
美 [step]英 [step]
  • n.步;步骤;台阶;步伐
  • v.踩;踏;行走;迈步
  • 网络踏式;台阶式;阶梯式曲线

过去式:stepped 第三人称单数:steps 现在分词:stepping

take step,make step
final step,positive step,critical step,initial step,false step
backward step,forward step


n. v.


1.[c]迈步;脚步声the act of lifting your foot and putting it down in order to walk or move somewhere; the sound this makes

步履way of walking

2.[c][ususing]步伐;步态the way that sb walks


3.[c]一步(的距离)the distance that you cover when you take a step

系列;过程in series/process

4.[c]步骤;措施one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve sth

5.[c]步;阶段one of a series of things that sb does or that happen, which forms part of a process


6.[c]台阶;梯级a surface that you put your foot on in order to walk to a higher or lower level, especially one of a series


8.[u]踏板操a type of exercise that you do by stepping on and off a raised piece of equipment


9.[pl]折梯;梯子a stepladder


break step

走乱步伐to change the way you are walking so that you do not walk in the same rhythm as the people you are walking or marching with

fall into step (beside/with sb)

(和某人)合上步伐,步调一致起来to change the way you are walking so that you start walking in the same rhythm as the person you are walking with

in/out of step (with sb/sth)

(和某人)步伐一致(或不一致);(和音乐)合拍(或不合拍)putting your feet on the ground in the right/wrong way, according to the rhythm of the music or the people you are moving with

mind/watch your step

走路小心to walk carefully

one step forward, two steps back

进一步,退两步used to say that every time you make progress, sth bad happens that means that the situation is worse than before

a/one step ahead (of sb/sth)

避开(某人或某事物);领先(某人或某事物)一步when you areone step ahead of sb/sth, you manage to avoid them or to achieve sth more quickly than they do

a/one step at a time

一步一步;逐步;按部就班when you do sthone step at a time you do it slowly and gradually


..., Gottfried Leibniz 制造了一部踏式(stepped)圆柱形转轮的计数机,叫“Stepped Reckoner”,这部计算器可以把重复的数字相 …


maya工具_百度知道 ... Clamped 夹具式 Stepped 台阶式 Flat 平坦式 ...


Maya白金... ... Clamped( 夹具式曲线) 82 Stepped( 阶梯式曲线) 82 Stepped Next( 下级阶梯式曲线) 83 ...




梯形的英汉词典搜索结果,点击看详细翻译解释 ... echelon1. 梯队,梯形编队 stepped1. 阶梯形的;有阶梯的 banister1. 栏杆 ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(S10) ... stepped 阶跃的分级的 stepped 有阶梯的;阶形的 stepper motor 步进式电动机 ...


...,这样形成一个明显的阶梯状,故此这种飞机布局被称为阶梯状布局STEPPED),如苏联的米格-9、雅克-15、拉 -150…

The boy stepped aside, and the horse, as if it knew what it had to do, started at a brisk pace down the lane towards the principal street. 男童一边阶梯、马,好像它知道它必须做的,开始非常急速下跌的主街往地里。
Very quickly Jack stepped to the side of the road, lay down in the ditch, and began to look very intently up into the sky. 杰克很快走到路边儿,躺在沟里,聚精会神地朝天上看。
In one instance, an eight-year-old male with a stick stepped out of his mother's nest, built a smaller nest and laid his stick in it. 一项事例表明,一个八岁大的公猩猩会带着一个棍棒逐渐离开他母亲的庇护所,建立起一个小窝并把他的棍棒放在里面。
The stepped cast-iron guideway is often adopted in heavy machine tool. 阶梯式铸铁导轨是重型机床常采用的导轨形式。
Once they were on, she had to go out on deck, and a minute later she opened the door at the top of the companionway and stepped out. 一旦把皮衣穿到身上,她就不得不到外面的甲板上去了。于是,一分钟后,她打开扶梯顶上的门,走了出去。
Just as she turned to ship away among the trees, a figure stepped out from the woods. 正当她转弯溜进树林,树丛中冒出一个人。
He stepped back, and began to circle, casually, as if he were trying to get a better view of a statue in a museum. 他退回去,开始警惕地围着我绕圈,就好像他是在试图给博物馆的一尊雕像取一个更好的镜头一样。
Meanwhile, the U. S. has stepped up in the unilateral deployment of missile defense systems in Europe. 与此同时,美国却在欧洲单方面加紧部署反导系统。
Of course, I knew the moment you stepped|off the train what you were looking for. . . 当然了打你们下火车的那一刻|我就知道你们在寻找什么…
The lattice was open, and, as he stepped out, I heard Cathy inquiring of her unsociable attendant, what was that inscription over the door? 窗子开着,当他走出去时,我听见凯蒂正问她那个不善交际的侍从,门上刻的是什么?
"You know, Jack, after your father died, Mr. Belser stepped in to our life, " she said. “你知道,杰克,自从你父亲过世之后,贝尔舍先生便走进我们的生活,”她说。
Has Hyundai stepped up to the plate and hit a solid, or is it a swing and a miss? 现代加紧了对钢板和击中了坚实的,或者是一个回旋和怀念?
He flattened his palm against the door lock, then grabbed a cookie despite his best efforts not to and stepped into the recreation room. 博兹手掌平展,抵着门锁,然后尽管他尽了最大努力来阻止自己,却还是抓起一块小甜饼,跨进了娱乐室。
" The little Klaus stepped on the bag again, and said, " He said there is one devil with the appearance of a priest in that box. 小克劳斯又把脚踩在口袋上,说“他说有个牧师摸样的恶魔在那个箱子里。”
People wanted to see his best the moment he stepped back on to the field after the World Cup, but I said he needed games, he needed time. 大家都希望看到世界杯后托雷斯能立即回到巅峰状态,而我说过,他需要多打比赛,他还需要时间。
Look what he did with it. He stepped up to the plate and hit one out of the park. 让我们看看他是如何搞定的,他进了本垒板,把球击出了球场。
He stepped forward, and called him by name, and touched his shoulder; but he would not move, so he took the candle and looked at him. 他走上前去,叫唤主人,碰碰他的肩膀,可是他不动,于是,他拿支蜡烛看他。
When suddenly a number of soldiers and gentlemen appeared at the great door opening into the yard, they quickly stepped aside into a shed. 突然看到许多大兵和先生们出现在通向院子的大门口时,她们连忙闪在一边,跨进一间堆房里去。
There was a little grey in the sky, now; so I stepped into the woods and lay down for a nap before breakfast. 这时候,天空已经有点发白,我走到树林里躺下,想在吃早饭之前先睡一下。
But if he stepped aside, as gentlemanly conduct arguably required, he would lose credit for a theory that he had independently propounded. 但如果他要成全自己的君子行为,他将失去一个创立独立的机会。
But he did want his mother. He wanted her so much that he stepped lightly out into the moonlight and started on the jump for home. 小熊的思念是如此强烈,使他不由得走出帐篷走到月色里,开始向家的方向出发。
The next morning I stepped out to look at the bulldog, hoping to see at least a gash in its speckled hide. 第二天早上,我跑去察看那头叭喇狗,期望从它那布满斑点的身上至少能发现一个深长的伤口。
But Pakistani officials say they have stepped up actions against extremists but do not know where the al-Qaeda leaders are. 但巴方官员表示,他们已加紧了打击极端分子的行动,但的确不清楚基地组织领导人藏身何处。
When a key turned in the lock, he stepped swiftly and noiselessly to the side of the door, a fireplace andiron held high overhead. 当钥匙在锁孔里转动,他快速而无声的走到门边,手里的壁炉柴架,高高举过头顶。
Just came out the gate, a man stepped before him, made a lengthy salutation, and said, "My lord, you should not ride that horse. " 方出城门,只见一人在马前长揖曰:“公所骑马,不可乘也。”
But a year later the Islamic militant group Hamas seized control of Gaza and stepped up rocket attacks across the border. 但是,一年之后伊斯兰激进组织哈马斯控制了加沙并加强了越过边界的火箭袭击。
He isn't in. He just stepped out for a minute, but he won't be long. Can I take a message? 他不在,他刚出去一会儿,不过马上就会回来,要不要留言?
As soon as he stepped into the apartment building, he saw Mary standing in front of the elevator with a smile on her face. 他一步入公寓大楼,就看见玛丽面带笑容,站在电梯的前面。
i rubbed my eyes and followed this gentleman out of the embassy . i stepped into the thin fog of london ' s autumn evening in a daze. 我揉着眼睛,迷迷糊糊地跟着这位先生走出了大使馆,步入伦敦秋夜的薄雾中。
He spun away from the window and strode to the front door of the inn. He pushed it open and stepped inside, shoving a waiter out of the way. 他转离窗户,大步来到旅馆门口,打开门,走进去,一把把一名挡道儿的服务员推倒在地。