
美 [stɪr]英 [stɪə(r)]
  • v.引导;控制;操纵;驾驶(船、汽车等)
  • n.建议;劝告;忠告;阉公牛
  • 网络掌舵;掌握方向

第三人称单数:steers 现在分词:steering 过去式:steered

steer course,steer conversation,steer Economy


v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sth /sb) (+ adv./prep.)驾驶(船、汽车等);掌控方向盘to control the direction in which a boat, car, etc. moves

2.[t][i]~ (sth) (+ adv./prep.)行驶to move in a particular direction

3.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.操纵;控制;引导to take control of a situation and influence the way in which it develops


大学英语精读单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... crew n. 全体船员;全体乘务员 steer vt. 为…掌舵;驾驶 device n. 设备;装置 ...


《四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)》_百度文库 ... agency 部 steer 掌舵 scandal 丑闻 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Step back 后退 Steer 操纵,控制 ST stereo 立体声,立体 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... outlive vt. 比…活得长 steer v. 引导,带领 refer to ... as 把…称作 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Step back 后退 Steer 操纵,控制 ST stereo 立体声,立体 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... profiteer 奸商,牟取暴利者 steer 公牛,食用牛 steer 操舵,驾驶 ...


新概念第三册精解 ... ●roll v. 颠簸,摇摆 ●steer v. 掌握方向 ●plank n. 大块木板 ...


《飞屋环游记》英文赏析_Sunny_新浪博客 ... 10. blow up: 使充气,放大。 6. steer驾驶,掌舵。 8. cumulonimbus: 积雨 …

Another participant concurred, adding that this might help steer political parties towards policy formulation rather than mere opposition. 有嘉宾表示同意,并补充这建议将有利于引导政党多做政策制订工作,而不纯然作为反对派。
Washington is still trying to steer a careful line between populist politicians who can sense public anger and the powerful financial lobby. 美国政府仍试图在可以感觉到公众愤怒的民粹主义政客和强有力的金融行业游说势力中间小心把握方向。
And here I was thinking they were fail-safe erogenous controls with which you could steer a woman toward the kingdom of orgasm. 其实我想说的是,乳房只是你驾驭女人驶向性高潮彼岸的继电保护装置罢了。
Most of his colleagues steer clear of him, except his roommate, Charles, who tries to lighten him up. 除了试图使他放松一点儿的室友查尔斯之外,他的大部分同事都躲着他。
Whether the company can recharge its batteries and steer itself out of trouble, though, remains to be seen. 这家公司能否给自己的电池重新充电,引领自己走出困境,依然无法确定。
I knew not, neither did I so much as consider whither I should steer; for any where to get out of that Place was my Way. 至于去哪儿,连我自己都不知道,也没有考虑过,只要离开这儿就行。
All the pirates have to do is take a ship, steer it to harbour, then ask for a few million dollars for its return. 海盗们需要做的只是劫一艘船,开回港口,放出话来说收到数百万美元的赎金后才放行。
Yet he went on trying to steer the ship of their dual life. 可他仍然试图驾驶他们双重生活的航船。
There may be various obstacles that I cannot steer clear of on my future road, but I'll just persevere in doing what I believe. 在我前进的路上,可能会有各种各样不可避免的障碍,但是我将坚持做我相信的事情。
Grandin noticed that the deep pressure it exerted calmed the steer down, and she discovered it had the same effect on her. 格兰丁发现机器施加的深层压力让食用牛放松,她还发现对自己也有同样效果。
The men were able to steer the raft, but they could not sail against the wind. 舵手很容易操纵救生筏,但是他们不能在逆风中航行。
Lenovo has been trying to steer away from relying on advanced markets like the U. S. to fuel overseas growth. 联想一直在设法转变其依赖于美国等发达市场刺激海外增长的状况。
We were hoping for a good meal at the restaurant that Stacy recommended, but I'm sorry to say that she gave us a burn steer. 我们很期待在Stacy推荐的餐厅好好吃一顿,但是我只能很遗憾的说她的推荐不怎么样。
However, Odysseus first had his men tie him to the mast, so he could hear the Sirens but would be unable to steer the ship in to danger. 然而,奥德修斯为了聆听塞壬的歌声而让手下将自己绑缚在桅杆上,但不会驾驶航船至危险状况。
Couples who share a bottle of wine at least once a week enjoy marital life far more than those who steer clear of alcohol, they claim. 他们声称,那些每周至少共同享用一瓶美酒的夫妻婚姻生活远比那些不喝酒的伴侣幸福。
He came to your city, I try to steer clear of you work and live, I would not want to hurt a repeat, do not want to make himself a collapse. 多次来到你所在的城市,可我努力让自己绕开你工作和生活的地方,我不愿让伤痛一次次重演,不愿让自己一次次崩溃。
In speeches, he sounds as if he wants to steer Russia away from the Putin model. 在演讲中,他发出的声音似乎令人感到他想要操纵俄国离开普京的道路。
Richard and the children arrived in early evening with stories of the fair and a ribbon the steer had won before being sold for slaughter. 理查德和孩子们当晚薄暮时分回到家里,带回了博览会上的轶闻和那小牛被送到屠宰场之前获奖得的一条缎带。
But it turned out to be a bum steer, just a rumor spread by one of our competitions to make trouble for us. 但是,这个消息是假的,是我们竞争对象之一为了给我们制造麻烦而散布的谣言。
She said the Democrats instead want to steer personal tax cuts to middle-class Americans. 她表示,民主党人希望推动对美国中产阶级实施减税个人税收。
For obvious reasons, the Rossoneri are trying to steer well clear of any controversy by taking a step back. 由于显而易见的原因,红黑军团试图以退为进,来引导事情清晰化。
CEO Steve Ballmer was unable to steer the company to a position of growth, leaving Microsoft selling PC software in a post-PC world. 首席执行官斯蒂夫•鲍尔默无法引领微软走向成长,只能让它后PC世界里继续卖PC软件。
And remember, steer clear of a high-sugar, high fat diet to help keep your brain as healthy possible as you age. 并且记住避开一个高糖、高脂肪饮食来帮助保持你的大脑健康可能会随着年龄的。
Yet none of America's leaders are trying to steer the ship back northward. 然而美国的领导人中没有一人挺身而出,掌舵把船驶向北方。
The Frenchman claims not to read the press and is in no doubt Benitez will steer the club through its dip in form. 法国人表示他没有读更多的报纸,他毫不怀疑贝尼特斯可以让俱乐部转危为安。
Readers, would you steer your kids away from an elite school in favor of a state school, even if you could afford the former? 读者朋友,你愿意让孩子放弃名校目标而上州立大学吗,即使前者昂贵的学费对你来说不是问题?
Steerability: The ability to steer a parachute away from an obstacle, or to face oneself into the wind, would be an evident advantage. 可操纵性:具有可操纵能力的降落伞可以使伞员避开障碍,或者能够顶风降落,这是一个显然的优点。
Now I was being given the responsibility to help steer my adopted country through one of the gravest constitutional crises of its history. 如今我协助领导这个养育我的国家度过它历史上一场最严重的宪法危机。
And without a simple system, constant communication to spread knowledge, and feedback to steer with, it's tough to be brave. 而如果没有简单的系统、没有不断的交流来扩展知识以及没有掌握方向所依赖的反馈,勇敢也就失去了依靠。
So the Obama team believes that for the next 18 months or so, it would be a mistake to let deficit concerns steer government fiscal policy. 因此,奥巴马团队的人认为,在未来18个月左右时间,如果让对赤字的担忧牵制政府财政政策将是错误的。