for a 23-year-old, who said he preferred not to win a "victory stained with doubt" . 这位二十三岁的小伙子在黄金时间的一档节目中表示,自己不愿赢得一场“被怀疑玷污的胜利”。
Finally, he retrieved an old lighter from a pair of paint-stained jeans on the floor in the back of the closet and he had the fire going. 最后,他在壁橱后面的地板上,一条沾满油渍的牛仔裤中找到了一个老式的打火机,他点燃了火。
He had been bleeding from the mouth, and his neck and the front of his shirt were stained a brilliant red. 他的嘴里渗出了血,他的脖子和衬衣前部都被染上了灿烂的红色。
In the frozen liturgy of the stained glass, the natural light of the sun enabled man to enrich its beauty and offer it back to God. 彩色玻璃凝固的礼拜仪式里,太阳的自然光线是人能够丰富它的美丽,并回奉与上帝。
With the ultraviolet spotlight, Kirby was able to see individual particles of oil-stained sand rolling along the beach. 通过紫外聚光灯,Kirby可以看到在沙滩上散布的沾了石油的沙砾。
The man's tie was stained, his face was smeared with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. 这人的领带上有污斑,他的脸上净是唇膏印,还有半瓶杜松子酒从他撕破的口袋里伸出来。
In the crowded elevator, another dusty, toil-stained youth tried to make an impression on her by leering in her face. 在拥挤的电梯里,另一个满身尘土和机油的青工朝她色迷迷地看着,想和她拉关系。
Pink eye through the lens of time, the entire piece is no longer a blue sky, but the piece of blood-stained eolian. 眼睛透过淡红色镜片的时候,整片天空已不再是蔚蓝,而是片血染的风尘。