
美 [ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n]英 ['steɪʃ(ə)n]
  • v.驻扎
  • n.站;机场;【无线】电台;派出所
  • 网络驻守;住扎于;设置

复数:stations 现在分词:stationing 过去式:stationed

hydroelectric station,nuclear station,Metro station,local station,seismic station
pump station,leave station,buy station,marine station,broadcast station



词汇单选练习③ - miracle2010123的日志 -... ... stamped 贴邮票; stationed 驻扎 B。pick out 挑拣; ...


station是... ... 8.Can I walk there from the station? 我能从车站走到那里吗? 1. Stationed: 驻守 2. stationed abroad: 驻外 ...


完型填空 - 英语四六级考试 - 太傻超级论坛 ... ... locate “位于”; stationed住扎于”; set “放置于”。 ...


在海外设置stationed)商业咨询办公室,可以帮助我们获取市场信息。现在有些进出口公司(corporation)也不定期的想海 …

Leave me too far, do not and I too close, this distance is good. Feeling in my line of sight stationed, in my heart of a corner quietly. 别离我太远,也别和我太近,这个距离便好。淡淡的感觉在我视线之内驻扎,在我心的一角静泊。
Mr. Liu stationed himself in West China for a long time in an attempt to shoot a variety of beautiful scenes there. 刘先生长期驻扎在中国西部,为的是多拍一些那里的美丽风景。
A ballistic missile defense system stationed in Europe has been a contentious issue between the United States and Russia for many years. 多年来,设在欧洲的弹道导弹防御体系一直是美国和俄罗斯争论不休的问题。
He said he spent hours huddled in the dark fearing for the safety of his father, a South Korean marine sergeant stationed on the island. 他说,他在黑暗中缩成一团待了几个小时,担心他父亲的安全,他父亲是驻扎在岛上的韩国海军陆战队中士。
They are stationed at the entrances to the hotel and help the guests or other visitors in and out of cars and taxis. 他们站在宾馆的入口,帮助客人或其他来宾进出轿车和出租车。
I realized that he might be stationed far away from Jamaica Plain, but I told him I would relocate and adjust. 我意识到他可能会在牙买加平原以外很远的地方驻扎,不过我告诉他我可以重新安家并适应下来。
Activists, diplomats and reporters who tried to visit Mr Chen were attacked by gangs of thugs stationed around the outskirts of his village. 此后一些活动人士,外交官和记者试图探访陈光诚,却都遭到了一伙驻扎在他村子周围的流氓的攻击。
However, it did not indicate which part of the country the man was stationed nor how he might have come in contact with the virus. 然而,卫生部没有指出这位军人所在的地方以及他是怎样接触到了病毒。
Government troops stationed outside stood at the ready to protect the hotel and fend off rebels. 政府部队驻扎在外面准备好防守反抗军。
A soldier stationed at the right or left of a column of marchers to control alignment, show direction, or mark the point of pivot. 基准兵位于一行士兵最左或最右的士兵,以使队列成一条直线、保持方向或标志出基准点
In love with journalism, he started a newspaper for the 800 men stationed with him in Wiltshire while doing his national service in the RAF. 因为热爱新闻业,当他在威尔特郡(Wiltshire)为英国皇家空军(RAF)服役时,他为和他一些驻守的800人创办了一份报纸。
They would leave alone by the back door without a bodyguard while Rees-Jones stationed himself as a decoy at the front. 他们将从后门溜走,不带保镖,而里斯-琼斯则呆在前门作诱饵。
He recently regained control of his sector from thousands of Congolese soldiers stationed there to fight off the militias. 他最近从数千名驻扎在这里击溃民兵组织的刚果士兵手中讨回了公园的控制权。
Reports say, British ships stationed in the British special forces and the royal marines began to prepare for emergency plan. 有报道称,驻扎在英国军舰上的英国特种部队和皇家海军陆战队员一度开始编制应急预案。
Mr Cooper later switched to submarines and spent a year and a half stationed in Hawaii. 随后库珀又转到潜艇上,在夏威夷驻扎了一年半的时间。
Being stationed at the King's Gate on the east, up to the present time. These were the gatekeepers belonging to the camp of the Levites. 从前这些人看守朝东的王门,如今是利未营中守门的。
Then he ordered that the place should be surrounded with a golden railing, and a stationed near it. 于是这块地的周围就竖起了一道金栏杆。有一个哨兵日夜在这儿站岗。
Of these policies, sending army and making them stationed in Tibet for a long time was an important aspect. 在清朝诸多治藏政策中,长期驻军西藏,以资弹压,进行有效管理,是一个重要的方面。
Journalists from all over the world were stationed a considerable distance away from the naked group of Israelis as the photo shoot began. 这群裸体以色列人开始拍照时,世界各地的记者就站在远处。
A static fortification made out of the nearest material that comes to hand, GLA infantry can be stationed inside this makeshift bunker. 一种利用手边的材料制成的静态防御工事。GLA的步兵可以进驻到这种类似的堡垒中。
to enemy concentrate army stationed, avoid mine and various weapons that enemy bury carefully, fight the enemy more. 热血战士被空降到敌人集结部队驻扎地,小心躲避敌人埋下的地雷和各种武器,多多杀敌。
On the phone was an old acquaintance from the Coast Guard, now stationed in San Francisco. 打电话来的是一位海岸警卫队供过职的老熟人,现在在旧金山。
The network use antennas aided by relays in places where they cannot be stationed in direct line of sight of one another. 这个网络在一些它们不能直线连接的地方,用天线来转播。
The looting appeared to be dissipating as police vans were stationed at damage sites. 抢劫行动看起来被驻扎在受损地点的警车驱散。
Africa became her goal when the youngest of her sons, a Marine, was stationed at the U. S. embassy in somalia. 当她的小儿子(美国海军陆战队员)被派往美国驻索马里大使馆时,非洲便成了她的目标。
Another was stationed several hundred yards away, below the trajectory of the ball, to record the sound of the cannonball passing by. 另一个放在好几百米外,在炮弹的轨迹下,一边录制炮弹飞过的声音。
Records revealed Nazi scientists developed "synthetic comforters" for German soldiers stationed in Paris, reports The Sun. 《太阳报》报道有记录表明纳粹科学家曾给驻守在巴黎的德国士兵研制了“人造自慰器”。
They had come all the way to Moscow to see if the North Vietnamese stationed there would tell the farmer whether his son was dead or alive. 他们千里迢迢来莫斯科是想看看,派驻在那里的北越人是否知道这位养鸡场主的儿子是死是活。
The U. S. army stationed in Korea has tremendous value for our strategies toward Northeast Asia, for instance as a deterrent against China. 美军进驻韩国对我们的东南亚战略有巨大的价值,例如作为对中国的震慑。
She said I move a little slow these days. She said, son where were you stationed? 她说,现在我的动作慢了很多,她又问,你们在哪儿值勤?