
美 [ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n]英 ['steɪʃ(ə)n]
  • n.站;岗位;局;派出所
  • v.驻扎
  • 网络车站;位置;电台

复数:stations 现在分词:stationing 过去式:stationed

hydroelectric station,nuclear station,Metro station,local station,seismic station
pump station,leave station,buy station,marine station,broadcast station


『工作(stations)』 每一个工作站定义了针对一个流的发送机制. 例如, 一个工作站包含了名称, 多播地址, 格式等信息. 工作站 …


《Street... ... Masterpieces:Performance Architecture + Design( 居场建筑) Stations( 车站) Low Price Houses( 低价建筑) ...


猎杀潜航2硬盘版下载_猎杀潜航2_游迅网 ... Esc Exit the Simulator 退出游戏 Stations 位置 Print Scrn Radio Room 通讯舱 ...


b pillar trim cover@b柱内饰板\4 -... ... stationary sensing unit 静止传感装置\4 stations 电台\4 stator 定子\4 ...


X3官方插件中的商业代理CAG的使用和训练 -... ... 例外( Exceptions) 空间站Stations) 星区( Sectors) ...


1总则... ... 2.0.11 气油比 gas-oilratio 2.0.12 站场 stations 2.0.13 分井计量站 well-testing stations ...

王璐807单词 ... prizes 奖金 stations 火车站, island 岛 ...


科鲁兹轿车用户手册 ... ... z Auto door lock( 起步自动落锁) stations更新电台)菜单。当前波 Folder( 播放列表/文件夹) …

I then realized that I would have to settle for the noodles sold for $1 at the stands in the stations where the train was making stop-overs. 然后我意识到,我应该对于列车停靠站点摊位上售价只有1美元的物品感到满足。
President Dmitry Medvedev observed a minute's silence and he visited one of the bombed metro stations to lay flowers. 德米特里门德维捷夫总统默哀一分钟,亲自到了其中的一个肇事点去献花。
And he was able to go out to various radio stations and have them broadcast the number to have people text in their location and needs. 他能够走到不同的广播电台广播号码让人们短信告知他们的位置和需求。
TV stations also reported that windows were blown out in a Hualien hotel and that there was minor property damage in Taipei. 电视台同时报道花莲市一家酒店的窗户被破坏,台北也遭受了较小的财产损失。
Singling out obscure radio stations for very specific criticisms of him, Grondona said he reads and listens to everything, all night long. 对于向他提出具体批评的电台,格隆多纳说他常常通宵达旦地去阅读和聆听。
Our R & D work is usually collaborated with University or Research Stations who are able to offer on-site evaluation of the final design. 我们的研究和发展工作通常与大学或研究所合作进行,它们能为我们的最后设计方案提供实地的评估。
Local NCP-run authorities, known as "popular committees" , had the power to approve voters at the stations, many of whom had no form of ID. 当地有全国大会党领导的政府,被称为“人民委员会”,能够为投票站选民提供证明,因为他们中的很多人都没有身份证。
Access to the assembly stations will be via galley door and upstairs. Do not forget to take your lifejackets and blankets with you. 进入集合地点先经厨房门后上楼,不要忘了带救生衣和毯子。
That makes the quantity and location of a distribution center and the distribution stations hard to place in advance. 这使得数量和位置的配送中心和分销站难以安置的,具有超前性。
The ship is equipped with a complete set of radiolocation equipment, homing heads and locations stations. 这艘船配备了一套完整的无线电定位设备,导航弹头和定位站位。
By setting up a number of new bike stations around the city, they would make it easy and accessible for bikes to be rented out by commuters. 通过设立一个新城市周围的自行车站,他们将使它容易和方便的自行车出租由乘客。
Television stations said if the antennas burned broadcast signals would be affected but satellite and cable transmissions would not be. 电视台表示如果天线被烧毁的话广播信号会受影响,但是卫星和有线传输不会有影响。
For a while, she eked out enough to pay for her language course by cleaning lavatories in railway stations. 有一段时间,她清扫火车站的卫生间,所得勉强够维持其语言课程费用。
FOR power stations on the coast of China, it is often cheaper to import coal by sea from Indonesia than from mines in the interior. 对于中国沿海的发电站来说,从印度尼西亚由海路进口煤炭往往比从内地煤矿运购更划算。
He said the melamine may have been added at so-called "milk stations, " which collect fresh milk from local farmers and sell it. 他说,三聚氰胺可能是在从奶农收集鲜牛奶后出售的奶站添加。
Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites. 年,太阳大爆发。从此改变了重力。旧的空间站和卫星落下。
He said the United States worried that the radar stations can also be used for other purposes. 他说,美国担心这个雷达观测站还可能被用于其他目的。
All the system needed was a key, a battery, wire and a line of poles between stations for the wire and a receiver. 整个电报系统只需一个键、一个电池、若干电线和电线杆(架在两个站之间)即可。
Jake: I've read about him in the newspaper. He's bought a lot of other stations. 杰克:我在报上读到过他的报道,他买了好几家电视台,他有很多钱。
It's as if some new hit style had completely wiped out the old fashioned style before, and with no golden oldies stations. 这仿佛是一种新的风格完全取代了之前旧的时尚风格,而且没有金曲再现这一环节。
He said in some polling stations balloting had continued up to three-and-a-half-hours past the official 10 p. m. deadline. 他说在一些投票站的投票活动在晚上10点的最后期限前持续进行了三个半小时。
The government-dominated press is becoming a bit freer, with independent weeklies and local radio stations beginning to speak out. 由政府主导的媒体正变得稍稍自由,独立周刊和当地电台开始大胆表达自己的意见。
It is a long time but you can walk up and down the train and get out at some of the stations. 虽然时间很长,但是你可以在火车里走来走去,或者当火车停站时,下车走一下。
The mobile station maintains a list of base stations that the mobile station (101) is in communication with, referred to as an 'Active Set'. 移动站保留移动站(101)与之进行通信的基站列表,称之为“工作组”。
Of course, balloons do not last as long as conventional power stations (each is estimated to have a working life of about a year). 当然,气球不会和传统发电站寿命一样长(每只估计有一年的工作寿命)。
Zhejiang Satellite Television canceled a dating show. For a time, it looked as if all stations might have to do the same. 浙江卫视撤销了一档交友节目,一段时间内,所有的电视台看起来似乎都会步其后尘。
It's not just a case of windmills and solar panels: gas-fired power stations are more efficient at lower temperatures. 不仅风力发电或太阳能电池板与天气有关:燃气发电厂在低温下效率会更高。
But they are allowed to run with the bike to one of tire change stations placed around the course. Trained teams then change the tire. 但他们可以推着自行车跑到一个设在途中的换胎处去,由经过训练的换胎队换胎。
It is always useful to have plenty of spare change with you because there are often long queues at the larger stations. 你有足够零钱的话很有用,因为通常要在大站台上排很长的队。
In the beginning it only conducted research for a few weeks in a year, but eventually the Bureau established mobile camera stations. 开始时,一年中只有几周做调查,但是最终调查局建设成移动相机站。